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Everything posted by Northernjordan

  1. Anyone got a nice copy at a nice price? Please PM me. Thanks,
  2. Thank you! Knew it was something like that!
  3. For the life of me, I cant remember what group sang the more gospel type version of this. Anyone remember? Cheers,
  4. Theres still plenty of very good dancers on the soul scene, both young and old. People who feel the music and can actually move to it how they want to. My experience is that the better nights for music generally attract the better dancers. I'm a young lad and in my own opinion was getting fairly good at my footwork, but in the last 3-4 months ive not really done much dancing or practicing at home or out and about. It's amazing how quick you get out of practice, my feet cant move half as fast as I would like! Haha. So god help those 2-3 times my age who only go out once every 3 month's! Ps can anyone link to some of the different styles of footwork on the scene from YouTube? Cheers
  5. I take it this is the original issue? Its not an expensive record, but i dont want to buy the "wrong" one. https://s.pixogs.com/image/R-1488186-1258526047.jpeg
  6. Whats the difference? Is the green or gold the first issue? Also if any one has a copy going for a fair price, please PM me.
  7. Probably, I had a feeling that it may have been... It hasnt cost me anything so nothing lost.
  8. It reads the same as the title of the thread.
  9. I think it is a boot as the lable printing seems of poor quality compared to the legit copy. Though it does play real nice.
  10. I have started a thread in look at your box, to no hijack this thread.
  11. Hi Andreas, I think i have got my wires crossed. I have 1 legit copy and 1 boot, no two legit copies and 1 boot as i originally thought. I think I have mistaken a copy of the "Fabulous Rhynstones - Free" on the same lable. Its a pretty good track too, and worth checking out.
  12. Yes it is bell stamped, i just had chance to take a look. Its definitely a boot.
  13. To not hijack the thread in freebasing, I have a copy of this. It is, a light sky blue type colour. Not overly dark but not really pale. Just wondering if it sounds legit, does any one have lable scans for both? Thanks,
  14. Sorry, where is the Volcanoes being discussed? As I believe I have an issue somewhere...
  15. So, what was the result? Ian on my phone so it is hard to search. Cheers
  16. Ive come into a few copies of this, but one is on a different label design than the others. It is brown anda'll the writing including the logo are black, is this a bootleg or a legit copy? There is no suggestion of it being a demo. Also whats the going rate on this track. Cherrs
  17. Does any one have a nice clean copy going spare? Cheers
  18. It does sound like me, even though i dont DJ that reguarly I do worry about repeating certain tunes. It might have been 3 months or so since my last slot, but i still worry.
  19. I must admit I went on a fair ramble there, it just frustrates me how people expect you to be a certain way if you ride a scooter or listen to northern. Then they look t you like your a fake because you dont live up to the stereotype.
  20. The problem is most "normal people" cant comprehend thats there is so much depth and more to the scene than just baggy trousers and talcum powder. Theres only so many conversations you can get into with people who either take the piss or have no clue. You get a completely different response when you say "rare soul", people who have a clue will be interested, the divs wont. So instead of people with half a clue on northern soul taking the piss, you will most likely end up in a reasonably intelligent conversation or no conversation at all. Its just as bad when I tell people about riding a Lambretta, a typical response is "so your a mod" or "do you have lights and mirrors". No I dont, and no I am not! I dont wear a parka either, it's not safe! I like rats, rustorations, street racers and cutdown. But people still cant get past lights and mirrors, no wonder people wore t-shirts with "im not a fucking mod" printed on them. Yes people are more aware of subcultures nowadays, but they are only aware of the stereotype. And there lies the problem for most people on all the scenes, they have grown past the stereotypes and the more people associate people with them, the less they want to be associated. It's like the original mods, when mod went big, most of the top mods called themselves stylists to disown the masses.
  21. ODMO Original Dance Moves Only, if you cant do the moves from 1969-1974 you will have to find a more suitable venue...
  22. I am now expecting loads of "Dancers Only" nights, in wich there is a dance floor and no music!
  23. I know what you mean, ive bought a few records that now dont do much for me. But, that is a rarity! Just the sheer number of quality tracks out there is unreal, it's a real joy just to keep finding all these tracks never mind owning them. I normally listen to an album till I know every word of every song and I normally then need want to buy 7/10, hence the reason why list keeps growing!
  24. But these lads are massively into music (break beats/rave), not just your average clubbers. Maybe that has a bearing on why they like a few tracks?

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