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Everything posted by Potters4

  1. Tickets for this event are now on sale priced at £10 and are available from Dave: 07488286421 / davendrew3@hotmail.com or Steve: 07827666554 / stevenpointon@hotmail.co.uk Please add £1.00 (per order) for postage. Tickets will also be on sale at the Soul Night at the Crozzy Club on Saturday (14/01/2023) and at each Soul night at the Crozzy until the event. KTF Dave & Shirl
  2. The Dates for this event going forward are as follows: January - Saturday 14th January February - Friday 10th February March - Saturday 11th March Then every 2nd Saturday throughout the year. Hope that this clears up any confusion. Dave & Shirl
  3. Hi Soulies, Update for this event on 13th August 2023 at The Crozzy Club (Formerley Crossville) in Crewe, In aid of Action Kidney Cancer. We can now confirm that we will be running 3 rooms at this event and also confirm those Dj's who have Kindly agreed to play for this charity. Room One: (13:00/23:00) The very best of Northern/Motown. Rod Looker (Widnes), Keith H Morgan (West Midlands), Little Scotty (Wolverhampton) Mike Coburn (Stoke on Trent), The Soul Twins Mopsey & Foxy (Sheffield), Tracey Redman Husbands (Nottingham), Paul Lightly (Nottingham), Jim Fox (Worksop), Nige Astles (Crewe), Avril Kesteven (Stamford), Clive Read (Crewe) and Jonny Briggs (Crewe). Room Two: Clive Read and Guests R&B followed by Ska, Reggae & Scooter Sounds Miss Mel Glover (Leek), Dave Mack (Yorkshire) Provisional, Harry Morgan (West Midlands), Tracey Redman Husbands (Nottingham), Nige Astles (Crewe), Jonny Briggs (Crewe), Kev Nolan (Manchester) and Fatpiggymc (Sheffield). Room Three: Rare & Underplayed Soul The Soul Twins Mopsey & Foxy (Sheffield) ELVIN IRONMONGER & FRIENDS Paul Lightly (Nottingham) This event will be wall to wall music from start to finish! There will be NO Raffle, NO Auction etc. Room One will feature the very best of Northern Soul & Motown. The Sounds of Ska, Reggae and the Scooter scene will be the main feature in Room Two, this will be followed by 2 hours of Clive Read's R & B. Get there early to see The Soul Twins kick off proceedings in Room Three followed by Five Hours of Elvin Ironmonger & Friends playing their take on Rare Soul Music, Paul Lightly will close proceedings in this room with what I am sure will be a lively set. Tickets are priced at £10.00 (£12 on the Door) and will be available early in the new year. KTF Dave & Shirl
  4. Come and join us at the Crozzy for our first Soul Night of the New Year. Resident DJ's Jonny Briggs and Clive Read joined by guests Mike Coburn, Andy Norburn and Neil Gibson playing the very best of Northern/Motown at this very friendly club.
  5. Potters4


    Following 2 successful years at Nantwich, The opportunity arose to grow this event into a Multi Room Function. We will be running 3 Rooms (More info to follow). We will be joined by many DJ's from across the Country who supported us at Nantwich with Paul Lightly (Nottingham), Avril Kesteven (Stamford), Jim Fox (Worksop), Don 'Mopsey' Morris (Sheffield), Little Scotty (Wolverhampton), Tracey Redman Husbands (Nottingham), Jonnie Briggs (Crewe), Clive Read (Crewe), Mike Coburn (Stoke on Trent) 'Northern' Nige Astles (Crewe) Elvin Ironmonger (Manchester), Kev Nolan (Manchester) and "Hutch" (Rochdale) joined by debutants at this event Keith H Morgan (West Midlands), Harry Morgan (West Midlands) and Dean Fox (Sheffield) already confirmed ..... Many More to follow! We will once again be supporting "ACTION KIDNEY CANCER" with EVERY penny raised going to this very worthy cause! For those of you wanting to make a weekend of it, Crewe Soul Club will be holding their Monthly Soul Night the previous evening here at the Crozzy Room one: 1pm/11pm The very best of Northern Soul & Motown Room two: 2.00/Late The Best of R&B with Clive Read & Guests followed by Ska, Reggae & Scooter Sounds Room three: 3.00pm/8.00pm Elvin Ironmonger & Friends playing Rare & Underplayed Soul Music
  6. Potters4


    Join us at the Crozzy for what will be the start of an AMAZING weekend of Northern Soul. Our Resident DJ's Jonnie Briggs & Clive Read supported by this months guests (Good Friend of The Crossville) Avril Kesteven (Stamford), Paul Lightly (Nottingham) and Jim Fox (Worksop)
  7. Looking forward to this one, It will be our first outing since September due to Surgery! Looking forward to seeing our good friends Avril & Tom and Friends from Retford.
  8. Potters4


    An evening of across the board Northern Soul and Motown. This will be the fourth event since the Club re opened and has been well supported so far. Resident DJ's Jonnie Briggs and Clive Read will this month be supported by Avril Kesteven (Stamford, Lincs), Oz Osbourne (Stoke on Trent) and Brian (Joey) Hartley (Crewe).
  9. Hoping to get to this one! Very friendly and welcoming little club. Top local DJ Jonnie Briggs guesting this month
  10. Potters4


    After another well attended night in October, we welcome Guest DJ's Tot Johnson (Northwich), Ged Beggs (Crewe) and Bram Breeze (Runcorn) joining residents Johnny Briggs & Clive Read. Come and have a look ..... You won't be disappointed
  11. Free Parking opposite the club after 6pm. Large Car Park.
  12. Looking forward to our first visit to this venue KTF Dave & Shirl
  13. WELL, After a cracking re opening night in September. We have our second soul night with guests, Coppenhall DJ's "Northern" Nige Astles and Kev Ellis. We also welcome Moz Arnold. Come and join us and ensure that this club grows in strength and carries on into the new year.
  14. WELL, After a cracking re opening night in September. We have our second soul night with guests "Northern" Nige Astles, Kev Ellis and Moz Arnold joining our residents Jonnie Briggs and Clive Read. Come and join us and ensure that this club grows in strength and carries on into the new year.
  15. We are sorry that due to a previous commitment (Holiday in Italy) we won't be able to attend this one Wishing Jonnie & Clive all the best for Saturday, Hope all local Soulies support the venue and get it running throughout next year KTF Dave & Shirl
  16. Can assure you that the Floor will be as good as New. Your resident DJ's Jonnie & Clive have spent two evenings this week Polishing it
  17. Unfortunately we can't make this one as we are away for the weekend. Great Little Venue
  18. CROSVILLE RETURNS as The Crozzy. This will be the first of four events which will take place on the second Saturday of September, October, November and December. If these events are supported in sufficient numbers they will carry on into the new year. The admission cost this month is £5.00 (Buy one get one FREE) ..... Amazing Value Come and support our resident DJ's Jonnie Briggs and Clive Read Guests this month are Dave Cooke, Gerard James and Johnny Beggs Get your Dancing Shoes on and support this local Venue!
  19. until

    Well the Weekender is firmly behind us now! A MASSIVE £2540 raised (So Far), we know that the charity are "Well Chuffed." That's well over £5,000 in the first 2 years of this event. A Great Big THANK YOU to Nantwich Town FC, All of the DJ's who travelled from far and wide at their own expense and of Course Thank you to all of you who attended. This event will take place again next year with maybe a few tweaks to the format. Thanks again Dave & Shirl
  20. until

    WELL WHAT CAN WE SAY? Day one over, AMAZING DAY, AMAZING DJ's Supported by AMAZING PEOPLE supporting a very WORTHY Charity. THANK YOU to all concerned, looking forward to day two KTF Dave & Shirl
  21. until

    BOOM Here we are Nantwich weekender is here! Welcome to Nantwich, Soulies! Whilst you are here take the time to have a look around, you will find a beautiful market town with numerous quaint Pubs & Cafe's. Enjoy the weekend Folks and a massive Thank you from Shirl and I for your support for this Charity. A Massive thank you also to ALL of the DJ's some of whom have travelled considerable distances at their own expense to be with us this weekend, Thank you also to the DJ's who have offered their services but who we can't accommodate due to the available time. There are a few tickets left for today's session, anyone considering coming over may "Pay on the Door" but please, if you come please have the correct admission money. KTF Dave & Shirl
  22. until

    Hi Soulies, We have spoken with the Football Club this afternoon and can now confirm that on Saturday the doors will open at 3.30pm and on Sunday the Doors will open at 12.45pm. Hot Food will be available to purchase from 3.30/7.30 Saturday and 1.00/7.30 on Sunday. DJ TIMINGS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Saturday: 3.30 - 4.00 Warm up 4.00 - 5.00 Clive Read (Crewe) 5.00 - 6.00 Brian "Joey" Hartley (Crewe) 6.00 - 7.00 Phil Card (Nantwich) 7.00 - 8.00 Jim Fox (Worksop) 8.00 - 9.00 Russ Harvey (Driffield) 9.00 - 10.00 Mike Coburn (Stoke on Trent) 10.00 - 11.00 Avril Kesteven (Stamford) 11.00 - 12.00 Paul Lightly (Nottingham) 12.00 - 01.00 Jonny Briggs (Crewe) Sunday: 12.45 - 1.00 Warm up 1.00 - 1.45 Mike Coburn (Stoke on Trent) 1.45 - 2.30 Jim Fox (Worksop) 2.30 - 3.15 Elvin Ironmonger (Manchester) 3.15 - 4.15 Rod Looker (Widnes) 4.15 - 5.15 Don "Mopsey" Morris (Sheffield) 5.15 - 6.15 Tracey Redman Husbands (Nottingham) 6.15 - 7.00 Avril Kesteven (Stamford) 7.00 - 7.45 Paul Lightly (Nottingham) 7.45 - 8.45 Little Scotty (Wolverhampton) 8.45 - 9.30 Russ Harvey (Driffield) 9.30 - 10.15 Jonny Briggs (Crewe) 10.15 - 11.00 Clive Read (Crewe) I am sure that there will not be a better Line Up of DJ's out this weekend anywhere A great Weekend in prospect, get your Dancing Shoes on and get down to Nantwich There are tickets available. Contact Dave on 07488286421/davendrew3@hotmail.com
  23. until

    Hi Soulies, Due to Circumstances Tracey Redman Husbands is unable to DJ on Saturday. Nantwich's Phil Card has Kindly agreed to step in, however Tracey will be there (Spinning the vinyl) on Sunday. KTF Dave & Shirl
  24. until

    We have been advised that Nantwich Tea Room (On site Cafe) Will be serving Food Burgers/Sausage/Chips etc. On both days of the Weekender. There are still a few Tickets left (If you haven't got one already) Contact Dave: 07488286421/davendrew3@hotmail.com KTF Dave & Shirl
  25. until

    Hi Soulies, There are some tickets still available for both days, we expect the event to sell out with no tickets available on the Door. One room of Classic Northern Soul & Motown, Nine and a half hours of continuous music on both days. NO RAFFLES, AUCTIONS or gimmicks to interrupt your enjoyment. Looking forward to seeing you at what promises to be a great weekend. ALL PROCEEDS TO ACTION KIDNEY CANCER. KTF Dave & Shirl

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