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Hitsville Chalky

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Everything posted by Hitsville Chalky

  1. was with the fourtops for a few days when they was over recently with The Temps and when bumped into Ron tyson a few times at the hotel and after party shows we got talking about The Ethics and he singed my 45s I Asked him if i could pull it off would he be intrested in doing a live show with The Ethics ..he said yes he would love to perform again live doing there stuff .
  2. I Was Informed that the Billy Hambric with faded label was boots ? and made in the late 70s mine was faded when a dealer seen mine he told me the story behind it , anyone with any info , sorry Pat for jumping on the thread yours may be a legit copy .
  3. So Yet again another wonderful singer as gone , RIP Ron Banks your music will live on !
  4. Sorry PC playing up again , RIP Ron Banks
  5. I belive so Pete well thats what Doni as told me ,, he as just done a vocal to Bari Track , hopefully Doni will be with us september .
  6. Do you frequent Stoke? The strongest line up of jocks anywhere playing OVO - I know 2 Local DJs who have played at Kings Hall in the past and they 100 % not got OVO .
  7. Great version with Joe on lead vocals
  8. Have always loved this group and have had the pleasure of becoming good friends with Percy and Alfred , I'm still hopeful that they will come over to the uk as some of you know that they pulled the plug for Various reasons last time they were due to appear , at present I'm working on a new track with them which we plan to record in Detroit in May . been in talks about my plans to Ryan Dunn the son of Gordon who is all for working with Percy and Alfred , shame that Joe Buckman doesn't want anything to do with the music scene anymore .
  9. Nolan Will be over in the UK soon to do a mini tour of northern soul venues .
  10. Its 100% not Barbara Mercer , to me the best Version is Roy Butler on Boo , I May sell mine if anyone is intrested .
  11. Last time I Heard the Temps out played was a few years ago at Kings Hall Stoke , I Confess Ive had a Carvers Made to play out and looks fabulous on the gordy label but took it out my box some time ago .. I must put it back in i think .. Great track
  12. The Two Fellows very underplayed .. great choice
  13. like Sean says .. Blimey and so many to choose from , I'm going for the Carl Dixon production 2009............... " Spyder Turner .. Tell me !! " its so fresh and most of all new , it shows soul music can still be made today
  14. Just gave it a spin both sides , I still rather have the side She keeps driving me out of my mind than Ain't gonna run no more .
  15. whats the Value of this ? seems alot of people are after this , I have a Mint Copy I may sell to a good Offer , Also which side is being played as i brought it and played out " Shes driving me out my mind "
  16. I Could work something out with Richard great track also
  17. Been Chatting to Richard Street a few times on the phone , he is willing to do a one off night live on stage The Monitors for me with the track list which we agreed is Number one in your heart , say you , serve yourself a cup of Happiness , since i lost you girl , Share a little love ,and of course Crying in the night . if only i could get a top promoter to help me with the cost and fees ... what a great night this would be , maybe it will happen
  18. The People buying them ...... 1 - The people who love the music and don't care what format its on or thinks its a original 2 - Northern soul DJs who again dont care and they want the music to DJ with , and dont care about other DJs paying top dollar for the Original format , but then again the bootleg DJs still get Bookings ..so if we report them to ebay you can still buy boots from venues ..etc .... there will always be bootlegs true fact . 3 Who ever are making these boots they must be making money or else they wouldnt continue . And please Jem don't think i am having a pop at your statements ... just my Views .
  19. I Know Fab Burford who was a Member great Guy , looking forward to the Article .
  20. Have a good trip Max
  21. Steve arrived safe and sound and looking fit , he did a few bits yesterday " Did my Baby call " sounded fantastic , he is really looking forrward to all Venues especailly This Saturday with the Backing Band The Stone Foundation at the Assembly Room Leamington .
  22. Stone Foundation sent me the Sound track what they will be backing and WOW its bloody fantastic

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