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Posts posted by Pep

  1. Wonderful post Pep for a wonderful woman.

    Last time we saw you was @ the 100 club Ray Pollard gig (1990 ?) just before your w/ender...Helen asked me if we could put Mick Vickers(who"d travelled down with you) up for the night ...which for us was no problem..just that Helen was asking me just when Ray was singing "The Drifter"...always remember saying "Yeah I'm sure he can stay but ask me after Rays finished !"

    Have posted on other threads about memories from Lafayette but also remember you guys from Brum Locarno/Wigan and of course your Wolvo shops

    Wishing you strength in the coming days

    Cheers Paul Woosnam


    Thankyou for that memory. I remember clearly that Thursday night at the 100 Club. Helen especially loved "This time". She was always concerned for others and wouldn't have rested until Mick's sleeping arrangements had been sorted. It was her way. Bless her. Bless you too for your support.



  2. What a moving tribute deep from the heart and soul.

    My deepest sympathies go out to you Pep.

    Brian Phillips

    Hi Brian,

    thanks for your thoughts. We three had a common friend in Alan 'S' who also sadly passed on a few years ago. You may not have known her then, but she was the girl doing those backdrops at the Wheel. You should put the '45' into your monika, because for me you are the scene's greatest unsung hero. You introduced so many great sounds through those record lists of yours.

    Thankyou for thinking of the love of my life. My heart cries for her, and always will.



  3. Pep that was lovely post .... took me back to Black horse and summer hill and the conaught hotel where helen would be sitting on the door with her lovely smile , Bill Randle as told me to send his thoughts and love to you , we will see you thursday to pay our respect .

    Chalky xx


    thankyou for your sincere thoughts. Keep the Black Country soul flag flying for us both. Keep the region near the forefront of the scene, where it belongs. Helen was always adamant about that. Great to hear from you.



  4. Mark,

    Thankyou for heartfelt post. I understand a lot of you young soulies looked up to us then, and it was inspiring. But as you say neither of regarded ourselves as special. We never put ourselves above anyone, and always loved being with you guys. Helen especially had time, and then some, for everyone. Dancing and being a part of the dancefloor was the most important thing for both of us. Thank you again Mark.



  5. Munchkin & Munchkinette,

    It's so wonderful to see you still keep the knickname Helen bestowed on you Kev in the shop. You were her cute little 'munchkin' and very apt it was at the time... although perhaps not when you were trying to trade a leg of lamb for a couple of the latest Northern releases! A lot of her knicknames, made with affection, have also stood the test of time. If she was only remembered for those it would be enough.

    Thankyou for sharing those lovely anecdotes. Being on the door with her made you privvy to one I didn't know... but can easily believe, knowing Smokey's (love him too) oft hilarious antics all these years. She never forgot anyone, especially the likes of your mate Graham, Mick Vickers and Phil Shelton who were taken so young. The love you Kev and Sharon show for her is clear for all to see.



  6. Hi Pep, What can i say, A wonderful tribute for a wonderful Lady,We spent wonderful times together as friends/co DJ's at Cleethorpes and Helen was a lovely lady to talk to, ALWAYS had time for you, Sad Sad time for you and all that were privlileged to know her,thinking about you at this time and thankyou for that wonderful post, it said it all, Rick.

    Thankyou too Rick.

    We always loved your modest, understated way. A breath of fresh air in an increasingly fast and furious world.

    Much like yourself, she was always gentle, a calm and friendly face. You could say she was my 'foil'.

    Thankyou for sharing your memories.



  7. That was beautiful Ian. Helen always looked out for me, as she did all of the young uns. My first memory of her is of her getting you to play KIll That Roach by Miami at Sammies (St Giles) and she being the only person on the dancefloor and not giving a monkeys, and me thinking WHO IS THIS?

    Myself, Tom, Jaga, Andy etc will all be there on the 26th to pay our respects.

    Much love

    Pete Smith

    Thankyou Pete.

    You have always been one of our best and most vivid memories of that late seventies, Wigan/Locarno era. Silly, clever and funny at the same time. I recall Helen's nursing skills being called into action more than once! Wonderful, happy memories.

    I'm glad you met Helen in your early years on the scene. You are certainly one of the 'soul children' I refer to. It will be great to see the old Wombourne guys and gals again. Love you lots.



  8. Dear Pep, that was a lovely moving tribute to Helen. I only knew Helen from the Black Horse and Connaught from the mid 80's but believe me I have vivid memories, such was her personality. I last saw Helen and yourself at your hotel around 5 years ago at a soul birthday bash for a mate of mine and I recall how welcome we were made to feel. Good luck - Ade & Jane

    Dear Ade & Jane, I'm so happy you remembered Helen so fondly from that great era. She touched a lot of people at a lot of different times. Her friendliness was always in the on position.



  9. Very moving and beautifully articulate tribute Ian.

    Having lost my first wife at 37 to the scourge that is cancer, I have some idea of your loss, your feelings, your emptiness. Brings tears to my eyes so easily.

    Thinking about you and hoping you can soon find a degree of peace. Take care.


    Brian, we both always admired your gentleness and easy going, helpful manner.

    I know you can empathise with my feelings, and your strength in getting through your loss gives me hope for the future, although a future without Helen is truly unimaginable.




  10. What beautiful words Pep,iam so lucky to of met and indeed be a friend,kinda feel a bit guilty that i didnt DJ for you despite countless requests from yourself and Helen but still remained friends and the respect that i have for you two will always remain in tact.I think back to the earlier 70ts and as people will say you never forget Helen after that first meet and i wont.So sad,be strong Pep she will be remembered and loved by so so many soul fans through out the country Gilly (x Burton on trent) x

    Gilly, lovely to hear from you. I know you thought the world of Helen, from the earliest memories of 'lifts' and serious music talk. Fondest memories of good times on the scene together. Your support and affection is greatly appreciated.



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