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Everything posted by Soulman1953

  1. Looking forward to this bank holliday, soul bash looks to be a great night by the phone calls and feedback we have had see you at the go go! Sharpie
  2. hi folks just a quick reminder due to over use we now operate a total talc ban thanks for your cooperation cheers sharpie
  3. be nice to see you both,looks like being a cracker
  4. Hi folks lets hope its cooled down for this months event,last week was unbarable. So dont forget your dancing shoes on what promises to be a great night out once again this months guest is Alan Twyford who ran the highly successful morville hall many years ago. Which is still going strong today,cheers Sharpie
  5. No probs mate have a great w.end,been a couple times myself its a good crack!
  6. Got it by the royal playboys wich is the original ? Sharpie
  7. looking forward to saturday night, be nice to welcome guest dj mick back to trinity once again. Also got a never played tune at trinity to try for all you dancers.be early for the best seats,see you at the go go Sharpie!
  8. Yes mate should be banging once, again. Have heard a few are coming for a warm up before the allnighter allways busy on the keele nights. Cracking guest dj.kev ellis who should give your feet a real treat on the best dance floor here in sunny castle. See you all at the go go! Sharpie
  9. Quite right steve, it not only makes a mess but can also be dangerous to if anyone injures themselves or anyone else it is at their own risk. We or the the club will not accept any liability whatsoever and would ask folk to respect this request. Cheers steve see you saturday mate
  10. Hi folks,what a great night we had last month 100+ and lots of new faces to. Thanks to all who attended and your continued support, however there was an issue concerning talc the management were not happy bunnies at all, on the thursday before the event 8hrs were spent cleaning and waxing the floor when i went down sunday morning the floor was covered in the stuff and took more than 4hrs to clean up. We would ask people to use it very sparingly or not at all it is not needed on a maple wood dance floor. Please respect this request as the management at trinity have said if it persists they will ban its use ALTOGETHER. Many thanks for your cooperation. Dave, Sue and Gerard
  11. A up mate here we go again! Be brill if Archie Bell did turn up,could you imagine that ,lol but we can still have a great night and i might slip it on during one of me sets should be a packer once again loads from pot bank say they are attending so fingers xx for castles longest,and strongest N.Soul event see you all saturday Night Sharpie
  12. Cant wait for it, last one was packed and the floor full allnight with dancers. Geoff mac is our guest DJ this month and knows what works here at Trinity. Be early for the best seats and see you at the gogo Sharpie
  13. looking forward to meeting up with friends,and getting you all dancing.See you all sunday Sharpie
  14. Sorry i ment hope not hole ,me and my sausage texting fingers.lol
  15. A up matey will defo try to get over, been in the club many times as i am also an avid fisherman aswell, and also love soul music,and went to school in crewe 'Bedford Street' even though i now live in S.O.T. just looked at your posting cancelling your gig, and i must say its a true credit to you all for thinking about the coppenhall charity event.its so nice to see there are still true gents about in this day and age good luck with your venue. Hole to get over soon as we can
  16. Hi guys 4 of us were thinking of coming over to give it a go, nice club and Dancefloor. but have decided to give it skip as you are doing 2 gigs this month, one of which clashes with one of our favourite charity events that has been going years and raised over 30 grand for a local hospice . Hope to get to your next one,and hope you have a good alldayer and make loads of money .cheers maybe see you in may
  17. yes jess cant wait, lets hope its packed like new years event was. Lots new faces once again, turning up so we must be doing something right. See you all at the go go Sharpie
  18. Looking forward dj'ing and meeting up with soul friends, on what looks like being a great night. See you all Sats. Sharpie
  19. Hi folks as i post this message,tickets are going fast only a few left if you want any please contact the no. on the s.source add, or the flyer info. Cheers dave
  20. Yes jess by the feed back we have had it could be busy,
  21. Yeh it will soon come,around tickets are now going fast so you can get one from the above contacts and we have still managed to keep the cost at £8.00 for eighth year running see you all soon sharpie
  22. Yes jess should be another great night, i cant believe we are entering our 9th year here at trinity. The support and enthusiasm people have given has been first class.i remember the knockers saying it wont last its this, its that etc. When that dancefloor is busy we know we have got it right hope to see all again saturday night ktf sharpie
  23. Hi folks new year eve tickets will on sale at this months event., or from the contact no the flyer still priced at £8.00 start 8pm till 2am djs.to be announced soon ktf sharpie!
  24. Yes jess he played a storming set last time he was guest here, so dont forget your dancing shoes.
  25. Cant wait last one was, packed see you all at the go go

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