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Everything posted by Potters4

  1. Friends and Soulies, We will be at the Crozzy on Saturday (13th May) for Crewe Soul Clubs monthly Soul Night and at the Embassy Club in Sheffield on Friday (12th May) We will have tickets with us for the "Charity" ALL DAYER here (Crozzy) on August 13th! Don't forget ..... 25 DJ's from all over the country, in 3 Rooms starting at 1pm and running until 11pm. In room 1, I don't think that there will be a better line up anywhere that weekend playing the very best of Northern Soul & Motown. In Room 2, Clive Read and Neil Gibson (from Shiver & Shake) playing there own brand of R & B from 2pm and from 4pm until late we will playing Ska, Reggae, 2 tone & Scooter sounds in this room. We have attracted some very good DJ's in this room travelling from Sheffield, The West Midlands, Leek, Nottingham as well as local DJ's. Room 3 will offer something totally different, from 2pm until 9pm (Maybe later) Rare and underplayed Soul Music, some very good DJ's with some very Rare tunes! ALL of this for just £10 (£12 on the door if any remain) in support of Action Kidney Cancer! This will be a purely MUSIC event from start to finish. There will be NO raffles, auctions etc. Tickets are selling very well now, to get yours ..... See us at the Crozzy on Saturday, The Embassy on Friday or call Dave 07488286421 (davendrew3@hotmail.com) or Steve 07827666554 (stevenpointon@hotmail.co.uk) . Many thanks to those who have purchased already and to those of you who supported us at Nantwich Town over the last 2 years, where over £5,000 has been raised for this very worthy charity! Many Thanks everyone & KTF Dave & Shirley
  2. Soulies, Looking forward to this one with 2 DJ's rarely seen at the Crozzy. Tony "The Hat" Patchet travelling from Yorkshire and local lad Phil Card from Nantwich debuting at this venue! We will have tickets with us for the "Charity" ALL DAYER here on August 13th! Don't forget ..... 25 DJ's from all over the country, in 3 Rooms starting at 1pm and running until 11pm. In room 1, I don't think that there will be a better line up anywhere that weekend playing the very best of Northern Soul & Motown. In Room 2, Clive Read and Neil Gibson (from Shiver & Shake) playing there own brand of R & B from 2pm and from 4pm until late we will playing Ska, Reggae, 2 tone & Scooter sounds in this room. We have attracted some very good DJ's in this room travelling from Sheffield, The West Midlands, Leek, Nottingham as well as local DJ's. Room 3 will offer something totally different, from 2pm until 9pm (Maybe later) Rare and underplayed Soul Music, some very good DJ's with some very Rare tunes! ALL of this for just £10 (£12 on the door if any remain) in support of Action Kidney Cancer! This will be a purely MUSIC event from start to finish. There will be NO raffles, auctions etc. Tickets are selling very well now, to get yours ..... See us at the Crozzy on Saturday or call Dave 07488286421 (davendrew3@hotmail.com) or Steve 07827666554 (stevenpointon@hotmail.co.uk) . Many thanks to those who have purchased already and to those of you who supported us at Nantwich Town over the last 2 years, where over £5,000 has been raised for this very worthy charity! Many Thanks everyone & KTF Dave & Shirley
  3. Northern Soul Charity All Dayer @ The Crozzy The Crozzy, Chester Street AS REPORTED BY CREWE "NUB NEWS THIS WEEK Leisure 13th Aug 2023 - 13th Aug 2023 Sunday 13th August CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS There is a Northern Soul Charity All Dayer charity event live at The Crozzy on Sunday 13 August. This huge event starts at 1pm with around 20 DJs from all over the country once again donating their time and love for music for a great cause. Over the last two years, Dave, Shirley & Steve Pointon have organised two fantastic Northern Soul charity events at Nantwich Town FC to raise vital funds for Action Kidney Cancer. So far over £5000 has been raised. Steve Pointon was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer in 2016 and was told his cancer was incurable in January 2018 when his tumor had returned and spread to lymph nodes. As a father of 2 young boys Steve, his wife Clare and family were devastated. However, with the help of a treatment funded by The Christie Hospital charity Steve has been Cancer free since September 2018. Steve & Clare found vital peer support and advocacy assistance in a wonderful charity called Action Kidney Cancer (formerly Kidney Cancer Support Network), they gave them all the information and support he needed to face the brutal treatment and rebuild their lives. Now as a family they are giving back. Northern Soul fanatic parents Dave and Shirley came up with the idea and numerous DJs from all over the country have come together to make sure this year's event is the biggest yet. Tickets are already selling fast and can be obtained from Dave or Steve Pointon. Tickets are priced at just £10 for a full day of music and should any remain, they will be priced at £12.00 on the door.
  4. Looking forward to getting back to this friendly club having missed the last couple of soul nights here. We will have tickets with us for the ALL DAYER at the Crozzy on the 13th August for anyone interested. KTF Dave & Shirl
  5. Room Three (The Lounge to those of you that know the Crozzy) at this event will be playing Rare & underplayed Soul Music. Proceedings will commence in this room at 2pm, don't be late The Soul Twins Don "Mopsey" Morris & Dean Fox will play the first hour and these two really will open your ears to some tunes rarely heard. Three until Eight will see Elvin Ironmonger & Friends (Hutch, Tracey & Kev Nolan) Playing tunes dating back to the wheel and beyond, tunes from the cellar clubs of Manchester. Paul Lightly will finish from Eight until Nine and knowing Paul, this will be a very lively set. KTF Dave & Shirl
  7. Hi Soulies, Here's a flavour of last year. Most of these DJ's will be supporting us and the charity again this year! Make sure that you have your ticket
  8. Hi Soulies, An update on the Crewe & Nantwich Charity event. Tickets are selling well and a big thank you to those of you who have purchased yours early. Reminding you that tickets are available at £10 each (£12 on the door if any remain)! Also, this years "Charity" patch has started to sell, these are available for £5. Watch out later this week for an updated flyer.
  9. For the second month running we have a guest travelling from Yorkshire with Tony "The Hat" Patchet joining local DJ Phil Card from Nantwich debuting at the Crozzy. Residents Johnny Briggs and Clive Read complete the Line up for what promises to be a cracking evening of Northern Soul & Motown. KTF
  10. Patches have arrived today and are now on sale (£5) ALL proceeds to the charity
  11. You will have to speak to John & Clive Shaun. I only keep Soul Source up to date for them mate.
  12. NO SHAUN! It's midnight finish going forward.
  13. Just had it confirmed Shaun that going forward, as the night will finish at midnight there will be just 2 guests each month
  14. Not that I'm aware of Shaun.
  15. Ralph from Northern Soul TV will be joining us at this event Tickets are selling well. It's going to be a packer
  16. It's Ray Andrew's and Derek Smith guesting in support of residents Johnny and Clive Shaun.
  17. Joining our Resident DJ's Clive Read and Johnny Briggs this month we have guests Russ Harvey (Driffield, North Yorkshire) and Stoke on Trent's Phil Ankers. A Tremendous night of Northern Soul & Motown in prospect. KTF
  18. Due to the present inclement weather Russ Harvey will not be able to travel this weekend from North Yorkshire. However, Russ will be with us at the Crozzy on the 8th April.
  19. We are pleased to add a further DJ to this event. Fatpiggymc has Kindly agreed to play in the SKA/Scooter room. Jamie from Sheffield is well known on the Ska scene and we look forward to welcoming him to the event.
  20. Once again, for anyone interested in the "Action Kidney Cancer" All Dayer in August. We will be at the Crozzy on Friday and we will have tickets (£10.00) with us. KTF Dave & Shirl
    Excellent night at Underwood Lane. Great Music played all night from all of the DJ's but in particular a terrific set from the Guest DJ Mel Glover. The Dance floor was busy all evening and great to see increased numbers supporting the venue! Thank you to Derek and the team. KTF Dave & Shirl
  21. We are back to our usual "Saturday" night this month and this will follow throughout the year (2nd Saturday of each month). We have a great line up this month. Joining Resident DJ's Johnny Briggs & Clive Read are Guests Ray Andrews (Radway Soul Club), Derek Smith (Northwich) and all the way from Driffield, North Yorkshire Russ Harvey. An excellent night of Northern Soul & Motown in prospect. KTF
  22. Looking forward to seeing our good friends from Leek Mel & Stef. Great Little Club, always a great atmosphere For anyone interested in the "Crewe & Nantwich All Dayer" in August at the Crozzy (Crosville) Club, We will have tickets with us on Saturday at Underwood Lane priced at £10 each (over 70 sold so far). KTF Dave & Shirl
  23. Potters4


    Join us at the Crozzy for what will be a night of Northern Soul & Motown. Joining our resident DJ's Johnny Briggs and Clive Read will be Guests "Curly Carl" and Carol Beggs. Please note that this event is FRIDAY 10th February, all other Soul nights at the Crozzy will be on the 2nd Saturday of each month throughout the year.
  24. Information for those of you attending and wanting accommodation in Crewe. Also don't forget that it's Crewe Soul Clubs monthly Soul Night at the Crozzy Club the night before (Saturday 12th August)! So why not make it a Weekender? Local Hotels: The Waverley Hotel, Pedley Street, Crewe (01270 256223) Premier Inn Crewe Central, Weston Road, Crewe (03337774632) Holiday Inn Express, Macon Way, Crewe (01270 504050) Premier Inn Crewe West, Coppenhall Lane, Crewe (03337774633). The Waverley is the closest to the Venue and (I believe) still has rooms available. KTF Dave & Shirl

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