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Hitsville Chalky

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Everything posted by Hitsville Chalky

  1. Just recived a Email from Percy's Daughter - Hi chalky, Life is so unfair here..Dads body still hasnt been cremated and I just got off the phone with Husbands Funeral Home at 734-331-3349. we are all trying here, we are a poor family. If you can... Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  2. Just recived a Email from Percy's Daughter - Hi chalky, Life is so unfair here..Dads body still hasnt been cremated and I just got off the phone with Husbands Funeral Home at 734-331-3349. we are all trying here, we are a poor family. If you can find in your heart to help us with any amount he needs $863 more to bury him his body still hasnt been cremated please help. We would appreciate any help you can give. Percy passed afew weeks ago and still not been laid to rest .. please anyone who would like to donate to help with costs please PM or call 07914808396 site note hats off to everyone! hitsville chalky has just posted via comments below that have just reached the amount needed read below for full score...
  3. Hi Rob hope is all well .. I was with Joey last week in Detroit and I did ask him about Rileys which he confirmed he worked there but when i Asked him about the Tempo's cut of " I never forget " which as the same backing as you know as Joe Matthews he knew nothing about it .. maybe be the case he as forgotten as this as been the case with some artist's and producers etc .. we are talking about 50 yrs long time to remember everything , another intresting thing Fab budford glanton who also recored with The Tempos on Riley's stated it was not the same group as the Diamond jim 45 .
  4. Yes wilxy shame it never happend due to a few reasons I was with Joe and Alfred on sunday night they both regret coming over as planned .. I have a few idea's for next year regarding The Metro's , Lorraine yes Percy did come to the uk 2007 with The Elgin's when we reformed them to appear at the Northampton weekender he filled in for Johnny Dawson who due to health reasons could not make it . Percy really felt the love what he recived when he was here ..in fact he could not belive everyone was talking to him about The Metro's .
  5. Arrived back from Detroit yesterday with sad news Percy Williams from The Metros passed away . This was my main reason to go to Detroit to visit a dear friend , I managed to vist percy last thursday and although he could hardly speak he gave me a sm... Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  6. Arrived back from Detroit yesterday with sad news Percy Williams from The Metros passed away . This was my main reason to go to Detroit to visit a dear friend , I managed to vist percy last thursday and although he could hardly speak he gave me a smile , it would have been percy's birthday later this week and his family was planning a birthday party but as myself and Burnley Dave was leaving Monday night so the family decided to bring it forward to sunday night but with in 10 mins of arriving on sunday Percy sadley passed away .. such a heart breaking experaince . My prayers and thoughts go to Percy's family ..RIP PERCY your music will live on . added by site
  7. Just recived a call that sadley Tom Storm from The Fabulous Peps as just passed away .. RIP Tom
  8. UPDATE ...Well after the Doctors removed the cancer sadley the cancer as returned and spreading and there's nothing moreThe doctors can do for Percy . Percy is getting weaker but still fighting on . Prayers for Percy and his family .
  9. Great spot ..nice to see some Detroit hope to see you both soon.
  10. Been informed in early hours this morning that song writter and producer Don Mancha as sadley passed away yesterday in Detroit Hospital , Met Don a few times in Detroit and such a friendly great guy .. Dons work back in the day was amazing he wrote and produced loads of stufff including Dearly Beloved and peace loving man . RIP DON MANCHA . https://www.soulfulkindamusic.net/inter1.htm Don did a great interview with Dave Rimmer when Don vist the uk .
  11. The Monitors do a great version aswell .
  12. Hello Lorraine many thanks for the info .. they did tell me a few story's but I done a cracking interview with them , Yes Percy as had cancer i do keep in touch with him and he is doing fine thank god . love to see you back over here in the uk any plans ? Chalky
  13. Hello Lorraine welcome to soulsource , met you at Prestatyn hope your keeping well . I will be back in Detroit october hopefully .. recall buying some of your 45s from Bob Mayes on 8 mile , i'm also very good friends with Percy Williams and Alfred Michell The Metros .. any storys about them them i love to tell them lol . just came off the phone to pat lewis ..she also sends her love to the uk .
  14. Richard is here with his temptations group they here from 8th june till 12th .. . Ive been begging Richard to let me put him back on stage one night do to a Monitors live show . .. but nothing yet agreed .
  15. Really looking forward to this cd also meeting up with Richard street again in a few weeks ..Richard arrives in the uk in june .
  16. Great news Neil maybe you should try and get the assembly room for a live gig with Joe .. its a fantastic place instead of Cox's yard as its very small place .. just a idea mate .
  17. John still got that cracking interview with Joe and the fabulous peps and you on video when joe first came over to the uk back in 2008 ..remember mate when you phoned me when you came and watched them go through the paces a few days before the live show . if i recall right you brough that unissed track which was recorded at thelma and you though it was joe but i dont think it was . I will have to do you finally a copy of the interview and hopefully next time joe is here in july you can meet up again .
  18. John I have not checked yet due to I'm using someones else pc but i think they have speeded it up and may not be Joey's version .
  19. Have a listen to this John -- - - - https://www.rarenorth...y-call/#product
  20. Hi John Yes mate Joey done a great version ! funny thing is guess what I've just came across - - https://www.rarenorthernsoul.com/hot-new-releases/13939/i-wont-hurt-keep-you-anymore/#product Joey should be getting some royalties
  21. Thanks Alan yes it was about There version of " too careless with my love " .

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