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Everything posted by maslar

  1. I don't know him but his records must be the most easily recognisable around - as long as they're in his original white card sleeves. I don't think I've ever seen more neat, stylistic, uniform, hand written labelling. Always the same: Artist name in one top corner, title in the other, "Hector" bottom right and cat. number bottom left. So uniform you'd think they'd been typed out with a custom font. I used to have a few I bought from RE Cords in the late 70s - from the sale box. I was in one of the record shops on Notting Hill Gate a couple of years ago and there up on the wall were at least half a dozen "Hectors", so looks like at least some of his collection is still circulating in London.
  2. I started going in spring 1980. One thing I noticed was a couple of ex chart Northern sounds that had been re-activated and played to a packed dance floor. E.g Love On A Mountain Top (with some solid clapping) and Everything's Gonna Be Alright. It's the only time I've heard LOMT played at a dayer or nighter.
  3. Using WC (the post pop period) as a reference there are a few white sounds that bring back great memories for different reasons: The Present, Many's The Slip (you could probably hear the clapping in Warrington on a good night with the wind in the right direction) The Seeds - Pushing Too Hard - (garage/punk/freakbeat and maybe a little soul if you don't know they're white) Always reminds me of my first night at WC standing on the balcony in front of the record booth. The already mentioned Chapter 5. Atmospheric. My favourite though has to be one of the first pressings I ever bought: Dean Parrish, Determination. Mas
  4. I remember the 1980 Junior Walker appearance. That was in the summer, around June time and it was a great show. I'm sure he wore a gold lame suit. Maybe I ought to edge my bets and just say it was something shiny. Other things I remember about that concert are the already mention "collapse" and "revival" routine and his little catch phrase he did before every sax solo; something like "I think I'll blow for ya'all" or "I'm gonna blow for ya". Towards the end of the set when it looked as if he was about to do the last number which was Roadrunner a lot of people started shouting out for "I Ain't Going Nowhere" which he seemed a little unprepared for. He did it anyway and it sounded pretty good. The other random thing I remember was that as the band were introduced at the end the bass player got a huge cheer, almost as big as JW's.
  5. If this information is already out there or this topics been done to death I apologize in advance. With regard to the short film I mentioned: I tried searching for this in old local paper TV schedules a couple of years ago since I has always bugged me as to what it was called. All I could remember was that it had a strange title. I didn't get anywhere but since reading here it was on Omnibus I found it and it all came flooding back: "Disco Delights, Or What A Way To End It All" by David Richardson. The main film shown was "The People's Park" a documentary about Central Park ,New York and this would probably be the title for anyone searching for it. A good starting point for anyone trying to track down the Footsee clip would be the "found" TOTP footage of Queen performing Now I'm Here. This was one of the big finds last year of missing TOTP clips previously wiped, along with Bowie's 1973 "Jean Genie" clip. According to the folks on the missing-episodes forum the Queen footage (on youtube) was obtained from the 30-1-75 show. It was on this show that Footsee was first played - at the end, after the Number One and including the end credits (the other time was 20-2-75 where it was also played at the end and included the credits. More importantly it was confirmed at missing-episodes that the Queen footage was obtained from a private home video recording. This raises the slight prospect at least that the whole show may have been taped. Mas
  6. Speaking of the WC Friday Oldies night, I can remember a LP being used ot open proceedings on a least a couple of occasions: "Motown Memories 16 Non-stop Hits" (the one where the tracks run into the next with no break) - Side 2 which starts with Festival Time. I can recall it getting at least as far as Back Street which is the fifth track.
  7. Hi, The sequence with the topless (male) dancers was from a short film shown on the BBC. I didn't realise it was on Omnibus but I saw it when it went out in the summer of '78. The film was about "dance culture" in the north of England and was a pretty flimsy affair. It focused on three genres: Heavy rock/metal, "Roxy" and Northern Soul. The whole thing couldn't have been more than ten minutes long. Each segment was short, just the length of the song they were dancing to. There was no dialogue that I recall. It just went from one segment to the next. The heavy rock section featured a dance hall full of greasers dancing in an elaborate "spread" manner. The "Roxy" section (Bowie/Roxy Music, etc) featured a club in Manchester I think. The Northern guys were dancing to Afternoon of The Rhino. Whether they were actually dancing to this or it was overlaid I don't know but this was definitely the music and they did appear to be in synch. As I recall (I was in the 6th form at the time) there was a brief review in the paper the next day, Guardian or Times probably, where the director/maker was accused of going "astray" on some parts. I think this was on the Roxy segment which may have appeared too avant garde or unrepresentative for the reviewer. I remember that the Northern Soul segment received more favourable comments. I'm pretty sure that the intro music to the film ( as a whole, not just the Northern section) was Interplay. I'm not sure about this but I think that the clip of film which features in some youtube films of the girl dancing in the Casino (spinning /long skirt/white socks/polyveldts) may have been in the Interplay intro. She looks like the same girl dancing to Rhino

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