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ste gal 7

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Everything posted by ste gal 7

  1. My names ste and im a USER
  2. scholes conservative club midweek disco about 13yr old,then rugby club wigan about 15yr old to young to drink to fat to dance,guess what had a bloody good do at both
  3. ste   gal    7


    great pics once again alan, we always look for your fotos every week its great that people like yourself take the time on the nite, and after to do them, plus it gives people a good idea how the nite went judging by the sweaty clothes,big smiles,room full of people,and just the odd glass of the amber nectar on show it went well, you can always put fake lookbacks on but like they say the camera never lies. keep up the good work. a grateful viewer.
  4. YOU love to dance, think thats the understatment of the year fred
  5. ste   gal    7


  6. the guy selling 3000 in lots of 100 from jersey, originates from bolton ( va vas) era ive met him in jersey, not a recomendation on his records just to let you all no hes a genuine guy and not a scammer.
  7. ive even been to places and caught people laughing and enjoying themselves, what will they think of next shocking.
  8. Youve got the right idea just enjoy it i cant believe how alike your soul trip has been to mine 19 got kids dropped out then got back on the bus lately, if there is two camps then the ovo people have also got the right idea they also enjoy what they do, one thing ive found is on the night no one will discriminate against you no matter whos do or type of event it is they will all take your money and let you in now there has to be something in that EH
  9. ive watched them all at the twisted knee and highfield not only do they spin well, they dance,dress,enjoy,and are a credit to themselves and i thought thats what it was all about. as far as old men spinning goes good on them as well. i cant do it not that i ever could. just wait till these diclofenac kick in al show ur
  10. flemmings jeans with an half inch turn up, proper smart
  11. its just part of life when i first met my missus i was embaressed about the size of my manhood so i told her six inches but after courting a few months we had sex and she discovered the truth but it didnt matter she said so i wish i had told the truth from the off and just said NINE INCHES. bullshiters ehh .
  12. the steinways, you"ve been leading me on/ my hearts not in it anymore
  13. just started to make a top five and got to 48 so gave up.
  14. can u delete the one of me doing a backdrop or if the social get hold of it tell them i was pushed backwards and fell, i dont want to be signed off
  15. if you think it died then it did, if you think it didnt then it didn,t its just a matter of opinion, things change its as simple as that. now that i need slimming tablets i wont take them, now that i dont need to be up all night i cant sleep, one thing is for sure am avin 8 pints tnite casino or no casino
  16. and thats were primark comes in usefull you can look an even bigger t--t for less than the cost of a ticket into most do"S, trust me ive bin
  17. the lad in the check shirt is usually at the swinley on a friday at the twisted knee nights with a group of young souls all avin a good time

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