didnt actually realise the price of the impalas and was willing to pay money toward.. all fair points, and im not expecting the same deal, i was just hoping. im in no rush to buy, just wanted to see what people could offer me is all. i completely understand everyones points, all im saying is ive found good deals before and people on here have been more than friendly. jjust because someone offers me something doesnt mean i have to buy it, and im not going to feel pressured to buy. im sort of in shock this has become such a big debate, all i was after was a copy of the record i like at the best price, at no point have i been rude or unfair, but to have people reply to a simple want generally being rude and saying that im stupid and in some way trying to rip someone off (mhm seagrave) in my mind is bang out of order. im all up for healthy debate but not what ive experienced here. this whole page is a joke now, and tbh i wish id never posted. i wasnt after an argument, or to feel belittled and stupid. so i have been on the scene since fuckin 71, but its something i have a growing passion for and something im enjoying. so please, dont take that away from me with small mindedness. im not interested. anyway, thanks for all your replies, some out there actually have worthwhile information which i hold dear delivered in a polite and fair way, so to those, cheers.