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Chippy Minton

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Everything posted by Chippy Minton

  1. Morning campers, I'm looking for a decent copy of this if anyone has a spare. Doesn't need to be a minter, just a strong player that's not trashed! I've seen a couple on dealers sites and lists over the past couple of months that were, in my humble opinion, a bit too rich, so please PM with price and condition if you can help. Cheers... Chippy
  2. Not a patch on The Blendells for me, which is a tenner at most - amazed it fetched that much...
  3. Thanks Mal, Can't remember the make of the jukey, but it dates from around '72 and is in great nick. My pal doesn't normally buy vinyl these days and didn't know where to start looking which is why I've been helping him out. You're right about the Edsel album, still got my copy from when it was originally released and it's well worn now. That label was responsible for some great compilation albums, and there wasn't too much legal activity in the re-issue market at tha time, I'm thinking also of albums that they issued by The Artwoods and The Creation that with The Ultimate Action record kind of acted as companion volumes to one another...
  4. Hi all, I'm looking for a copy of this re-issue for a good mate who's just bought a vintage jukebox and doesn't want the expense of putting a Parlophone original into it. Doesn't need to be a minter, just a clean copy that will play well in his jukey. Cheers...
  5. Sent you a PM... Cheers, Gary
  6. Hello Des, I'll take the Alvin Cash, Billy Harner & Eddie Floyd if they're still available ? Cheers, Gary
  7. Hi John, Tell me about it... Like Ady, I had more or less all of the main UK singles and albums for years, as well as unreleased acetate stuff but sold them off when the kids came along. Suddenly, we were down to one income and over the period of about a year I sold about 95% of my collection. Although I wasn't happy about it I didn't regret it at the time as it was a "needs must" situation, and everything was sold for its market value at that time which brought in decent money. However, looking at the prices that these records fetch today is a bit like a kick in the balls, but there you go! What does amaze me, however, are the prices being fetched for records that were seen as somewhat third division back in the 80's and 90's, and not that difficult to locate at all. As earlier mentioned, though, I still have a box left, although the holy grail 45's and albums by Tintern Abbey, Open Mind, Apple, The Factory, One in a Million, Hush, July etc are all long gone now...
  8. Hi Ady, It was around this time that I first came across you via your auction ads in the Record Collector magazine. I ended up buying a good few psych and freakbeat records from you over a few years and always in top nick, too! Dunno why, but I can still remember the first one which was Scene Through The Eye Of A Lens by Family on Liberty, long gone now, I'm afraid, but good days. I knew more or less all of the main players collecting this genre at the time and old Yves was just one of many characters around at that tim :0)
  9. Hi John, Glad to hear that you got on well with Yves, I know plenty that did, but also plenty that didn't! I'm amazed that he would let The Arrival of The Eyes EP go for a tenner, in my experience while I found him to be a miserable bastard at best, he knew his stuff really well, so are you sure it was a Mercury original, or perhaps a geltoob that they were very fond of, too;O) Incidentally, I've thankfully still got a copy that I've had for well over 30 years, as well as an original Liberty '68 issue of Model Village by The Penny Peeps - great stuff...!
  10. Hello Dave, Yeah, based in Hereford Road, Bayswater, I remember it very well as I also spent a fortune in there over a few years. It was a great shop, but run by a moody Belgian chap called Yves, who I thought was a bit of an arrogant twat, really. During the 80's I was heavily involved in collecting rare psych and freakbeat rather than soul and R&B, and this place was a real Alladin's cave for this stuff. They were bloody expensive, mind, but they did turn some extremely rare stuff up.They used The first time I went in there it took my breath away a bit, as the ceilings were covered in very rare Hapshash posters, and the walls adorned with rare singles and albums. I came out well over a ton lighter, but with a German version of the We Are Paintermen album by The Creation, and Tangerine Dream by Kaleidoscope. They were also rumoured to have been responsible for putting out the three volumes of Chocolate Soup For Diabetics albums that comped rare UK psych singles. The quality was dreadful, but they were the first of their kind so quite influential at the time. Yves later denied all involvement once record companies began sniffing around as they were bootlegs, but those on the scene at the time always suspected their involvement from the off. After the Hereford Road site closed I think the same people may have been involved in setting up Intoxica in Portobello Road, but it was never the same...
  11. Thanks all, now sorted...
  12. Hi all, I'm looking for a clean copy of this, doesn't need to be a minter as long as it plays well and isn't trashed. I know of a couple of copies for sale on dealers sites, but they're a little overpriced, in my view. If anyone has a copy that they're looking to move on please let me know price and condition. Thanks for looking...
  13. Thanks for all of the messages, now sorted...
  14. Morning campers, I'm looking for a decent copy of this, so if anyone has one to move on please let me know price and condition. Doesn't have to be a minter, just as long as it's not trashed! Thanks for looking...
  15. Hi Des, I'll definitely have the Joe Haywood if it's still available? Please let me know... Cheers
  16. Bit of a cheek, I know, as I don't have the Al Brown tune that you're after. Obviously, I hope you get your trade, but if you don't and would like to sell the Dorothy Williams, I'm looking for one at the mo and have missed out on three this week, so drop me a pm and let me know. Good luck, though! Best Regards,
  17. Afternoon all, If anyone has a clean copy of this for sale please PM me. I doesn't necessarily have to be a minter, just needs to play well with no skips etc - you know the drill! Cheers...
  18. Hi all, Looking for a clean copy of this if anyone has a spare. There's a copy on the bay at present but won't be bidding from this seller:O) Cheers...
  19. Thanks for all the advice chaps, very much appreciated. Having listened to the links to both versions added by Chalky, the 45 version is obviously a bit punchier, but the longer album version is still blinding, so I'll be dipping into the bay for a copy of the album at the first opportunity. Thanks again all.
  20. Hi all, first time poster so please be gentle with me if this has been asked before! An original Columbia copy of this cracking tune has long been the object of my desire, but I'm afraid my finances won't currently stretch to the £350+ being asked on sales sites. However, as the track is included on their album which is obtainable for around the £25 mark the question is, is it actually the same version as the 7'' release? A good mate of mine thinks not, (no pun intended!), but he's not heard the album so isn't completely sure. The large disparity in current market price suggests to me though that he could be right, but I'd be grateful if anyone in the know could finally verify. Cheers...

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