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Posts posted by Pep

  1. I'm not sure why each DJ should need PLI, unless it's because they are operating the equipment at the time of an incident. However, I can't equate DJing with actually causing an injury to someone because I can only envisage three things happening 1. someone gets an electric shock 2.someone trips over a cable, and 3 a speaker stack falls on someone. Now non of these things are the fault of the 'operator' at the time of an incident. They are all related to the ownership of the equipment and how it was set up in a venue.

    It certainly makes sense for anyone that owns the equipment to have it PAT tested annually, (and if it's hired equipment have it tested every time it's returned) and to have their own PLI though.

    In fact when Chris and Mace did a nighter at The Queens Hall in Burslem, the venue itself actually PAT tested any record players and extension cables that the record dealers intended using free of charge (and a couple of people had cables that failed the PAT test so were told to remove it from the building)

    Yes Dave, I agree it was strange and I did query it, but they were pretty adamant at the time. I could understand/accept it being required for the equipment. No mention was made of PAT testing, but I guess this is probably in the PLI smallprint.

    I suppose technically an individual DJ could do something to cause injury or damage (... I remember throwing a record into the audience at the Locarno, and saying "I wasn't playing that crap again - so don't ask me").

    I'm sure insurance companies could come up with a huge, pedantic list of possible public liability claim scenarios.

    I doubt it reduces Hotel insurance premiums one iota, so is yet another means of extracting more insurance client premiums.

    Yet another bi-product of 'health and safety gone mad', in turn itself a result of 'litigation culture' - one of our less useful American imports.

    Regards, Pep.

  2. Can't imagine how you feel so its impossible to say anything that will make you feel any better. A lot of people avoid people in your situation because they don't know what to say, which to me makes it worse. My cousin died last month of cancer and I was the only one with his wife at the end, he was a lovely lad who had a hard life and i thought of him as my brother. I got back into the soul scene to try and get my mind off it and i am hoping to make some new friends to help as a distraction. Hope things go the way you would like them. She will always be with you, so live the life she would have wanted for you.

    If i have said anything to upset anybody I apologize. I know you're not thinking about it but good luck for the future!

    Thanks Mike, for your empathy, having been through much the same situation yourself recently.

    I'm sure we'll cross paths on the scene in the not too distant future.

    Your time taken in leaving those thoughts is greatly appreciated.



  3. I thought I'd just bring this up, having just encountered the problem when arranging the post-funeral celebration dance for my beloved wife Helen.

    I don't know if it has cropped up before, but guess it probably has, and will almost certainly crop up many times again.

    I booked a very nice hotel function room at the Mount Hotel in Wolverhampton for Helen's celebration dance (on April 26), only to discover a few days later that they required all the DJs to have PLI (Public Liability Insurance). Needless to say I was flabbergasted, and quickly started shopping around for at least one lot of cover. However as they required cover for every DJ, and there could be 5, 6 or 7, this was going to be prohibitive. It was necessary to make a few quick phone calls and move it to the Connaught Hotel, about half a mile away which luckily had the same night available.

    It turned out to be a godsend, as the bigger Connaught ballroom looks like being necessary now to accommodate all her friends and well-wishers.

    I was wondering if anyone else has encountered this, and if is it likely to become more prevalent in the future, in which case it could severely limit the number of available venues. I don't promote these days, and as a hotelier myself would never insist on it for a soul event, but not every venue owner is a fan of the music like me.

    Any thoughts folks?



  4. With the funeral fast approaching, and reading everyones posts, i finally feel ready to share my thoughts and memories of Helen and Ian.

    I was not old enough to do the Cat's or Torch, so my first memories were of Helen dancing when i first started going to Wigan and other venues. As a fledgling "soulie" i was in awe of the Wigan DJ and his missus "the dancer"

    It was through visits to the shop that i first really had any true contact, however one particular early memory was of a rather memorable "falling out" one christmas at Newcastle Tiffs all-dayer, never seen anyone other than my mom and dad have a ding dong like that, Ian took refuge with Martyn Elllis behind the decks, yet despite it the relationship survived 35 plus years, says a lot eh!, not to mention it must have influenced me, as i had a few myself in later years! LOL

    Once i'd finished 6th form and Poly. and was earning my visits to the shop became more frequent, at the time i was out every weekend hearing and aquiring records, and it would appear Ian and Helen recognised that. Over the following years i was given exposure to the full benefit of Pep's amazing knowledge, and introduced to so many awesome tunes, he if anyone was my soul tutor/mentor. At the same time Helen took on the role of looking out for us, particularlly the "bad lads" like myself and Phil Shelton, to name just two.

    They gave me my first DJ break on Tuesdays at the Laffayette, it was through the shop i got to meet and become friends with Soul Sam, as well as many others, i was even given the chance to get my hands on some of the few tunes Ian parted with, tunes so good that they made my collection quite a good one, to say the least, ie Proffesionals, Silhouettes, Ronnie Mcneir etc...etc....Through the shop and DJing at the Laff we became involved with the early times of the modern soul scene, which was amazing, getting the chance to get to hear stuff first, along with Richard in the NW and Arthur and co. up on the east coast....great times.

    When i, with Chris Mick and Neil Rushton ran the Cavendish nights first time around i think what Ian saw gave him the desire to get back to commiting to the scene as well as the shop, and what followed is the basis for the whole west midlands scene right up to the current time.

    Two years later i was invited by Helen and Ian to co=promote the second Cavendish period, the real catalyst to the future of soul in the west midlands and probably further affield.At the time we also both DJ'd at nighters, dayers and soul nights throughout the region, further cementing the friendship.

    As time progressed i "sold up" while Helen and Ian pushed on with venues like the Black Horse, Royal, Swancote etc. Yet i was always in the shop, or out doing some sporty activity with Ian. During a rather low period in my life during the mid 90's the shop provided a haven for me, where i could spend time with friends, i'll always remember that.

    In the last few years as Helen and Ian took on parental and new business oppertunities, and moved to the mid-wales coast, contact was occasional, but my affection and respect has never wavered.

    I find it hard to imagine the not together, once again "soul heaven" finds its numbers swelled by the arrival of a wonderful, great lady, and my friend!

    Sandi and i will never forget you "H", thanks for everything, if theres anything we can possibly do to assist Ian and Ryan we'll be there, hoping in some tiny way to give just a bit of that support and strength you gave.

    Paul Harpin


    Thank you.

    What more can I say?



  5. Thanks for the info Dave - didn't realise about the parking, so I'll put your message up right here ...


    I think it would be a very good idea to let people know of the lack of parking around the church and to get there early.

    The Church has a very small carpark at the front (20 cars max)and is in a very narrow residential road.

    The same with the Labour In Vain Pub carpark (20 spaces).

    Stoubridge Junction railway station is circa 50 yards up the road from the pub and a five minute walk away from the church but although it has over 400 spaces it's strictly for rail users with all the subsequent clamping/fines bollocks to boot.

    There are plenty of pay and display carparks in Stourbridge 15 minutes walk away but these will be busy during the week more so as they are demolishing the town centre multi-storey carpark.

    It might be easier for people who are travelling to catch the train to Stourbridge Junction ?


    Dave Welding


    Yes, limited parking right outside.

    Quite a bit of Street parking within a 200 yard radius. Also parking on the Crabmill pub carpark and near The Retreat pub. All within 5 minutes walk. Possibly some opposite Stourbridge Junction ticket office and in residential roads off Chawn Hill and Red Hill.

    St.Mary's is a beautiful big Church and there should be no problems with anyone parking within a few minutes walk. The very close proximity to Stourbridge Junction also makes it convenient for train users, and I know there a quite a few coming from Wales by train.

    Thanks everyone for the input (and photos).

    Lots of love.


    Ian (Pep)

  6. Sad loss to us all Ian. Its true what everyone is saying, once met never forgot. I remember being the only 1 on the dance floor at the connaught, Wolvo. Helen came ova & started dancin by me. When the record finished she touched my arm & said thanks for the dance, then went back on the door. The pleasure was all mine,

    Stewponey, swancote Connaught if you were there so were we. You played the best she was the best. Always played her up on the door but she took it like a gud un.

    Ive still got the card you wrote on for me. I asked you the name ov a tune you were playin & you wrote it down for me. When eva we came to a soul nite id show you the card & you would play it for me. Boots Brown was all you wrote. Thank you for that.

    Helen was loved by thousands Ian, that must be a big comfort to you & your son at this very sad time. Take care. xxxx

    Dawn & Kev. ( was from wombourne)

    Dawn & Kev,

    That little ditty brought you straight back into my mind. Remembered it clearly, and playing it at those those popular nostalgia nights at the Stewponey, Swancote, etc. The Connaught was probably our smartest venue in the nineties, and we had many big northern nights there. Everyone loved the spacious, polished dancefloor and lux surroundings.

    I remember seeing you both just about every week somewhere or other. Great times.

    Helen had the hard job (on the door), and was amazingly easy going all things considered. She was friendly and loving by default - and people loved her in return.

    She was often the only dancer when a new sound was being spun. Two weeks later everyone was dancing to it. Knew what she liked and voted with her feet.

    Thankyou again for those vivid memories.



  7. Ian,

    So sad to hear of your loss.

    What an emotional tribute to your Soul Mate - we will all miss Helen.

    have fond memories of meeting you and Helen over the years from my formative days in Wolverhampton, down at Soul Galore Birmingham, Stoke, Oakengates, Esher's 86 Club, even at your own shop in Wolvo & so many more events.

    I will be in Coalville on Thursday, however my thoughts will be with you.

    Be strong and keep the faith.

    My deepest condolences.


    Cheers Tiv,

    Thankyou for holding on to those memories.

    Greatly appreciated.



  8. Ian what a beautiful tribute, words chosen lovingly that only you could convey to a truely special lady, I wish l'd known Helen in the early days of the "cats" but alas l was too young then, all l know is that l did know her and was proud of that fact.

    I had to smile where you refer to Helen as the "maternal soul mother", because l know this was so true, many a time she had to take me and Jennifer in hand and threaten to bang our heads together lol.

    I also remember the dark days of the mid 80's musically speaking, if it had'nt been for you Helen and Paul (Harpo) Wolverhampton would not have had a "Soul-Scene", you all where the driving force and the pioneers for what survives to-day.

    Helen was indeed a star shining bright on the scene, everything about her set her way above the rest, and as for her dancing ability Helen was unique........"THE QUEEN OF THE GO-GO".

    It was a very sad day the day the Earth lost her, But Heaven is so much more richer for her being there, I just hope she does'nt hog all the floor space because when l get there l want a bit of room to keep on keeping on.

    God Bless you Ian, our thoughts and prayers are with you now and always.

    Sandi and Paul xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Sandi, Paul,

    Thanykou for your lovely words and help in first conveying the sad news to our friends on the scene.

    Yes, the 'Old Vic' in 1986/7 was one of only a handful of events flying the flag at the time, so eventually attracted big audiences from very far afield. It was a very important and underrated venue in several respects. Paul (Harpo) was pivotal in its evolution into the most successful soulnight of those dark times.

    Helen and you on the door. Priceless!

    Love you both.



  9. Back in the sunrise-era (66 - 69) they didn't need to cover anything up. Even if you managed to work out the title, no record shop would stock it, and you needed artist/label info to order it. Impossible.

    The sound equipment was pretty pathetic then compared to now, wirh BSR decks and ceramic cartridges etc.

    Acquiring music knowledge was a laborious and costly task... buying blind and hoping!

    I remember going into record shops when I was 16, and asking for "Ready or not here I come". I ended up with the Delfonics. Of course I was looking for "Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie". I got it a year later, after I'd plucked up enough courage to ask DJ Martin Wheatley (Studio One, Kingswinford) what it was.

    The Diskery (Brum) would give you a little pile (and a record centre) to take upstairs to the booth to play. A godsend that. I recognised almost every one after the first two bars!

    The first time I really saw records with beer mats over them was at the Jazz Club (Dudley) and Cats.

    It was hard, acquiring sounds and knowledge, then.


  10. "Help Wanted"

    If anyone has any old (or even recent) photos or images of my beloved, late wife Helen I would love to have a copy of them.

    Please eMail them to me at:


    And/Or post them here on this Soul-Source forum.

    Or phone me on 01654 710264.

    (Anecdotes and stories also wanted).

    Love and best wishes.


    Ian 'Pep' Pereira.

  11. Mick,

    People have been asking me about flowers, etc. So please add this information to your forum header:

    Flowers are welcome of course delivered to the Church, St. Mary's, Oldswinford, Stourbridge on the morning of her funeral on Thursday 26th April.

    Interflora and others usually do this kind of thing for well-wishers.

    Alternativel bring the flowers with you to the church before the service at 2pm.

    They can also be sent/delivered to Sanderson Funeral Services, Merridale Street, Wolverhampton between now and then.

    Helen will be lying in the Chapel of Rest at Sandersons on the day before the funeral, for anyone wishing to see her once more.

    Instead of flowers, charitable donations can be made to Mary Stevens Hospice by way of donations at the church service itself, via a collection being organised by St.Mary's. Nearby Mary Stevens Hospice (where my family was born when it was a maternity hospital in the fifties/sixties) were very amenable to Helen's needs near the end of her life, and provide superb palliative care to cancer victims. They rely on charitable donations.

    All the hundreds of sympathy cards will be kept and treasured forever by me and Ryan.

    Thankyou everyone for the many lovely cards and messages within them.

    Please, anyone who will be sending or bringing cards, can you put your contact details in so I can thank you or keep in touch with you in the months and years to come.

    I am also looking for any old (or more recent) photos of, or with, Helen in them.

    Please post them here on Soul-Source or eMail them to:


    Anyone can phone me on 01654 710264.

    I love talking to soul friends old and new, and will catch up with many of you soon.

    Love and great appreciation.



  12. Dear Pat & Alan,

    Of course you know Helen from her earliest days on the Scene, and she never forgot any of those sunrise-era soulies - nor the more recent soulmates she attracted for that matter.

    Love you both.



    Dear Pat & Alan,

    Thanks for the call.

    Flowers are welcome of course delivered to the Church, St. Mary's, Oldswinford, Stourbridge on the morning of her funeral on Thursday 26th April.

    Interflora and others usually do this kind of thing for well-wishers.

    Alternativel bring the flowers with you to the church before the service at 2pm.

    They can also be sent/delivered to Sanderson Funeral Services, Merridale Street, Wolverhampton between now and then.

    Helen will be lying in the Chapel of Rest at Sandersons on the day before the funeral, for anyone wishing to see her once more.

    Instead of flowers, charitable donations can be made to Mary Stevens Hospice by way of donations at the church service itself, via a collection being organised by St.Mary's. Nearby Mary Stevens Hospice (where my family was born when it was a maternity hospital in the fifties/sixties) were very amenable to Helen's needs near the end of her life, and provide superb palliative care to cancer victims. They rely on charitable donations.

    All the hundreds of sympathy cards will be kept and treasured forever by me and Ryan.

    Thankyou everyone for the many lovely cards and messages within them.

    Please, anyone who will be sending or bringing cards, can you put your contact details in so I can thank you or keep in touch with you in the months and years to come.

    I am also looking for any old (or more recent) photos of, or with, Helen in them.

    Please post them here on Soul-Source or eMail them to:


    Anyone can phone me on 01654 710264.

    I love talking to soul friends old and new, and will catch up with many of you soon.

    Love and great appreciation.


    Ian (Pep)

  13. If anyone has any old (or even recent) photos or images of my beloved, late wife Helen I would love to have a copy of them.

    Please eMail them to me at:


    And/Or post them here on this Soul-Source forum.

    Or phone me on 01654 710264.

    (Anecdotes and stories also wanted).

    Love and best wishes.


    Ian 'Pep' Pereira.

  14. I have just read your touching tribute to Helen,a lady I was fotunate to meet in the late 1960's in my days at The Cats.

    Pat & I left the soul scene for many years to bring up our family

    but when we returned and went to the Connaught for the first time

    "Holmsey" (I'm not sure of the spelling but she will always be Helen Holmes to me) was one of the first people to welcome us back. It's safe to say Helen was one of those people who was once met never forgotten, and have no fear Pep she will never be forgotten. We will be there on Thursday to offer any support we can to both you and Ryan

    Respect Alan & Pat Carter

    Dear Pat & Alan,

    Of course you know Helen from her earliest days on the Scene, and she never forgot any of those sunrise-era soulies - nor the more recent soulmates she attracted for that matter.

    Love you both.



  15. hi pep.

    you probable dont know me as well as i know you,

    i used to come with my wife to the counaught hotel soul nights.

    helen allways made you feel wellcome and we allways had a brill

    night.helen and yourself allways spoke to us,comming from telford

    we never knew many people.

    you used to ask me if i seen ian tyrer

    i will allways remember helen as a lovely person.

    take care.

    stewart pitt.

    Thankyou Stewart,

    Helen especially went out of her way for people who came along, knowing no one. Thanks to her many people went home knowing many. She was the catalyst for lots of friend-groups, and loved being friends - with anyone and everyone.

    Greatly appreciated.



    PS. As you probably know Ian Tyrer, one our best friends from the 80s and 90s passed on last year. A terrible loss to me and Helen at the time.

  16. Some people touch your life, others entwine themselves in it.Although in touch by telephone June and I haven't seen yourself, Helen, and Ryan for some time now but you have all been in our thoughts and hearts.

    None moreso than at this time of your life when one of you has moved on.

    We were friends long before Helen entered your life but since that time it has always been Pep and Helen, a unity.

    I have watched Helen progress from one of the original soul rebels to a wonderfully loving and caring wife and mother.

    One of the great things about her was that you always knew where you stood with Helen, whether it offended or pleased.

    Most times she expressed a valid point and yoiu loved her the more for it.

    We will miss her unique dance style and her bad language !!

    Ian there will be a hole in the lives of both Ryan and yourself forever. But when things do get tough just remember that Helen is now, through her love, an even more integral part of you through memories exclusive and personal to both you and Ryan.

    She always did watch you, why should she stop now ?

    Thanks for some great memories Helen - "move on up"

    Brian and June

    Thankyou Brian and June,

    You have been with us through much of her illness and remain even more so now. Like you say she did have a tongue on her. You could even say she was ahead of her time in that respect too! It was all part of her down to earth nature - born of a working class, council estate background.

    She would always stand up for me fiercely, even when I got it wrong, which was more often than I care to admit. It was kind of "us against the world" at times, and I loved her at my side, through thick and thin. I'm only half a man without her.

    We go back a very long way and I look forward to continuing that great friendship, the lifelong friendship teenagers forge.

    Thankyou for your enduring love and support for my Helen.

    Love you both.


    Ian & Ryan

  17. Ian that was a moving read, we share your sorrow.

    I had posted this on the original thread, but it is an endearing memory of a wonderful person.

    I will always remember the night at Bretby when Helen was on the door taking the money, until I played "Eddie Parker - Body Chains". Helen came flying through the doors and onto the dance floor, it was one of her favourite records.

    Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

    RIP Helen, we will always have fond memories of you

    Martyn & Carol xxx

    Thanks Martin, Carol.

    I appreciate your special memories (...I wondered why we took nothing on the door that night).

    Helen didn't care how rare a record was, if she liked it she was out there dancing - on her own sometimes, didn't matter to her. Liked all sorts: 60s, 70s, 90s, 00s. She liked what she liked and voted with her (dancing) feet. DJs who knew that were guaranteed one dancer, at the very least.

    Great to hear from you. Thankyou for keeping such fond memories of her in your thoughts.



    PS. I'll have to go through that earlier thread, put up so kindly for me just after she passed away.

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