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Everything posted by Northernjordan

  1. Haha, hit me with whats youve got then?
  2. And thanks for the other reaplies. it looks like Technics are the ones to look out for, so will try and hunt a bargain. Any other brands worth looking into?
  3. Thanks for the detailed reply. I have had a search through ebay and added a few item to my watch list. I was after a fairly simple set up, not wanting to go for something over complex or expensive and not use it to its full potential. I cant see me doing any thing fancy for a fair while. Like i say, i was going to try to stick to fairly well known stuff, with a few under played favorites thrown in. I'm not going to try and re-invent the wheel on my first few sets. I know what i like to dance to, so will stick with that thinking. I will buy the price guide. I will only be playing with local promoters and Djs not trying to host a night.
  4. Saying that, there seems to be a fair few complete but second hand vinyl decks and mixers on ebay at decent prices. Any brands to avoid or to looks out for?
  5. Hello all, I am potentially going to be DJing at some local nights in the comming months. I have some expierence of Djing, but that was just using MP3s at a small local soul night. What i am after is some advice on where to start when it comes to Djing using vinyl? I have access to plenty of records from my dad, but will need to build up my own collection. But this is something i plan to do in the long term. I am confident in choosing a set as i have made plenty of playlist etc in the past for personal use. My main concern is the fact i am going to need some mixing decks to practice at home with, so any suggestions on the affordable side? Thanks
  6. Well thats an hour and a half I won't get back...
  7. Personally, i think 45mins-1hour is a good length it give you chance to brach out a little and build up your set. But, i think its good to have a slot at different times of the night rather than playing all your tunes in one go is good. If you get the graveyard shift right at the start of a night it can be quite boring, but having a second slot later in the night can give you chance to play some bigger/rarer tunes and get more appreciation for doing so.

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