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Everything posted by Glyn1957

  1. Hi I will have a Cornell carter say yes blue glyn
  2. I will have one glyn
  3. Hi bud money sent thanks glyn
  4. 10 hartland ave, southport, Merseyside, pr9 9ft
  5. 10 hartland ave, southport, Merseyside, pr9 9ft
  6. Emanuel lasky, Geraldine hunt. Bobby bland please
  7. Hi Steve I have sent another £3.15 hopefully got it right Glyn
  8. thanks Steve
  9. hi steve, money sent glyn
  10. commands please
  11. four below zero please
  12. solomon burke stupidity available
  13. hi I will have a copy glyn
  14. wanted cynthia and the imaginations, why werent you there blue rock
  15. FRED BRIDGES please
  16. Des how much for soul patners
  17. Thanks bud
  18. Soul partners and patti please
  19. Hi Bobby sheen available
  20. hi its good hands, and treasured, brings back great memories of when it was 1st played on our scene
  21. yes he did that was the quote in the recent auction for donna king
  22. hi des have i got brenda and dorells Glyn

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