the red modern is the original issue the white modern promo with small matrix is original promo and the holiday inn is self explanitery read what's on the label
numbers scratched into run out A-side 15192 TM 1790 CA 5549 SG
B-side 15191 TM 1791 CA 5549 SG
us release 1970s as you say GRT record group who bought out Chess in 1969
why would you think that it was a 1966 issue the same as she blew a good thing the only difference she blew a good issued in the uk on London 1966 or did you not hear it played in the wheel because soash was a regular visitor to the wheel
there is a bar called The Soul Bar in the center of las Americas right behind the large curry house it's situated on a place called the strip live soul singers and atb soul
The senator jones track is far better ,IMHO.Shaun chapman played the chuck cornish one at the moho last week and he was unaware of the senator jones track.