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ste gal 7

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Everything posted by ste gal 7

  1. Looks great glad hindley has got a soul night back.
  2. hope yer double jabbed coming from the dark side. lol
  3. until

    Just got our tickets weather i last three days remains to be seen, lol, summat to look forward to.
  4. just booked a lift for our first visit i already no i will enjoy it, si thi satdy
  5. was there early september but thats as close as i got, but i was chuffed,
  6. lol, took mi two days recover
  7. enroute to ben lawers
  8. get out while you can its not a practice run thats my thoughts, respect to everyone else though do what you feel best for you.
  9. The bongo bingo gobshites are not even on the same night as the soul but their going to fill the place with tables which i believe bob has offered to move and put back after the soul night but still no joy as yet alan.
  10. ste   gal    7

    Sacred heart soul club

    look forward to sunday always a cracking day. al si thi theer.
  11. ste   gal    7


    yon mon int purple favers a rum un.
  12. ste   gal    7


    more like bathe it daily
  13. ste   gal    7


    aye two bonnie lads for sure,
  14. These are the northern lights we saw on our second night at the ice hotel they were amazing. i didnt take these photos they are credit to stephen jackson who was with us. enjoy.
  15. ice road across the frozen torne river.
  16. leave me alone. lol
  17. ste   gal    7


    Hes even doing a selfie while hes having his photo took. lol.
  18. ste   gal    7


    you have captured two of jerseys finest here alan, louie and diane top people.
  19. ste   gal    7


    alan you've got a good face for radio.lol

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