Or you could look at it from the other angle. That being, there's a small amount of people clinging on to something from their youth that has been overtaken and killed off by technology and lack of interest. Not necessarily my opinion . . .
Quotations - I Don't Have To Worry
I have this on a DiVenus label. Always assumed it was a boot/2nd issue. Anybody have any info on this record? Was it ever played out much?
Years ago I came across this on Deluxe, got all excited, only to be told it was a slower version. I bought it anyway. Anybody know anything about it? Did it ever get played? I think Rob Smith used to own the faster version. Just curious . . .
Anyone know what's going on here? Crying Over You for £108. I'm assuming it's not an original, so why the high price. Would I be right to suggest that lookalike issues tend to make more money than completely different labels - for whatever reason?
Always makes me wonder why we like them. Is it the beat that we naturally assume is soulful? Remember Phil Coulter - Good Thing Going or Shadows and Reflections?