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Posts posted by Pep

  1. Thanks Tim.

    We thought of you often after you left, with considerable regret at the way things ended. You were always a friend first and foremost, from our earliest meetings in our little shop. Thankyou for your support. You knew Helen better than most. Not many realise how strong and hard working she was. I'd be (and am) nothing without her.

    Great to hear from you.



  2. pep ..im leaving you notice / fidels how can i forget that .me n paul always on tha way to ur doos would put our heads together and say.. what we gonna get pep to play that we aint herd for ages ?..never thought u would still av that in ur box ..knocked us for 6 ;0)...xxx

    I always remember you for that. Always loved it - still have it - often play it. A great Cats' memory.



  3. Pep;

    Iv only just stumbled over this, you may not remember me but I was the brummy who came to your shop on Saturday mornings I well remember picking up the Tiffanies "Happiest Girl in the World" from you, Helen was always by your side and my heart goes out to you mate, she really was the happiest girl in the world and Im sure you had a lot to do with that.

    Respect always

    Brian Goucher


    Thankyou. I remember you well from those days... and thankyou for remembering that happiness you saw. I try only to remember her smiles.

    Greatly appreciated.



  4. Wonderful words well written, we go back a long way........ as I said in an earlier post had many a bollocking off Helen ( always deserved lol ). Keep your chin up mate, sure H is very proud of you ............... a wonderful lady , God bless .

    Paddy and Mary Jennings.

    Paddy, Mary,

    Thankyou for your thoughts. She was a bit of a Marjorie Proops in her time... saved the odd marriage I'm sure.

    "There's nothing else to say" (you know what I mean).

    Love you lots,



  5. Hi Pep

    Our thoughts are with you at this sad time we remember Helen dancing the night away having a great time, roll back the carpets in heaven for the queen of soul

    Thinking of you at this sad time

    God bless and give you strength

    Stinny & Gwynneth xxx

    Thankyou Stinny, Gwynneth.

    Thanks too for being there with us, Esher, Beggsy and others in 1986 - refusing point blank to lock our record boxes. Keeping on keeping on when most had called time. Thankyou also for some great nights at the Thorn in Rugely. Good times, great memories. Thank you yet again, now, for remembering Helen so fondly and vividly.



  6. Ian,

    Can Nicky and I add our condolences to the very many that have already been expressed by your friends. I think that there were numerous people, too many to count, who benefited from Helen and your kindness over the years, and who took shelter under her wings at some time. I certainly had a lot to thank you both for on a particular occasion when we made a visit to the 100 club in the 80's. You both made sure that we were safe and, using your network of and contacts, got us all back to Wolverhampton. I'm not sure what the guy from the RAC made of his passengers that Sunday. I'll see you on the 26th. Call us at any time, day or night, if you just need to talk. Anytime. Love to you and Ryan. From Bod and Nicky.

    Bod, Nicky,

    Helen would never see anyone stranded. She always put others first; thoughtful and considerate to the end. Bless her.

    That 100 Club trip (note my choice of word) was another mad night. Totally nuts! I'll need to get indemnity from Paul (Harpin) before sharing, mind you. It was so funny - you couldn't make it up. We have laughed about it often. Brilliant.

    Thankyou for thinking, reminding, loving.



  7. Hi Ian,

    It is with great sadness that we write this

    We were absolutely devastated to hear the sad news of Helen's passing. For so long Helen & you were the faces and kingpins of the soul scene in and around Wolverhampton and even farther a field, providing brilliant venues like, Bretby,The Black Horse, The Connaught,The Stewponey, Emerald Club to name just a few, and without you surely the scene would have disintegated and disappeared. Karen & I respected you both for your total commitment to providing successful soul nights for the enjoyment of the fraternity. I will always remember dancing alongside Helen to " I dont do this"" one of her many favourites and being mesmerised by her dancing. She was an Icon in our eyes and "what you saw was what you got" with Helen, and if you didn't like it "tough" .Thats what we admired & respected

    Ian & Ryan please accept our heartfelt condolences at this very difficult time, Our thoughts are with you both

    Brian & Karen Chidley xx

    Brian & Karen,

    Lovely to hear from you both. Thankyou for your sentiments and appreciation. Words like that are reward enough for our efforts, which would have come to nothing without like-minded die hard soulies like yourselves. Love you both. Thanks again.



    PS. Thanks for reminding me of Sidney Joe - she loved that too. I can see her dancing to it now. My eyes are glazing up.

    I still can't believe what has happened. Someone please wake me up.

  8. post-27392-0-43792700-1334507249_thumb.jPep, I was so sorry to hear about Helen, the word legend is bandied around too often, but she truly deserved this accolade. The Soul Scene has lost one of it's brightest stars, but this can hardly compare to the loss you and your family are feeling, I can only hope the amount of love and respect that Helen has generated,will give you some comfort at this unimaginably difficult time. Helen for your fabulous dancing, your amazing hair and your truly generous and loving personality we will never forget you. The Soul Scene may now be a little duller, but there is a new star shining brightly. RIP H x

    Thankyou for fond thoughts and memories of my beloved Helen. Love and appreciation.



  9. Bernie & Paul,

    Thankyou for your lovely thoughts and memories. We never sold EMIDISCS mind you (...shhh!). I think you sum up the amazing relationship we had with our shop friends... recommend a few sounds, sell a couple, then off for a pint or curry at 6pm with you all. Wouldn't happen at HMV that's for sure. You also bring back a poignant yet happy memory of the late Bryn Lane. A lovely, modest lad who's only vice was super-hot tindaloo curry. Watching the steam coming out of his ears had us all in stitches. A fond and often recalled memory of ours... of a gentle boy taken so very young. Gone but not forgotten.

    Thankyou for holding onto those memories of my beautiful girl.



    PS. Something a bit more cryptic just for you Bernie... "...are you gonna believe what I tell you, or are you gonna believe what you see..."?

  10. Lovely words Bob, from a loyal, loving friend. Like you say our lifelong friendship has endured, and can only be interrupted, as I'm sure we'll all meet again one day and be together forever.

    Your memories of Helen are sublime. I can add nothing. Your boundless enthusiasm has been a credit to you and has always been covetously admired by those around you, not least by me and Helen.

    Deep thanks old friend.



  11. Paul (Paula, girls),

    I was hoping you would post, and thankyou for your memories. It was a bit weird at times I agree, but there was always deep friendship underneath. You know you needed telling sometimes, and Helen did it her way - a way you knew would not affect the strong bond between us all. We always loved you guys, and saw in you our own madcap younger selves. She would happily have played mum to your girls, and kinda did. Love you all.



  12. Beautiful tribute to Helen. You must be devastated Ian. Hopefully you can gain some strength from the support of the soul family that you have both always been a big part of. Respected and loved so much around the West Mids a sad sad loss. My thoughts are with and your son

    Ian, a big thankyou for remembering and thinking of Helen. Your support gives me and my son strength through this saddest of times.



  13. :hatsoff2: HI IAN Yes indeed she was special, as I wrote in the other post, on reading you thoughts of love for Helen, it not only bought tears to my eyes, it also made me smile? I remember back in the mid 70s when my mate Mick Smith and myself were DJ ING IN BEDFORD, back then Mick used to pass me his records and I would play them, sounds strange now, but his reasons were, at the time an integral part of traveling north was the DJ as they to us were part of the ambiance of the scene, and he could not relate a cockney voice linking a record, and although Tony Jebb and Keith become close freinds, we always rated you as the top DJ, even though we could not understand a word you said, so your remarks are a true translation and are so meaningful,

    As I said before it was thanks to both of you that I found my way back on the scene, and the venture of the BLACK HORSE good days,

    thoughts of HELEN I have one special one, it was the black & white vidio that I orderd for Marie, the film was the one about every time a bell ring an angel gets their wings, Helen like many back then did not no the film, so she orderd a copy forherself, I remember her delight in thanking me for it become her favourate film also, so I am making a request for BOBBY WELLS BE'S THAT WAY SOMETIME to be played for HELEN and she will then get her wings,

    As always respect for you both, love MICK & DAVE

    Dave & Mick,

    Thankyou for your lovely post. You Mick, Clive and the Harlow lads were very important to us DJs in the north. You found a lot of great tunes and it was always a competition which venue would get them (Cats or Mecca). Being first geographically the Cats got quite a few, most memorable being "Bari Track", but then Blackpool got the Coasters (Freddie Jones). There were lots more. The cockney connection contributed so much. People don't realise.

    Helen was friendly and loving by default. I remember you switching her on to that wonderful film. Great song choice too, from that fantastic year: 1973. Our year.

    Thanks again Dave, Mick.



  14. iM JUST DEVISTATED PEP, such a wonderful person was Helen, will miss her dearly, always had a good laugh and such a good friend

    my thoughs are with you at this sad time and I hope your little one can understand why this had happened

    will be there for you and to say goodbye to a dear friend....... just devistate, words fail me

    Shute and Angela

    Shute, Angela,

    You were always so supportive and remain so now. I know you loved Helen and how you must feel. Two of our favourite soul people. Thankyou.



  15. All the love & care my heart holds goes out to you Pep, such a wonderful tribute, I will just say as so many have what a wonderful person Helen was & as I said before I use to make dance for me I loved her unique style. Brilliant. As one dancer to another my highest compliment to top girl. Who always had me in stitches. God bless her. God bless you too, stay strong. Chezzie xxx

    Thanks Cheryl for your thoughts and fond memories. They are greatly appreciated.



  16. Ian,

    What a wonderfull tribute to Wolverhamptons Premier Lady of Soul.I am writing this through tearfull eyes She was always a friend to me and a person I will never forget. Even in the early days when I came home from the army she would always make me feel welcome as one of those youngsters. Many great and fond memories like the weekend away in Blackpool and even my stag night.

    I was so sad speaking to you on that fateful morning but as you said ''you want to do her proud'' and you have.

    We will all be there in Stourbridge to support you and pay our respects to a true icon of our scene

    God Bless you Helen XX

    Paul x


    What more can I say. You and Kerry have been the greatest rocks for me in this saddest of times - always thoughtful, ever helpful. Like you say we have many personal memories which I will cherish all the more now my girl has gone. I know you loved her dearly. Great thanks.



  17. Pep as i haven´t seen you both for ..must be twenty years now, it saddened me to hear the sad news about Helen.

    we go back a long time to when you and Helen used to come down to Dj at Maxies ´73, was lucky enough to dj for and alongside you over the years,

    Had many a laugh along the way as well(remeber that yellow Beetle)?

    Lost for the right words my friend

    i wish you all the best in these sad times

    Steve Smith

    Thankyou Steve,

    Great memories of those great old times. Not many would remember Maxies in Gloucester. I was wheel-less in those days, and remember catching the train down! You and the other Gloucester kids (Mark, Jerry, etc) were amazing... such great taste and so much enthusiasm. From mad days to sad days. Thankyou.



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