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Everything posted by Northernjordan

  1. Half the stuff in one of the draws in my bedroom! Because half of it is shite thats why!
  2. But I'm going to Norwich...
  3. I am pretty sure it's simple as young people want to party, and party all night. Not party for a few hours then be told to bugger off home and be tucked up in bed by 9pm on a friday evening... Thats one thing thats never going to change
  4. Cool guys, this is looking alot more promising! I am not particularly fussy about oldies vs underplayed on this ocassion just fancy a dance, but whats the music policy at BACKSTREET?
  5. Seems a bit surprising that there isnt anything on, normally some one does a soul night around christmas times... I will check out the facebook page
  6. I Had a quick look earlier, but couldnt spot anything? Maybe some one has some local knowledge on if theres anything happening and they are using a club name? Cheers
  7. Hi All, I am not to clued up on any scene down there, but theres someone I would like to visit in that area and while im there tie it in with a soul night. So is there anything happening in Norwich soul wise around christmas. Cheers, Jordan
  8. "Hi, you alright mate? Cheers for coming, that will be X amount..." is enough for me....
  9. Maybe its to do with the quality of most music mags these days? Mainly adverts, very little content of substance and depth... Thats why I buy very few music magazines these days. The only decent music mag is Shindig, but even then i dont buy it anymore. Only the best and biggest forums seem to be surviving these days, as facebook seems to be taking over. Most people can chat music and share tunes on there very easily.
  10. Well, there was a lot of talk about overground/underground, cool/not cool and how the programme captured this. That was my response, I'm not trying to dig at everyone older than me on the scene as that would mean I wont have many friends quite quickly! I fully agree with dressing with some taste and self respect, and in a convoluted way that was part of my point. I was just saying, these programmes suffer with interviewees as the average is so old now!
  11. For all the guys who are concernded about the scenes "coolness", IMO when you really think about it how can a scene with the majority of people now 50+ be cool? Yes, the baggies and circle skirts are vile, especially so on any one not in their teens (not sure why anyone my age would want to wear them myself, anyway), but the point I am trying to make is that even if the programe had interviewed normally dressed guys on the scene it wouldnt have been massively different. Yes, the comedy element wouldn't have been there, but people who are 50+ dont really ooze coolness do they? This is a problem faced by most other "youth cultures", be it mod, scooterist, skinheads etc etc... It's hard to look cool on the TV, with the wrinkles showing and the teeth decaing. Yes, theres cool pockets on the scene like the Black Bee guys and a lot of younger people who like the music.But, lets be honest, they are in the minority and the norm is more likely to be the baggy trouser brigade. So, It's a shame the TV shows dont capture these "cool" pockets, but in all fairness they do capture what is closer to the "norm" in most peoples eyes. Most of this doesnt really bother me, I like what I like and get on with it.
  12. Sorry, I was just unsure and wanted to know who you had spoke to 95% of the club juat wear normal cloths that would fit in any way today... No baggies, no circle skirts but a couple of mod type characters. Just normal lads and lasses some who hate northern but most others who love it and will dance all night to it. When you are 26 you become a rusty musket ;)
  13. By young guns do you mean my scooter ckub for under 25s or just using it as a generic term?
  14. I was pleasantly surprised. Normally, I find myself dreading watching programmes like this beacuse of the circus they normally are, but cant help but watch them anyway. It showed the scene in a pretty possitive light IMO. It was genuine and the pressenter seemed to actually have some passion for the scene and music. It would have been nice to have a feature on gritty cool clubs like the Black Bee over the Kings Hall and maybe a little less focus on the 70s fashion. Maybe a general overview on how clothing has changed over the years. Overall it was decent...
  15. I guess Edwin Starr - War is a pretty obvious one...
  16. I would say this was the post common sense post on the thread. I am a young collector, so therefore relatively new to record grading. Anything less than VG+ is well beat up, so how can it be described as a VG record? I think Poor, Fair leading up to Very Good would give a more defined step between each level and make things clearer. Where as with just using varying degrees of VG, its easy to add more plusses to make the record more salable. I also like it when people actually give a brief desription on how the record plays like Pete is suggesting, it really does make deciding to spend your money on the record easier. All this is a little less important on low value items wich shouldnt sell for much more than a fiver. However, when you are starting to pay £15-20+ thats getting to a fair bit of money to pay for one maybe two songs if you are lucky and gettign a double sider.
  17. Fair points, as I said earlier it was a late night beer posting... I have four record players, 2 will probably see the light off day again. So I figured one may as well go to a good home, her partners have one apparently.I simply thought a few classic Motown pieces four tops, Marvin Gaye, the spinners would be a nice addition and a good starting point. I have a few duplicates to spare just wondered if any one else did. Not to worry haha
  18. I had a couple of beers, so wasnt thinking all that clearly. But, I will cover costs if some kind soul wants to send me some extremely cheap (but decent tracks) for free, or I will pay for some one to put me a pack together, but emphasis on the cheap. Haha, Cheers
  19. Right, theres a lass who is a good friend of mine. She has been banging on about not having a record player, I have a spare one. Was going to give her it, but theres no point having a record pkayer and no records. Does any one have any real cheap classic Motown/classic northern (reissues no problem) they have duplicates of or no longer want that they could send me? Cheers!
  20. Yes, the listing is not in plain english. But, he lists the run out groove details, and 2 minutes on popsike shows this is not the original. So its foolish to bid such an ammount without checking.
  21. Can't blame the seller, a fool and thier momey are often parted. How much is my Grapevien worth? At least thats legit...
  22. Then theres this one on popsike... hahaha https://www.popsike.com/SOUL-BEAT-Orig-JA-Ronnie-Davis-Forgive-Her-TOP-TUNE-/180780998870.html
  23. I agree on the mic front, thats something I want to improve on. And by next time will use it a bit more... And yep, the its the underplayed ones that stood out and they are whay I want to play when I play out. I have quite a few other ones up my sleeve ;)

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