Hi, apologies if this topic has been done previously, but I just wanted to get a few views on this question.
Was recently DJing and although I played a set that included records that I have not heard played out over recent years, In fact some that I have not heard out for many years, none were what I would call obscure or really rare.
A couple of times the dance floor cleared and a couple of times there were only a few people dancing. Someone has commented that when this happened I should have changed the record half way through, I assume for something that I knew would fill the floor.
My question is if you are a DJ do you change a record part way through because no one/ or few people are dancing, or if you are a dancer and do not know/like the record would you expect the record to be changed half way through.
I replied with my thoughts to the comments made, but I would just be interested to read what others think.
I look forward to your comments, Thanks Jimmy