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Everything posted by Olliewtf

  1. Absolute f***king star mate thankyou very much!!!!!
  2. Right had this on a comp but lost the track list so here is my apalling guess at the lyrics... Verse: oh ive got someone to fight off my dark and lonely nights yeah.... Simethin somethin somethin... Chorus: nmy gal, my gal, lucky guy i am (bass break) Really nice midtempo tune...if known any idea of value? Cheers for anyone who can decipher that mess....
  3. Candace love. Awesome tune one of the best xover cheapies out there!
  4. I have copies of the following: EArl jackson soul self satisfaction Tammi terrell old heart of mine Ernie k doe dancin man Gladiators girl dont make me wait direction Harold melvin get out route Parliaments look at what ive almost missed Tony borders pass the word Fred hughes baby boy Four tops seven rooms yesteryear Jackie ross dont change your mind Chris morgan who am i demo Aalon butler got to be something kpc Right. Will swap the lot for either quotations dont have to worry or darrow fletcher what good am i. The lists min. Value ( to me anyway) is over 100 quid... I may be tempted to chuck some cash your way for quotations..... Failing that some others im after: Astors twilight zone Darrow fletcher i like the way i feel annd my young misery Bobby garrett my little girl Maxine brown let me give you my loving Strugglin to think of some more... Feel free to make me offers or suggest records... and have a nice day!
  5. Alright as im a bit unsure of current values i thought id check here before posti g in trade section ... Id like to let go of my nm copy of aalon butlergot to be something for a copy of astors twilight zone vg+ or better.... Fair? Or are people gonna laugh at me?
  6. Not as bizarre but i have a copy of hands bobby bland with reversed labels.. Are reverse labels quite common? And how is it possible? And does it mean my copy is worth a mint aha? ;)
  7. Haha just reread your reply, underplayed. im nearly at the end of a long shift At work...
  8. Chers boba. Looks like i maybe on the market for one, just gimme a bit if time to save me pennies! Is it played out much? I dont go out enough...
  9. What an attractive pair... Anyone shed any light on this track?? And more importantly what does an original copy go for? Im aware of the reissue but yknow were all snobs here aha... Cheers ollie
  10. Hi there thought id offer here first my watkins dominator amp and watki s copicat tape delay. Amp works perfectly as it was overhauled by the last seller who took it to a renowned scottish amp shop. It does look a bit tatty though, but sounds great witb an original goldback celestion. I also have an early seventies tape delay, one with 4 playback heads rather than the mlre common 3. Amazing sound, has benefited from a new oscillator bought from mr. Watkins himself! Pots are scratchy so need a clean and lid is tatty but other than great! Will let them both go for either a fender champ or vibro champ or cash or maybe even records aha! Collection fro. Se london. Pm if interested!!
  11. And to think im in my last year of an english degree....
  12. Haha no word of a lie! Paid more for the copy now but when you love a tune youve got to have it! Im sorry im such a shameless barterer! Atb
  13. Pm me price please! Have actually just vought a copy but it cant hurt to have two can it?
  14. want this tune so so so bad. so bad. been looking for 6 months now, just checked again only to realise i missed out on a copy for 35 quid so anyone out there, please sell me this record!! Many thanks as always.
  15. Hi mate would yiu take 15 for charles vickers? The issue is about for a tenner but its a beautiful tune so would be nice to have the demo! Let me know cheers
  16. colin water :: you get an account on paypal and when thats set up click on send payment, type the email adress of the seller, amount etc and there you go! slippery slope though youll spend a fortune aha...
  17. deffo german, from munich! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlu_2mXjQ24 can see in video...
  18. and yes there is definitely the grman liberty version (not sure if it is german but definitely european) with picture sleeve... obviously not vry common or up for sale much though...
  19. all great info again! i like the kent issue as luther ingram, great track, but the pickett version is a bit faster and imo better, but then again its the first version i heard so maybe im bias!
  20. any info on this storming track?? i know its on german? liberty, any other issues? and what does it fetch cause i want one aha!
  21. wow you made some money on that!! well done aha
  22. ok so i posted the wrong title and now feel like an idiot. aha. on jacklyn please! ta everyone
  23. not sure how to do that any ideas??? hahahaha may start new thread though!!
  24. love this tune alot, sublime record. was jus wondering if anyone had any info, i know its on magic city, dont know much about the label, and was wondering what it fetches as i may want to buy in the future but have a feeling its out of my price range. any info greatly appreciated as always! cheers
  25. on top of all this melodrama i think i may have just reached a major, major slap to the head moment. are we ready for this... sure? i think i was actually after what good am i.... i feel really stupid now. go on then , let me have it!!! jesus christ wasnt worth all the stresss!!! god i feel like a numpty!! so to reiterate, ive been a fuckin idiot, im actually after what good am i without you! jeez. come on then let me have it.

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