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Everything posted by Grayman45

  1. Can anybody give me any info on this record. It's one those I never heard much of. I have it on ABC, the ABC emblem being coloured. Is this a boot / re-issue? Seem to remember paying over the odds for it back in the day.
  2. Great tune in my opinion.
  3. Could it be . . . Lorraine Ellison- I Got My Baby Back ?
  4. Slightly off topic, Nappy Brown - is that a name or a statement?
  5. Thanks for the reply. I assume the lack of replies suggests it wasn't played, or wasn't played much. Seem to remember paying good money for it too (for that time).
  6. As a very naive teenager, I bought this record at an alldayer, thinking it was something totally different, (I'm too embarrassed to say what I thought it was). It's a nice enough tune. I've since learnt who Lesley Gore is of course. I was wondering whether it was ever played on the scene. Anybody got any info?
  7. Cracking tune. With a name like Detroit Soul, and a sound like that, who'd have guessed they're a white group. (That's not racist is it?)
  8. Nobody in authority seems to want to respond to you so I'll have a go. I would have said a tenner at the most. I bet you'd pick one up for a few quid somewhere.
  9. Wouldn't have a clue myself, but just happened to see earlier if it helps : https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/d/91415/COLLINS,_KEANYA
  10. Manship would still get a ton for it
  11. I think it was pressed on a yellow Canterbury similar to the red design above. I'm sure mine's like that, but I'd have to dig it out to check.
  12. I don't want this thread to end. I have a couple in my head that I never knew the name of. If we carry on for a year or so, they might come up.
  13. Where was the venue with the jazz funk room? I'm just curious.
  14. There was A Time - Gene Chandler??
  15. Ashford & Simpson - It Seems To Hang On . . . Class!
  16. I have both of the boots mentioned for sale right now. I wouldn't have it in me to deceive anyone. Is it because I was christened a Catholic?
  17. Slightly different subject, I once bought a phone on Ebay, sent it back because it wasn't as described (Chinese fake). It went mysteriously missing. Lost every penny of sixty odd quid.
  18. Where do you start when something expensive goes missing?
  19. I think he means that because it's not his cup of tea, he feels the need to ridicule you.
  20. Wise words no doubt, and a refreshing outlook from you mate. I take onboard your comments. Can't believe anyone would be so childish to tamper with decks before a set by the way.
  21. As a relative "outsider" I have to agree with this. When I joined this site I was looking to get back into the scene, - get out more, start collecting records again. There are people on here that are very helpful, interesting and humourous. But there is also a hell of a lot of people who feel the need to tell others how things should be and what they should be doing. Ironically, one of the most concise Soul websites has turned me off the whole thing. I think i'll stick with my music and memories only.
  22. Was flicking through the channels and came across Harold Melvin's Get Out! Hope it was original vinyl.
  23. That man made junk is already out there, it's just being recycled, much like your Lambretta has been. And yes, thanks to off topic comments, what started as an interesting thread, is now dead.
  24. I'd also dare say that without the bootleg, this cult would never have grown to half the size it did. Kids buying bootlegs and playing them to others at home, and at youth clubs etc. Not everyone got to go to Wigan every week.

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