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Hitsville Chalky

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Everything posted by Hitsville Chalky

  1. Have a look on U tube I posted this track as I Filmed Percy Williams ( Not paul Dave ) and Alfred singing this track before a Interview I did with them , Percy sang lead on this track . Also the track " I'm Losing You " Percy states Its not The Metros But Joe Buckman
  3. Hiya Bridgette First of all welcome to Soul source and Thanks to Rob Moss pointing you in the Right Direction . so sad to hear about your Dad , I've been told many of great story's by a close friend of mine who was so close to your Dad ( Bill Randle) . your dads music will live on , and next time I'm over In Detroit I will pay my respect at his Grave . just want to annouce to you - - FRIDAY 28TH NOVEMBER A SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO " MIKE TERRY " FREE ENTRY JUST PUT TOWARDS COLLECTION ON THE NIGHT AND ALL MONIES RAISED WILL GO TO HIS DAUGHTER BRIDGETTE . THE PLACE IS AT JCT 2 OLDBURY , BRUNEL RD , OLDBURY , WEST MIDLANDS . STARTS AT 9PM TILL 1AM I will give you a call in next few days about this event . Chalky
  4. ''come back Ian we love you'' Come Back Ian we love you and your videos !
  5. Yes your right Neil so I have arranged a soul Night of Pure Mike Terry of all his work on Friday 28th November at Jct 2 Oldbury ( Free) with only a collection in the room for enrty and all monies raised ,Bill Randle will send to his daughter .
  6. Hope Dave Rimmer Don't mind me posting this link , a great interview with Mike Terry and Bill Randle , Bill became close friends with Mike and telling me some great story's of the great man that he was . https://www.soulfulkindamusic.net/inter2.htm
  7. Just had a call from a mate in Detroit informing me that Mike Terry as sadly passed away . another legend gone but will never be forgotten . R I P Mike .
  8. and when pompous puritannical DJ's, who should know better, state that the world would be a better place if I had never filmed these videos, .......... Wot ! they are so wonderful to watch , if they really love soul music and the artist's who they claim they do god knows why criticize the video's , where else could we have watched Gwen Owens, Yvonne Vernee , Emanuel laskey .
  9. Ian my old chum , have you got film footage thats's complete of The Contours " Look out for the stop sign " ?
  10. Had a call today telling me the sad news , levi's voice will live on ! rest in peace and god bless you.
  11. I Was in Talks with The Volumes to come over here to perform but they wasn't keen on doing there Northern stuff !
  12. Missed the show , anyone got a link to to watch it on the net .
  13. Hiya Mike please close this thread as its utter Bollocks and Nothing to do with my original post of Yam yam's look back , we have who is not / should be Djing in West mids venue's , other venues Nights In West Mids.
  14. Hi Mart you may be right I keep betting on that horse , hope you and JB are there tonight to See The Spinners .
  15. Hi Mart The connaught as not closed , I'm meeting this week to sort things out there and have already had some pms from on here to support to carry on with it . I Understand mate what your saying in your post .
  16. Yes Bill just Phoned me and told me his views and and Told him mine which I won't repeat on here , I Know aLot have there views and opinions.
  17. Hiya Ted , I did chat a few times to John about spinning at the alldayers sadly it never appended , and I did have you in mind , but as you know it's hard to keep everyone happy plus with the budget side as well , But at least I made up to you at Warwick by getting you on there after Dave asked who I recommended
  18. Pete as you know The West Mids are split between promoters and DJs , if your not into their circle of Friends you won't get asked , I asked one promter about a DJ Booking and he stated due to the fact I'm hanging around with them lot I got no chance unless I stop DJing with them I would do , whats all this about ? I tried to use so many local DJs at Jct 2 especailly at the alldayers yet again I had this - " if he is playing I'm not coming I replied its up to you " to be honest mate I've had enough around here I will carry on what I want to do , the last 6 days I've been working my Bollocks off to get a few venues to put The Elgin's on In November and looks like the plug will be pulled ..... another massive phone bill !! FOR NOTHING. , I've started to do alot of Stuff with Mike Hollis and kenny which I'm grateful but i know That me working with them it causes a friction between other promters In The west Mids ... yet again , Thanks to Burnley Dave he as pulled myself from the circle with The warwick soul nights and thanks to him I get more DJ Bookings out of the Area ..... Bournmouth Opera house , Banbury , Oxford , Bury to name a few , In the West Mids No chance .... Clicky clicky Mates in the circle like you say .. CORRECT.
  19. yet again Pete you are Right ! I will post up later about this .

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