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Everything posted by Veedub

  1. You're right ! it was Tuesday ! , yesterday chucked it down , same as today ! Haven't got a clue what day it is , nobody has !
  2. Hawthorn Shield Bugs in my garden yesterday .
  3. Alison, yeh, I too was shocked they didnt show the section land on the ship ! what a cock up by the cameraman !! ?? I was nervous too, the ten second countdown .. gulp ! thank God it went well !! lets tune in for the docking and opening of the hatch tomorrow at 15.27 . Cheers, Mike
  4. Cheers.. At 15.27 tomorrow live docking on the same channel..
  5. Yes, even Captain Kirk was just on, wished them all the best !
  6. Anyone watching the Space X launch ? live build up and launch on NASA channel now. Wish I was there with my camera !! Launch at 8.20 (hope thats right )
  7. A bugs view of my wild garden .
  8. Heres the website Louise ... It was Soulandy who put me on to it a few months ago , cheers https://spotthestation.nasa.gov/sightings/view.cfm?country=United_Kingdom&region=England&city=Derby#.XtEV7TpKjhd Change your location but it doesnt vary much over UK. I too watched it nearly ever night last week after sunset. Bright light moving across the sky , brighter than a star so perfectly visible with the naked eye. Travels at 17500mph , over 200miles up in low orbit. The only thing is.. it has to be OVER 40 degrees to see it, so youve missed your chance for a while Louise , (it was 70 degrees last week, which is almost overhead. The next few nights it is too low for the sun below the horizon to light it up ( thats what makes it visible). Nasa will update that website in a day or two so fingers crossed itll be over 40 degrees again soon .
  9. That is a great photo Steve ! smiling for the camera
  10. What a wonderful young fella ! well done Anthony !
  11. Great pic Steve !! They're such a comical bird, Carrot as a beak, and run along going Beep Beep Beep !
  12. Great picture that is Louise
  13. Well, I asked in the reception about it, and theres a pair, they turn up every year and nest on the roof of the complex !!?? There's no lakes or pools there , its weird. I went there again, and saw the pair of them walking on the main pitch digging for worms, then they both flew up to the high roof where they nest ! How the chicks get down from there is beyond me ? theyre a wader, a water bird . But they come every year ! I went there a few times, and would have loved to have seen one of them on the goal post for a pic, but this was the best i got .
  14. I was delivering to St George training ground once, the home of England football club, and I saw one in goal.
  15. It's that time of year again He's hiding in our garden with the parents feeding him .
  16. Chaffinch on our lane. They seem quite scarce in Staffs the last few years, whereas the Greenfinches numbers are on the up. Used to be the other way round.
  17. Red Kite !!!! Just flew over our house being mobbed by crows ! First one ever here
  18. Here's a thing. Whilst we were snapping the Reed Warbler, we could hear a Cuckoo very close, we heard it whilst walking down the lane. Sarah spotted the Cuckoo in her binoculars by the pool and it flew off right by the pool where the reed Warbler was singing ! Fingers crossed the little warbler isn't a victim , but then again, thats nature ..
  19. That's uncanny Steve !! . Your pic is so sharp ! mines about the best I'll get with a compact digital but Im real pleased with it .Reed Warblers are so difficult to snap, you just get a focus on them and in a second they've pinged off out of sight
  20. Thank you Steve . Yes its like trying to photograph a a tiny mouse from a distance you can hear the bird, and you can see the odd reed flicking about, then if you're very lucky the bird might just appear in an opening for a few seconds ! Then again,as you know, if it was easy it wouldn't be so rewarding when you do get a good snap
  21. Just walked up to the pond and was lucky enough to get a snap of the Reed Warbler.. They're a very elusive tiny bird and skulk about low down in reed beds , usually heard but not seen. I just about managed to manually focus on him inside the reed bed.
  22. That's lovely Steve, thanks for sharing mate.

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