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Everything posted by Lambrettagp200

  1. Looking for a copy of the above in ex or above condition. Please PM if you have a copy for sale. Thanks, Alan.
  2. Looking for a copy in at least ex condition. Please PM me if you have a copy for sale. Thanks.
  3. Looking for a copy in at least ex condition. Please, PM's only if you have a copy for sale. Thanks.
  4. Looking for a copy of the above in ex or above condition. Please PM me if you have a copy for sale. Thanks.
  5. Hi folks. I'm looking for a copy of the above in ex or above condition. Please PM me if you have a copy for sale. Cheers, Alan.
  6. How much would a Black Issue of Don Ray be worth then?
  7. Hi. I'm looking for the above record in ex or above condition. Please PM me if you have a copy for sale. Cheers.
  8. Hi. I'm looking for a 1st issue or demo of the above. Must be ex or above. Please PM me with price & condition. Thanks.
  9. Hi Gordie. Joe Dunlop on here has an Atlantic demo for sale. Great tune mate! Best of luck with it. Alan.
  10. Great thread this...very interesting & no mud slinging lol!! I've got a copy of the Metros - Since I Found My Baby on RCA with red label & radio station sticker on it. Think it cost me about £60. How do Canadian records compare in price to American issues?
  11. Chalky...thanks also for your input mate.
  12. Suoercorsa....you are a gent! While i'm on, can anyone give me any info about issue numbers of records per anniversary, rarity, values, etc? Thanks again.
  13. Where would i get a complete listing of all these records? Thanks
  14. @ Kev H. None taken mate!
  15. @ Kev H. Can't argue with the Elvis bit...but to me it's just an uptempo dance record. Totally unoffensive to me. I like the tune....maybe if it had been sung by a soul singer it wouldn't be on this list?
  16. Yip, gotta agree with Jaco
  17. People keep knocking Ral Donner....i've heard a lot worse than that in my time!
  18. No mate, check nsoulchris video of the track. Some dude refering to "casino" & "chalkies" in the comments called Carpetmann! Maybe i'm just reading it wrong?!? Maybe he's talking about another Casino!!
  19. That's what i thought Pete, as i always though it was a new discovery in the 80's. Maybe the guy on youtube just got mixed up lol!
  20. Thanks for the info. What anniversary was it? Sadly never hear it nowadays, but it was massive at scooter rallies mid eighties. Also seen someone on youtube saying it was played at Wigan...is that correct??
  21. I've seen the above on a Harbro Horace release & Kent. I'm positive the Horace release was first, but are there any others? In an ovo situation, which is acceptable to play out? Cheers.
  22. Thanks Stewart. Just had a look, but at that price, it can stay there mate! Missed out on a copy for 100 a few weeks back. Just need to keep looking!
  23. Cheers Dave. I'm bloody rubbish at remembering artists & titles! At least i was closer than i normally am! :0)
  24. Hi. I'm looking for a copy of the above in ex or above condition. Please PM me if you have a copy for sale. Best wishes, Alan.

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