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Everything posted by Potters4
Hi Soulies, Several have asked about "Food" at the ALL DAYER on the 19th at the Crozzy. We are happy to confirm that there will be a Burger/Hot Dog Van on site throughout the Day. Two Rooms playing uninterrupted Music from 1pm until very Late. 1. The very best of Northern Soul and 2. Motown. Anyone still requiring tickets we will be at the Broken Cross (Macclesfield) Friday 10th and at the Crozzy on Saturday 11th and we will have tickets with us, £10 in advance (£12 on the Door) or see flyer for telephone details. KTF Dave & Shirl
Not long now Soulies until the curtain comes down on this great little club. Our final Soul night hosted by Crewe Soul Club is just over a week away! Come along, let's raise the roof (and (fill the Floor) and give it the send off that it deserves. We have the DJ's who brought Northern Soul from the North Ward to the Crosville 16 years ago. Johnny, Clive, Wilky & Tyrone back together for one final time. The club have confirmed that this event will be in the Main Room. Also Tickets will be on sale for the ALL DAYER on Sunday 19th May. KTF
The last (EVER) Soul event will take place in just 3 weeks at the Crozzy Club in Crewe. The very Best Local DJ's from Crewe, Nantwich & Stoke on Trent are joined by Rod Looker (Widnes), Ross Feeney (Worksop), Jim Fox (Worksop), Tracey Redman Husbands (Nottingham) & Elvin Ironmonger (Manchester) who are travelling to entertain you and support this very worthy charity. This will be your last chance to Dance on this amazing floor & Hear these Tunes in this venue. The Club will be demolished in June! Get your tickets £10 in advance (£12 on the Door). for 2 Rooms of the very best of Northern Soul & Motown. 0-54f2e2ad-9488-45de-8522-edccac282b1101_2_TB4.pdf
Hi Soulies, The Final (EVER) Soul event at the Crosville (Crozzy) is now only 4 weeks away. We have sold a lot of tickets this week! Tickets are still available @ £10. IF any remain they will be available on the Door @ £12. To ensure attendance get your tickets soon! KTF Dave & Shirl
DJ Times are not known as yet, A full list of Times will be placed on all Tables on the Day.
So we approach the penultimate Soul Night at the Crozzy. We have two excellent Guests tonight, Mike Coburn from Stoke and Tot Johnson (Northwich). Both have appeared here before and never disappoint, come and support this venue, let's fill the floor before this grand old club is gone! Tickets will be available at this event for both of the upcoming All Dayers. 19th May @ the Crozzy & 11th August @ Coppenhall, both in support of Action Kidney Cancer. Also Crosville 2008-2024 celebration patches will be on sale @ £5.00 each. KTF
Long After Tonight is All Over (As they Say). This will be the Last Soul Night at the Crozzy before the building is demolished in June. Tonight we reunite the original Team who brought Northern Soul from the North Ward to the Crossville Club. Come and celebrate with us and listen and Dance to Residents Clive Read and Johnny Briggs with Guests Steve (Wilky) Wilkinson & Tyrone Walton.
The Final Soul Event at the Crozzy (Crossville) is approaching fast. Sunday 19th May 2024 will see a TWO Room ALL DAYER! Featuring the very best of Northern Soul in Room One whilst Room TWO is dedicated to MOTOWN. Tickets have been selling well, to ensure entry get yours soon. KTF Dave & Shirl
Join us at The Crozzy tonight. Only TWO of these sessions left before this Grand Old Club is demolished. Put the date in your diary and let's fill the Floor folks. This Months Guests are Mike Coburn (Stoke on Trent) and Tot Johnson (Northwich).
Hi Soulies, Tickets will be on sale for both ALL DAYERS at this event. Anyone who wants to be at the Last Ever Soul "DO" at the Crozzy on May 19th ... Get your ticket TWO Rooms 1. The very best of Northern Soul and 2. The magic of MOTOWN. The venue will open at 1pm and will run until very late! 20 (plus) of the very best Local DJ's and Guest DJ's. This will be a celebration of the Crossville (Crozzy) before it is demolished in June! Tickets will also be available for the 5th Annual Charity ALL DAYER, which this year will be held at the Coppenhall WMC. KTF Dave & Shirl
As part of the final ever Northern Soul all dayer at The Crozzy Live music And entertainment Venue we have a second room dedicated entirely to Motown. Main event starts at 13:00 with this second room opening at 14:30. £10 for an entire days entertainment plus every penny goes to our amazing charity Action Kidney Cancer.
Looking forward to our first visit to this venue and listening to our good friend Ros on the Decks KTF Dave & Shirl
Join us at The Crozzy tonight. Only THREE of these sessions left before this Grand Old Club is demolished. Put the date in your diary and let's fill the Floor folks. This Months Guests are Ray Andrews (Alsager) and Derek Smith (Northwich).
Hi Soulies, The 4th Annual Charity ALL DAYER in support of Action Kidney Cancer, sponsored by Absolute Recruitment will be held at the Coppenhall WMC in Crewe on Sunday 11th August 2024. The previous 3 events have raised a total of over £8,000 for this worthy charity. DJ's from across the country will be entertaining you from 13.00 until 23.00hrs. One Room of the very best of Northern Soul & Motown. Tickets priced at £10 are on sale now Tickets will be limited for this event! Get yours early to ensure attendance. Call Dave on 07488286421 or email davendrew3@hotmail.com
We are delighted to announce our new sponsor for the evens this year. A massive thank you to Jessica Marshall at Absolute Recruitment UK Ltd in Crewe. Picking it up at this stage is a massive relief for us and the charity so a massive thank you.
We are delighted to announce our new sponsor for the evens this year. A massive thank you to Jessica Marshall at Absolute Recruitment UK Ltd in Crewe. Picking it up at this stage is a massive relief for us and the charity so a massive thank you.
Tickets selling well, going to be a great send off for the Crossville (Crozzy),hurry and get your tickets ASAP. 2 ROOMS = 1 TICKET We are unfortunately looking for a new sponsor for this event. Unfortunately for whatever reason we have not received the promised finance from our original sponsor. We are not aware of the reason why and we trust there is a perfectly good reason and do not wish to act negatively towards them. However we really need a company help to fund the advertising and set up costs of this event to ensure every penny goes to the charity. Can you help or know a company that can? Please get in touch if so. We can change all the electronic flyers to new logos.
Hi Soulies, We will have ALL DAYER tickets with us on Saturday for both of the Charity ALL DAYERS. 1. Crozzy (19th May) and 2. Coppenhall (11th August). We will also have the Crosville commemorative patches for sale @ £5.00 all proceeds to Action Kidney cancer. KTF Dave & Shirl.
Hi Soulies, An update on the DJ Rota for the Crozzy All Dayer. Local DJ Gerard James has Kindly agreed to play a set for us. Many Thanks Gerard. KTF Dave & Shirl
Join us at The Crozzy tonight. Only FOUR of these sessions left before this Grand Old Club is demolished. Put the date in your diary and let's fill the Floor folks. This Months Guests are Local DJ's Gerrard James and Jonny Beggs.
Room 2 of this event is dedicated entirely to Motown. The very best Local DJ's (and friends of the Crozzy) Playing the very best sounds of Young America. Tickets are going very well for this event ..... Have you got yours yet? ..... Two Rooms, One £10 ticket.
Looking Forward to supporting Avril & Tom at what will be a new venue for us. Digs booked, come on Soulies get this date in your diary and lets support this very worthy charity. KTF Dave & Shirl
Hi Soulies, This will be the very LAST Soul Event at the Crozzy before the Club is demolished. Let's send the club off with a Bang! DJ's including The Very Best from the local and surrounding Areas plus a few friends of the Crozzy! This will be a Non Stop Music event in TWO Rooms: 1. The Very Best of Northern Soul and 2. MOTOWN. Tickets are selling well but are limited! Have You Got Yours? We will be at the Crozzy on Saturday evening (13th), We will have tickets for both this event and the ALL Dayer at Coppenhall in August with us. Dave & Shirl
Hi Soulies, Looking forward to our Annual All Dayer once again in support of Action Kidney Cancer, This year at the Coppenhall WMC, Crewe. Again a Great Line up of DJ's for 10 Hours of Non Stop Northern Soul & Motown. Book this date in your Diary, Tickets Now on Sale @ £10 in advance (£12 on the Door). Call: 07488286421 or email: davendrew3@hotmail.com KTF Dave & Shirl Coppenhall 2024.pdf
Hi Soulies, Crosville 2008/2024 Celebration Northern Soul Patches have arrived and are now on sale! We only have a limited number of these for sale! They are now available for £5.00 (+£1 postage). All proceeds tp Action Kidney Cancer. Contact Dave on 07488286421 or message on here. KTF Dave & Shirl