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Soul Shrews

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Everything posted by Soul Shrews

  1. The Intruders Sam 'Little Sonny' Brown (lead) Eugene 'Bird' Daughtery Phillip Terry Robert 'Big Sonny' Edwards 2 45s Gowen Records 1 45 Music Voice Records 1 45 EXEL Records (1st with Gamble and Huff ? ) 25 45s Gamble Records 3 45s TSOP Records 2 45s Phil Int Records (I'll alway's love my mamma) x2 Little Sonny never sang in key!! One of the most underrated group's IMO Buy 'em now while the're cheap! c
  2. Bobby Womack I mean (sorry)
  3. Also on Jay Boy UK
  4. a VERY rare 12 " unfortunatley I always thought his vocals sounded like Neil Sedaka dont know if thats a good or bad thing
  5. Basic black and pearl 'There ll come a time there ll come aday'
  6. Thats my philosophy
  7. Didnt the re issue go for daft money recently on blag bay?
  8. Think Impel is the local issue pre seventy seven and would cost more than a good pair of boots these days
  9. Ten quid seems cheap for a pair of boots these days Seriously this is an original Reissues are gold/black/red ala Valentinos 'Breakaway' Peace 'n' love Paul Woosnam
  10. A very good read about the early years of Gamble and Huff productions Gamble/Neptune etc Athough I found it ultimatelly frustateing then aggain I am a Philly obessive just ask Kenny I Would need a book three times as long just to get started But for a soul source music lover its a must Peace and love Paul aka Peco

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