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Everything posted by Meerkaz

  1. Brilliant night at phoenix even though not many there still enjoyed it
  2. brilliant night. Good music. Lovely friends. Danced all night!
  3. Missed last one so might go to this one
  4. brilliant night at phoenix well done andy we really enjoyed it
  5. Can't wait to see everyone looking forward to having a dance !!
  6. I loved newstead I travel every month there to see my friend Lesley have a dance and socialize. It was brilliant.!!!I would go again.
  7. I always thought it was half seven. It's a shame really it's a good dancefloor just needs more details and put on a bit sooner on soul source. I think it's a good venue.
  8. Looking forward to having a dance tonight not a bad venue
  9. Looking forward to having a dance great little venue!!!
    Brilliant night at kingsway really enjoyed with my lovely soul friends.

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