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David bell

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  • Top Soul Sound
    she ll come running Mel Britt

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  1. Elvis said roy was his favoirite singer
  2. played in the early 80s in the north east ron tyson in the line up as well
  3. I knew steve for many years and he was a good mate who will be missed badly. To say he knew his stuff was a understatement top draw and a true soul man. RIP Mate.
  4. Seen morris chesnut And Dee Dee sharp at prestayn quality. But seen eddie holman in newcastle tiffanys allnighter 1st class. Edwin Starr say no more the best.
  5. Thanks for the info about the interview with john anderson will wait with bated breath. The problem i see about this program is it was only really concerned with wigan. This is pretty obivious seeing the only people talking mainly have just resurfaced on the scene because northern soul is popular again. Making money at certain venues playing worn out oldies and also worn out D/Js living on old reputaions. There were d/js from around the country did not get a mention one legend like or loath him soul sam. Noticed that mr levine is still a bitter man after all these years saying this graet d/j in his time. The scene has survived and moved on from the wigan days there are and have been better venues all over the uk,playing great music lets be honest here wigan was mainly filled with people who were young and the music policy was white or black music 100mph sounds as i have got older i appreiate more soulful sounds.
  6. Funny that there was no mention of the man supplying the d/js with the sounds at the time Mr John Anderson they should be ashamed.
  7. I have to agree with all your comments there are two alternatives one playing the oldies 500 and rooms busy or playing good rare soul and empty rooms.Most guest d jays i know at events up in the north east always play standard Motown records first to get the floor full. When was Motown northern soul it seems that d/jays are scared to play to empty floors than try and play the rarer sounds, I do not know what the answer is. For me the best thing i do is travel the country and hear different records keeps me interested in the scene.
  8. After this last rant by yourself we can see what camp your in jazz and soul are seperate music so i think you might be better off staying away from the most successful and longest running music scene ever. May i suggest ronnie scotts cafe. And maybe watching tony bennet. I feel sorry for you, you seem to think you have heard every sound ever played on the scene. No one has heard every thing thats what makes it worth staying the distance. New sounds being found every day.
  9. Having read your article above its a wonder any body apart from frankie and alex still talk to you. I think you must have been on another planet for the last thirty years. I think you should stay on nightshift as you said earlier. The soul scene is better off without people like your self the scene has enough politics without your contribution. The names you mentioned are the only people who seem to know you. I have been on the scene for 38 years and never heard of you apart from your self appraisal articals. P.S I have never been away off the scene. I love all soul music not just n/s. Some of the names you mentioned have been away and come back with mr kev roberts. I agree with some of your comments but i think your quite away up your own backside. People will listen to what they want to not what you think they should be listening to, And the main reason why the north east as you put it fell behind was because the likes of alex lowes who one week he was playing up to date northern soul then the next week he was a jazz funk d/j. Its funny how the modern soul scene is still hanging around the northern soul weekenders. And now some of the northern d/js play both rooms. Keep the faith brother but i some how do not think so. There is collectors still in the north east who have given more records away than you will ever have.
  10. She.ll come running my favorite record of all time. R.I.P. Mel
  11. Ian. Speaking to the local d/js they are afraid if they play the rarer stuff that has being getting played else where they will clear the floor. These local d/js have as many rare records as anywhere in the country. The problem as i see it is all the ex soulies who have come back do not want to hear good music just the wigan sounds. When talking to a couple of good freinds who are the main stay d/js for the last 25 years.in the north east. Asked why they do not play whats in your boxs they say they get so many reqests they feel obliged to play them as these are paying customers. (and they said what is the alternative) meaning going back to small turn outs. As was commented above about the R.A F.A.Club in aycliffe the are not scared to play up to date soul but it is only the last few months that they are getting the support they deserve. These d/js have been playing the rarer side for years in ayclffe with very little support from so called soul fans. It is happening at the soul weekenders they would rather have a full turn out from some of the handbaggers. Thats why they have 5 rooms at bridlington/ Prestatyn to accomadate all tastes. You can not do that at one room venues.The swallow has tried to no avail. Maybe the rarer side of soul need to go back underground.
  12. Cant see your name included. I have got to laugh at your comments about you and frankie bringing the records to the north east. Is this same frankie who deserted the northern soul scene with the macmillans squad to play funk with alex.The same ones who called us poppy soul fans only to come back when there was no call up here for jazz funk. The same poeple who ostrasised paul mooney for being the first to play more modern soul. You have just casually missed out the real person who was playing all originals and first time. Matty Turner. The real reason the scene up here is rubbish is because of all the people who have come back can not get past wigan. so called big named d/js searling/roberts to name two are only in it to make money. There are plenty of good collectors and d/js in the north east. P.s I agree with a lot of your comments. The scene will not change up here till we get our heads together, Two manys do s on for the wrong reasons. And promoters telling the d/js what to play thats why the same sounds get played over and over.
  13. 1976 (never left the scene still going strong.)
  14. The all dayer i went to at dunelm house was the best i ever attended dj s if i remember were dave evison -alan rhodes -alan hay-searling -alex lowes. Dave Bell.
  15. There used to be monthly nighters in the eighties at the mayfair run by shaun gibbons and the morcambe squad. Think the first all nighter was at tiffanies with a live performance by eddie holman backed by snake davies. Dave Bell.

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