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Everything posted by Grayman45

  1. What makes you guess that? (Or did I just miss something?)
  2. I guess that is the "purist" viewpoint, and an absolutely valid statement. But you can't knock someone for enjoying a sound then or now surely?
  3. I agree. It may not be classed as Soul, depending on your parameters, but a Northern Soul record it definately was, and it hit the spot for many back in the day, as did When We Get There.
  4. . . . in your opinion. Absolute class Northern Soul to me.
  5. Isn't it credited to R Searling on the Jumping At The Go GO album cover notes? I'm sure I read somewhere that when he uncovered it, people still didn't believe him it was Paul Anka. Or did I just dream that?
  6. Beer is needed these days to kid the brain into thinking that you can still dance.
  7. What if you chucked in a few flogged to death oldies throughout the night. It might attract a few more to your gig, and open their ears to some different stuff. Just a thought, not trying to be clever.
  8. Don't book him for the Easter Weekender though, apparently he doesn't turn up.
  9. Every time I see this topic I tell myself I must stay away from this sight. I'm touching 50 this year, and as Pete S so brilliantly put it, I'm more interested in a good bacon sandwich these days. We live in a world where we can type the name of any record and listen to it almost anywhere. Not like years ago where you might manage to get a dodgy second generation recording of a rare sound on a BASF tape, if you were lucky enough to know someone. As I see it, the scene is dying with our generation (just like the Teds did). Most people at big do's now are just reliving their youth for a night. They just want to listen and dance. There are enough RIP notices on this very site, it certainly makes me think about just living for the moment. When you're 18, your brain works totally differently. I have plenty of respect for collectors, and those who still live the scene as it was, but I believe that just gets harder and harder. So, I too ask the same question, "Whats it all about?"
  10. Ha ha, soul police?
  11. How did you get that pic? Was that from the balcony?
  12. Fair comment, but surely sticking it on youtube is/was always asking for trouble? Do you see where I'm coming from, or am I too wide of the mark?
  13. Here's a question, might be a daft one: How come all this sacred music from vinyl has ended up as MP3's. Don't shout at me for being ignorant.
  14. There you go. The last two posts before this one - sense at last!
  15. Couldn't agree more with you.
  16. Why do so many people seem to fear anyone new, or lacking a bit of knowledge or convention, encroaching onto the scene. Someone said in an earlier post that the scene is in a rut. Maybe folk like Northern Jordan might just be the breath of fresh air it needs. I asked a similar question when I first found this web site, and got slaughtered by a certain few. One person in particular, took great pleasure in ridiculing me. It turns out he doesn't even venture out anymore. Ashleysoul's post above works for me.
  17. Why don't you two have a Dance Off to sort this out
  18. So, genuine curiosity here. Are all these 'DJ's' at all these venues, being paid for their services? Or is it for the love of the music?
  19. That makes sense. There was obviously plenty of issues around, or just wasn't popular. Probably more the latter
  20. Doesn't crop up on Popsike at all.
  21. Thanks for that. I noticed someone on youtube mentioned Brum Locarno too.
  22. Majestics - I Love Her So Much It Hurts I always liked Harold Melvin's Get Out, but always makes for a few awkward moments on the dance floor.
  23. Garland Green - Sending My Best Wishes (Spring) I have this in my box of all sorts. I have no idea where it came from, can't remember ever hearing it at a venue, couldn't even remember how it went. Anybody know anything about it - other than the fact that it's nowhere near as good as Girl I Love You!?
  24. How many of these dance floors will be filled?
  25. I wonder if he could put his name to some of my second issues. I could be rolling in it!

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