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Everything posted by Northernjordan

  1. I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Dexys Midnight Runners with their covers of Seven Days Is Too Long and Breaking Down The Walls Of Heartache. I know they are a fairly soulful band in the first place....
  2. Theres a lot of quality to be had at cheap prices! But, its if you want those killer classics sometimes you've got to spend a bit to get them. I enjoy finding the cheapies that people over look.
  3. Thanks for the reply, I will pass on the info. Anything else?
  4. Scrap that, ive just listened to the lyrics more closely :O
  5. Magic Night - If You And I Had Never Met
  6. My scooter club (which is a more of a loose organisation for young people with an interest in scooters) has recently got a member from the Big Apple, and she is wanting to know if there are any mod/soul nights going on in around NYC. i've found out about a scooter club in the city, but just wanting to know if there is anything more music orientated going on? She knows where a lot of the record stores are. Cheers, Jordan
  7. Just a thought, instead of them picking a song from a list of soul source suggestions. Maybe get them to draw up a list of their favorite soul songs they feel suitable for the occasion? I personally wouldn't want to pick a song that I've never heard before or a song that didn't have a personal connection with. Unless of course, one of these suggestions blows them away! personally though, something like the Impressions - I'm The One Who Loves You or if they like 70's stuff, The Street People - I Wanna Spend My Whole Life With You
  8. A good none soul song (well to me its more rock than soul) Mr Floods Party - Compared to What The terrible, A Touch of Velvet, A Sting of Bass
  9. Cheers, for the offer. However, i never go to london as i'm from way oop north! I recognise your user name from my scooter fourm?
  10. I assumed the main reason for the change is that they changed their style and the name change gave them a new lease of life? With them plodding along for 10 years or so with no smash hit, a name change would have helped there image I guess.
  11. It had me thinking! IF you want to PM, I cany buy no more this month though... Just picked up another couple of wants
  12. Thanks for the great info, always interesting. Such a shame he didnt get what he deserved for writing a great song. Love it.
  13. Issues not stuff
  14. I will eventually do it properly as the DJ copy nand heart trouble are long term wants. At the moment I'm just wanting to get the all their Revilot stuff. ;)
  15. Learn more and more each day... Still a great song, any more info on the other Parliaments?
  16. They may not be, I really dont know. I just assumed they were....they are on completely different labels to be fair.
  17. Cheers guys, I will hunt them down in the coming months. And maybe eventually I will have every thing by the parliaments although Heat Trouble and Rainy Day especially, are well out of my price range...
  18. Just wondering what they released on Revilot, as i think i'm not a million miles away from getting them all. I have, Dont Be Sore At Me/All Your Goodies Are Gone I Can Feel The Ice Melting/I Wanna Testify Time/Good Old Music Little Man/The Goose I know theres What Are You Growing/Look What I Almost Missed Anything else? Cheers
  19. TBH I don't know what I'm rambling on about, but it doesn't do it for me. But, don't let me stop the folk who do enjoy it. .
  20. Yeah, that sums it up for me. It doesnt hit the spot, but i've heard it so many times it irks me a bit. I prefer the more dramatic tunes, and i dont think this has that much drama TBH.
  21. No, thts is a different sittuation. The Lou Ragland song just grates on me a bit, but i played it to death and it just annoys me now. I dont hate them, but i cant listen to them.
  22. To be fair, I think its a really poor record. But, I'm not sure i hate it! ahah
  23. Having thought about it. Fortune Teller grates on me, along with I Travel Alone. Time marches On, is just piss poor.
  24. I am quite enjoying this tune at the moment, does any one have a copy going? i've seen a few about cheap on various site, but i thought i would try here first. Cheers
  25. f*ck it, they might be seen as "cheesy" or "handbaggers" tunes. Or even showing a lack of imagination... But i want the "3 Before 8" playing at my funeral. I love all three tunes, and they were some of the first soul tracks i ever listen too and i think they would be fitting for the occassion. They blow me away nearly every time.

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