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Everything posted by Olliewtf

  1. you make a fair point ofcourse keith. as said, i will try and improve this, sorry if this has been frustrating in the past. all the best
  2. didnt actually realise the price of the impalas and was willing to pay money toward.. all fair points, and im not expecting the same deal, i was just hoping. im in no rush to buy, just wanted to see what people could offer me is all. i completely understand everyones points, all im saying is ive found good deals before and people on here have been more than friendly. jjust because someone offers me something doesnt mean i have to buy it, and im not going to feel pressured to buy. im sort of in shock this has become such a big debate, all i was after was a copy of the record i like at the best price, at no point have i been rude or unfair, but to have people reply to a simple want generally being rude and saying that im stupid and in some way trying to rip someone off (mhm seagrave) in my mind is bang out of order. im all up for healthy debate but not what ive experienced here. this whole page is a joke now, and tbh i wish id never posted. i wasnt after an argument, or to feel belittled and stupid. so i have been on the scene since fuckin 71, but its something i have a growing passion for and something im enjoying. so please, dont take that away from me with small mindedness. im not interested. anyway, thanks for all your replies, some out there actually have worthwhile information which i hold dear delivered in a polite and fair way, so to those, cheers.
  3. it is a good price i agree but recently it went for 50 and it was ex. Im just looking for the best deal which i think is fair enough. im only 20 and study and work part timee so not exactly rolling in it. im not trying to make big profit, im buying these records because i enjoy listening to them and wish to own them. ive had good offers of people on this site before after being a little bit patient and waiting for a few offers. I dont really see how thats anyone elses concern or how that is somehow a ridiculous thing to ask.
  4. sorry mate will try harder. wrist slapped aha... just waiting for more offers but was hoping for a bit cheaper. ta
  5. looking for this on jacklyn. finally have a little to spend, whey! missed out on it a few times now at really good prices so i would like to pay a really good price ;) please dont be offended if i reject your offer, but i am counting me pennies. ta good people.
  6. Alright some cheap records that have been bugging me as i dont have them yet! Pete S had the porgy track i want for 20quid and i missed it, so will only pay up to 25 for it! Porgy and the monarchs, thats my girl prophets, fever (on smash please, the original smash not rerelease) volcanos storm warning (must be legit arctic ie blue on blue!) Jimmy delphs, almost (seems to be a few issues, which is original?) darrow fletcher what good am i without you impalas speed up i think thatll do for now, not that i can afford them all together anyway... would prefer someone who has a couple for sale and can cut me a deal. I should really keep my money as i have to move out of my student house in a week and have nowhere to go, but these records seem a little mroe important at the moment! cheers guys and gals
  7. browsing through your list yesterday i was amazed at the quality of the records oyu were selling, and had my heart set on the porgy and the monarchs track, qhich id never heard before and thought was golden. and its gone. dontsuppose you have another copy??
  8. its always imo crap buying northern from shops nowadays, usually all just charity fodder and overpriced, but. there are two shops which seem to retain some classic record buying feel, and theyre right next to each other... just off of oxford st, as mentioned in above post, hanway street. managed to find a copy of rita lee salvation which satisfied my record shopping for that day! everywhere else in that area doesnt really deal with proper soul... if oyur in south east london, theres a shop in camberwell which isnt awful, and two places in greenwich, one being a musicvideo exchange, the other a nice little mod clothing and record shop with fantastic reissues and new LP's, recommended if you dont just want rare soul on orig. format... some of his compilation LPs are great. theres meant to be a place in south west, soul brother records in putney, which i think is Londons best offering for cheap, qualtiy soul vinyl . check out their inventory online, its exhaustive!
  9. I have the 70's boot of this on HIB green label, worth money in itself (for some strange reason) and am looking for the followinG; Impalas speed up Volcanos storm warning (must be original) Prophets fever (orig. on smash pink) there are some other wants so if interested contact me and we can make some deals! (ps none of the above records alone are worth the same as my copy so will sell it if i dont get any offers! if you have any of the above just for sale, contact me too as i may just sell this one etc)
  10. would love to own quotations, my fav tune! shame i dont have that kind of money aha.. out of interest, are you part of up the junction based in halesowen? regards
  11. you still got the millionaires?
  12. this is why i love this website. fantastic info, as always. so whats the difference between the smash issues? theres pink and yellow as far as i know, i imagine the yellow was a reissue?
  13. Noticed theres a few issues of this, with different artist names, uk/us etc. im even currently listening to the 'creation' dub, with added brass and a bit of guitar, what the f##k was that about?! kills it for me personally... So what was the original release? how was the track discovered etc? look forward to all the wisdom! (ps im looking to buy a copy too as although its very well known its such a tremendous achievement in music, cant help singing along to this one!) Regards, Ollie
  14. still looking for this inexpensive yet quality slab of soul on loma. someone please.
  15. wanted intentions dont forget that i love you, either at bargain price or will trade for my copy of luther ingram - exus trek/all the same on HIB, its the 70s boot which is now fetching silly money! ta
  16. looking for a set of speakers to compliment my nad 3020 so ideally some ditton/celestions or even Kefs? anything you got, as long as its old, working, and looks nice. need it shipped to london too! might also be after a cheap record deck.... let me know! ta
  17. fantastic info all of you, sorted now as well! gotta love this site and all its very friendly people! much appreciated.
  18. Herbs never never will i fall in love on smoke, wanted in a decent condition at a good price! cheers
  19. great price for continental four, shame i recently bought a copy! good luck mate
  20. Decided once and for all I like this version, much smoother and the instrumentation is much stronger than in the towanda barnes version, plus i imagine this one doesnt get as many plays, so, Im looking for a copy to take out on friday. Must be vg+ or better, and priced correctly. Ive seen it on here twice for 25 quid, seen it go for less so around this price would be ideal. cheers people!
  21. how fast is postage to uk dyou reckon? need somethin for friday you see... ta
  22. and lets not forget the contextual relevancy of the item for this summer... I think this one might be a goodn to flog to an American tourist for hefty sum... just park yourself outside the games and done and done!
  23. turns out it wasnt the one ive just purchased!
  24. what a fantastic item! good luck with it mate!

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