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Everything posted by soulski

  1. The BBC could release that but it might be Cashing In
  2. Warsaw is definitely Poland's most soulful City, Magpie, I've looked around Krakow myself to no avail. You can tune into my show on Sunday's ....it's a great City though and you'll have a great time https://www.facebook.com/radiokampusfunknsoul
  3. Junior Walker & the All Stars version of Way Back Home is about nostalgia for the South, it's one of my favourite songs
  4. If you have been googling you could have also googled the DG wiki.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Godin
  5. Didn't DG and Mick Jagger know each other at school ? I recall a story about Mick asking Dave about meeting Marvin Gaye on an early tour and getting a curt reply... it's clear there was bad blood. Also not sure the Stones covered 'loads of black American stuff' without giving credit... any examples ?
  6. Chi Lites, Have you Seen Her ! Spoken Intro to beat all others
  7. al green
  8. few years old but also tarantino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yr90K-Ng_7o
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XIIzNxIgGI
  10. another legend passes R.I.P. https://www.nola.com/music/index.ssf/2015/11/allen_toussaint_dies.html
  11. basic black - whatever it takes
  12. many as above but these are the ones i bought at the time , played to death and have kept me company for all my life pleasure - ohio players cosmic slop - funkadelic standing on the verge of getting it on - funkadelic spinners what's going on - marvin gaye let's get it on - marvin gaye trouble man - marvin gaye there's a riot going on - sly and the family stone music of my mind - stevie wonder syreeta understanding - bobby womack dells vs dramatics dramatics - whatcha see is whatcha get johnnie taylor - super taylor james brown - the payback aretha franklin - young gifted and black motown memories ( compiliation, may not count )
  13. godzillas below dig about saying a few words is probably aimed at me so I've done an edit to include a few words about my favourite funk 45 - it's probably from the more commercial side of the funk spectrum bit i think BT Express are one of the very top Funk groups of all time and Can't Stop Groovin probably is their finest - I've posted the 3 minute plus 45 version ( not the 5 minute plus album track ), I have very happy memories of dancing and playing this record over the years and although familiar and appreciative of the work of James Brown, George Clinton, Sly Stone etc I consider that when played loud this is one of the funkiest and most feel good records of all time... how's that ?
  14. "‹like an earlier poster it was Tired go Being Alone hitting the UK charts and Top of the Pops that turned my life's musical path in the direction of Soul, I was buying Motown and Reggae by then but this was something different and something I had to have more of.... i've strayed from that path from time to time but i'm back there now and i'll always be grateful to Reverend Al i've been to a few of his concerts and remember being irritated by people whooping and cheering loudly mid song every time Al hit one of his extended notes, meaning you get never really got to hear him sing a song all the way through properly i've always had the feeling that Southern Soul purists dismiss Al Green, probably because he was too popular and his 'eccentric' singing style the end part of 'Let's Get Married' is probably my favourite Al Green
  15. Lou Johnson Bobby Bland Marvin Gaye Aretha Linda Jones Tammi Terrell
  16. Think i've got a few years on you Pete but I got paid around a quid for the seven days but often got tips - notably from some kind Soul on my round who used to get the Morning Star ( Workers of the the world Unite ) - Levis were about four quid I recall ( may be wrong though )
  17. This was certainly the start of my life long love affair with Soul Music - I lived in Hillingdon, West London at the turn of the sixties ( i live in Poland now ) and gradually started to wear the same fashions as most of my classmates - ben sherman, brutus, sta-prest, crombie style coats, sheepskin jackets, short hair etc, all depending on which items I could afford ( three weeks paper round money = my first pair of levi jeans) and whatever my parents could afford to buy me. Some of the cooler/ harder lads in class also went to football - Chelsea mostly, which was when a lot of the firm/hooliganism stuff was starting too. My football allegiance had already been set so I didn't join in the fighting but once I had the clobber I did start going to dances - West Drayton boys club, being one venue I can remember. The music as many here remember was Reggae ( Trojan and Pama ) and Soul ( Tamla was a term used often ). The first singles I bought were Double Barrel, Stoned Love and Tired of Being Alone. The magic moment that probably did it for me was hearing 'Festival Time' for the first time at the aforementioned Boys Club and dancing closely to a lovely girl called Shirley with whom I later swapped records ( she gave me It's A Shame and i gave her Tired of Being Alone ). James Brown was a big hero, he played the Royal Albert Hall around this time and some of my class mates went ( there was a mini riot apparently ) and his parts one and two singles were keenly collected. This scene was also very much a class thing I think - my school served mostly the more working class estates of Hayes, Hillingdon and West Drayton where skinhead fashions were prevalent . I got expelled from that school at the age of sixteen and was lucky enough to be found a place at another school not that far away ( thanks to some lucky 'O' levels ). It was just a few miles away but located in what might be called a middle class area. Here my class mates all had longer hair and listened to Genesis, David Bowie, Focus etc and I was probably the only Soul lover in the whole year. i still remember the ' turn that crap off ' cries when I put a Motown Chartbusters album ( or was it Whats Going On ? ) on in the sixth form common room. But the girls were cute so gradually flares replaced sta-prest, desert boots replaced the brogues, t shirt/denim waistcoat combination replaced the check ben sherman and I was no longer a 'skin'. The music stayed though - discovering Blues and Soul magazine helped there.
  18. Hello Richard The football violence is real but mostly confined to 'willing participants', Krakow and Poland is quite safe and I don't think there are many incidents of visitors being bothered - certainly safer than Russia or the Ukraine that you also mentioned. Quinvy - you should certainly visit, do you know what part of Poland your dad was from ?
  19. Thanks Dave, yes my show is 19.00 c.e.t. so that means 18.00 UK time. The first few tracks of the Southern Soul show will be from the Atlantic/Stax greatest hits selection - Otis Redding, Wicked Pickett, Sam n Dave etc as an introduction but I'll slip in some Candi Staton, Doris Duke and James Carr too.
  20. Hello Sludge ( or is it Jessica ) My name is Jan and if I'm not Soul Brother number one in Warsaw, Poland, I'm probably top five. If you are coming over drop me a line and I can give you a heads up but unfortunately musically Poland is a bit of a soul desert. I'm trying to change that though - I have a weekly Soul show on a local Warsaw radio station ( Sunday Soul Cellar ) There's more about it on a facebook page Jan Laskowski Sunday Soul Cellar ( could do with some likes though, looking at it ) Records I play are probably a little 'old hat' or commercial for you guys but it's partly educational to get younger folk listening, I'll do theme shows - male vocal groups, Motown, Philly, sixties dancers, instrumentals etc ( this week will be doing Southern Soul ) and I talk a bit in Polish about the artists, labels, styles etc It's just a hobby really but I've had some good feedback. I've done A Soul evening in a local pub ( the Soul Cellar ) and plan to do some more when I have time. My dream would be to have a club night - there is lots of R&B, jazz, reggae, hip hop, house etc going on but no Soul as you might imagine it and I'm not a pro DJ and would need some help. So in the meantime I potter away, I'm going to promote the show a little more than I have ( this is a start ) and if any of you Soul Brothers or Soul Sisters are planning to pass through town or have any questions at all about the Black Hole of Europe on the Soul Map ( Poland ) please don't hesitate to ask. Keep the Faith pozdrawiam, Jan ps - the Guy from the previous links in this thread has disappeared I think, wouldn't mind getting in touch myself

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