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Everything posted by Grayman45

  1. In my box of all sorts I have more than one or two records on the Inferno, Destiny and Grapevine labels. In my opinion there was a lot of crap on the Destiny, apart from a few. Would be interested to know if anyone collects any of these, for collecting sake.
  2. And another one on my list! Great tune. Sound system was dodgy and times, but the tunes were still good.
  3. Love that one too, and the Rain With Charity Brown! Sorry Russ, I'm not stalking you, honest. It just seems that you're going through my record collection. (It does have a better section)
  4. Love it - and perfectly described sir!
  5. I thought "Statue" was great at the time, now it doesn't seem to have any soul at all. The same probably goes for Cobblestone.
  6. Funny how you both mention Love On A Mountain Top. I don't actually remember it being played. Would I be right in saying Pete Waterman put in an appearance or two? I believe he was a big pusher of that particular tune.
  7. Yep, a lot of those records later released on Grapevine and Destiny, Lover - Delites, She Said Goodbye - Billy Hambric
  8. Much of my Northern Soul early life centered around the Palais All Dayers, mid to late seventies. For this reason there are many records that for me, are Palais records. I often wondered if other people would put the same records to the same venue (they were obviously played elsewhere at the time). Here's a few that I'm talking about (I could list loads). Anyone with any memories? You Won't Say Nothing - Tamala Lewis You've Got To Love Your Baby - Millionaires Up And Over - Jay Traynor Strange Change - Herb Ward This Man In Love - New Wanderers Trick Me Treat Me - Cobblestone Statue - Tommy Sands . . .
  9. Might give that one a miss actually. Might get a bit bitchy.
  10. Ahhh, I remember those days. We all seemed to be singing from the same hymn sheet then too.
  11. In fairness, and with respect, I don't think the guy who started the thread was suggesting that at all. He was just questioning whether it was a good 'look' or not. By the way, can anybody define 'upfront venue' for me, or is that another thread?
  12. It's an idea. No swallow diving though
  13. Do these people turn up in Ford Escorts and Hillman Avengers?
  14. Couldn't agree more!
  15. Did that particular look belong to Northern Soul, or was it just a variation on the then current fashion? I remember lots of lads wearing bags who didn't know what Northern Soul was.
  16. I'm guessing the baggie trousers look doesn't make the scene particularly attractive to young folk. First impressions and all that.
  17. Had an original Frank Wilson Do I Love You, nicked once. I reckon one of the DJ's swiped it. If anybody ever sees it . . .
  18. After drifting in and out for many years, I was tempted to start collecting vinyl again recently - but the prices!!!!? £100 plus for anything decent? Even Sky TV would be cheaper!
  19. As I see it, it's simply an age thing. When you're young and energetic, you make the effort to get to wherever the music/good times are. When you're older, you pick and choose your times and venue. Hence, people only make an effort to go local. This means more venues will get people through the door, but on a much smaller scale. I know this is not the case 100 per cent of the time. I personally hate an undersupported do.
  20. Mine's probably worth £6 at most!
  21. As far as I remember it has a B side too, just as "theothertosspot" suggested. (That doesn't sound right does it? Apologies to him).
  22. Yep, absolutely spot on in my humble opinion.
  23. Must have first heard it somewhere around 1975. I probably picked the pressing up three or four years later. It's not a song I've heard played much when out and about.

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