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Everything posted by Grayman45

  1. Bang on mate. I'm amazed at how people choose to forget his.
  2. You might be quite good at chucking a few poetic lines together, but I'm afraid your actual argument in full of contradictions.
  3. Sorry, I'm starting to think I AM uneducated now. How come it is ok to listen to stuff via the internet and digital means, but not from a piece of vinyl that produces the same sound, but suits the equipment I have. (As stated previously, speaking as someone on the brink of selling up). I don't buy Armani because I can't afford it. I don't but buy Armani counterfeit goods because it does people out of money. You can not say the same about the music we listen to. I have never seen a campaign from anyone to ensure all loyalties from records sold are passed on to those due. (I do take on board that people producing records here have endeavoured to pass them on, and I salute that). On another note, the 'capitalist logic bit' is a little bit rich, given that we're talking about a buy and sell world here.
  4. As far as I can see bootlegs were a integral part of the scene. Just like badges, clothes and even drugs. Those at the top of the Northern tree were quite happy to make money from them. All the dealers who sell original records are quite happy to sell boots, and why shouldn't they. Some have made a decent living from this. It's a second hand market, always has been, and nobody gets hurt.
  5. So, if I ever want to be able to listen to George Blackwell, in my own home, (or possibly ever again), I have to save £700 plus and buy an original copy because someone who collects records thinks I'm an idiot. Telling my son we can't afford his new football boots (no pun intended) - that's a bit wank. Graham (self employed, tax paying, law abiding citizen)
  6. Can't argue with that. Even if I could, I wouldn't dare open that can of worms.
  7. I think it's a bit harsh calling people idiotic and uneducated, just for buying a piece of vinyl they can afford, with a fantastic tune on it.
  8. There's one on Mr Manship's site for a silly price.
  9. Ha ha, you saw right through me!
  10. Might be slightly off topic here. Freddy Butler - That's When I Need You. Am I right in saying this was an album track? In which case, does that make the later issued single collectable?
  11. I have noticed that. I hope it's not for future dodgy deals, ie selling a boot as an original!
  12. Sorry I'm a bit slow at times. You mean sell twenty as a batch? As in, £200 for this set of twenty? (I'm dreaming obviously)
  13. I've had a few similar offers, and it's tempting. But I'm hoping to get the best price for them. With respect, you, as a dealer, would obviously be looking at profit margins. If I decide to go that way, I will let you know what I've got.
  14. I've noticed most on Ebay are around the £2 mark (postage that is)
  15. Certainly does help Jason. Thanks very much for the info.
  16. Haven't made a start yet mate. I'll let you know as soon as I do though.
  17. I have a load of boots/2nd issues to sell. I am wondering how to go about this for the best. Is Ebay worth the hassle? If not, where else? Should I try to sell a few together or all separate? What sort of postage should I get? Do records need to be bubble wrapped or not. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  18. I know where you are coming from. We could open up a whole new can of worms here. BVO - booted vinyl only.
  19. So you're the one . . . Seriously though, in these days of mp3's, I'd have thought that would be the preferred format for anyone thats not collecting originals. I know there's an argument for owning vinyl.
  20. Speaking as someone on the verge of selling up, I'm intrigued to know who buys a boot nowadays.
  21. Agree with you there. Very much "of another time".
  22. I believe this got played on the Northern scene years ago, my guess would be at the Mecca. Anybody have any info? My copy is on a ZEA label.
  23. Feeling a bit humbled now. Tracking down and interviewing these artists, was, without doubt, quite a feat, which obviously required a great deal of effort and dedication. Getting them to sing over their tracks, IN MY OPINION, was not a great idea. I tip my hat to the bloke and his associates in any case.
  24. That's exactly it. To me who doesn't know, it just looks tacky. It kinda makes me think, what was the point of doing them? I'm not one of those Ian Levine knockers. I guess he had his motives, either personal, or for the scene in general.
  25. Chuck Jackson on a yacht with supermodels off Skeggy beach? Maybe not. Didn't know the circumstances of them, just find them bad to watch.

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