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Everything posted by Northernjordan

  1. I live and dream... I hope every one doesnt have egyptian or viking style burrials? haha
  2. I was more hoping some one would offer me their collection of shrine records etc since these are soon to become unsellable
  3. Since the market is about to collapse and selling these un-wanted collections will be more hassle than its worth, I can offer a solution. I will take all un-wanted collections of vinyl please PM me and I am sure we can come to an arrangement in which I will kindly cover postage coats. I await all your private messages. Kind regards, Jordan
  4. I'm a pretty new collector, my collection so far is getting close 100 soul 45's. With about 20 or so of these tracks being filler as ive picked up a fair few free rocords and been given a few. 99% of my collection is OV. But, my dad has a collection of about 500 soul 45's alot of nice stuff, but not many that expensive. its baout 90% OV with a few re-issue and boots. I play some of these every day and if im lucky i do the odd DJ spot.
  5. Well collecting has fucked me bank balance....
  6. Now sorted, thanks all who messaged me.
  7. I amaafter this in any of the original version such as the new young hearts etc... Not interested in the boot. Chwers
  8. Anyone got an original copy that they will let go fairly cheap? Love this track,
  9. T.D Valentine - love Trap Chubby Checker - Hey You Little Boogaloo Patrice Halloway - Ecstasy I always thought those tracks are fairly blatent Innuendos.
  10. Yeah, I know how to do that. I'm just not a fan, looks like its the only waythen. Cheers
  11. I would love to give this a listen on my MP3 player, is there any way I can download it or can some send me it as an MP3?
  12. Fair point Nik, I generally make my way to the main room late in when most of the masses have left and it's a great mix of randomssongs. King Kurt, sham 69, new toy dolls etc with a good mix of old school dance Manchester and few newish tracks.
  13. I was more meaning if it wasn't done to death like the Mellow Souls etc etc I agree that its a lazy song to play out, hence the reason saying I expect more from djs
  14. And I wonder how people would rate this record if there were only 20 known copies? I bet it would be the best piece of northern ever made... Personally I like it, it's a good gate way track. But when out, I expect more from the DJs than to play it.
  15. I don't think ive ever heard the snake ever played at a scooter rally? And I spend most of the weekend in the soul rooms? To be fair I think the northern played is of hight standard at nearly all the ones ive been at. So ot frustrates me when people come out with statements slating scooter rallies...
  16. I don't suppose psychedelic soul is an out and out genre of its own. But it's great to here soul sounds with that kind of vibe. Theres a few prominent black people on the 60s psych/rock scene with the obvious being Hendrix and Love ( the lead singer was a genius, but cant for the life of me remember his name). But they lack the soulful sounds that a lot of these tracks have.
  17. Really enjoying the replies, slowing working my way through them. Cheers!
  18. Ok, ive been getting into sounds like The Parliaments - The Goose, The Exits - You've Got Have Money and The Vibrations - I Took An Overdose. And to me at least, they have a very Psychedelic feel to them which is appealing to me as I like a lot of 60s garage and psyc. You can really feel that kind of vibe with the guitar riffs and singing style and way out lyrics in some of those songs. Just wondering if people could post their favourite psychedelic soul tracks? Cheers
  19. The copy I have is the plain version without the credits.
  20. I could be completely wrong hear, but the Joe Simon track. I think it's exactly the same with a slightly different label design and one is made of vinyl and the other styrene? Sorry if I'm wrong.
  21. Natalie, in my scooter club for under 25s ( Young Guns SC) there is a fair few mods and scooterists from the west midlands area. Search us on the facebook and maybe you can meet up with a few like minded people who can help put on an event with.
  22. I'm also wanting, This Old Heart Of Mine - Isley Brothers, as it will come in handy at the local nights lol I know its not heard to source or expensive, but I like to buy through here when I can. Cheers
  23. This might be shock horror to many of you, but the two sets I played recently they both had young female DJs :O
  24. love the negative slant/worry people have. I'm young and to be honest I'm not worried in the slightest. I have many young friends on the soul scene and scooter scene, I keep finding new tunes, get to new places. And all the young ones I know have the same attitude. I'd like to think we are all passionate enough to keep some form of rare soul scene going. Most of the young ones who aren't really passionate about it would have gone to a couple of events and got bored after 2-3, the fickle ones areby passionate enough to peruse it.

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