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Steve W

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Everything posted by Steve W

  1. Thanks Rob - utterly brilliant - If paul riser or mckinley jackson are on the credits you just buy it
  2. RIP Mr Babbitt remembering a great chat we had on soulful detroit when reminded that he wrote 'love and devotion' for Danny Woods "oh i forgot about that said Bob, well hundreds of northern fans haven't Bob and never will - thanks for the memories
  3. Fantastic documentary, anyone know if that was THE Corey Glover singing in Brooklyn Park Great Bloke, his reaction to his daughters singing was very emotional, could you imagine the band he could muster if he did decide to record again? I believe Womack is an admirer as well along with Wicked Pickett on radio 2 on Monday I think some albums are going to be dragged out
  4. I have a Marcia Hines for sale soulful, LP only though
  5. o'jays and jerry butler are mine - anybody else got a soul wish list - mind you Chapter 8 next jan is a highlight I always feel a little bit envious when all these open air summer rock festivals are going on with a big roster of artists to choose from - as with the recent BBC electric proms granted Smokey was good but dont you wish you could choose 1 big superstar soulie to come over and play with an orchestra like that
  6. can I just thank you for that magazine, I bought every one, i love fanzines (sad I know) but in the early 70s when info was scarce hot buttered soul etc was a lifeline, and its continued ever since, the idea of havin a tape to go with the issue was to my mind a gem of an idea, the bobby hutton issue sticks out, and it put me on to some great tracks, have you ever thought of coming out of retirement?? sorry for being off topic like
  7. jerry butler - you walked into my life hoagy lands - satisfy my needs jimmy beaumont - i never loved her anyway glaze - promises charles beverly - stop and think a minute just a few of the top of my head - none sound boring to me
  8. sorry Jordi senior moment, shouldnt have drunk so much at the orwell when sam use to play it
  9. Tracks uploaded would go down a storm in any modern/crossover room cooltrane the only thing I could add are the classics - mitchell, womack, randy brown, and johnnie Taylor, Controllers and Jesse james to compliment them yes but like Blake H has pointed out head for the essential modern website PS clifford Coulter " cant fight the feeling" has to be in my top ten
  10. just a couple that have stopped me in my tracks over the years where were you - kim tolliver what can i tell her - jp robinson midnight sunshine - soul children ...j blackfoot going berift on this one teardrops - frankie gearing how was i to know you cared - doris duke.....I am glad jerry williams knows the 2 albums he did with her are revered in this country I cant go on anymore - benny latimore its all in the production and i dont think you could get it nowadays, as rod dearlove said in one article for voices "you gotta sing as though the sky is crying"
  11. stuart henry was the radio 1 dj who used it for his backing track - sadly missed jock, just grateful for strings and things nowadays, Percy faith - summer the first time - another top shout i think it paved the way for classical gas and other top instumentals, like someone said the scene was full of them in early 70s
  12. thanks, for the tape of a record to be found on the floor of the woodward building in detroit it really needs releasing to the masses, I thought I was well past the stage of walking around and mumbling ....need it......got to have it...... i wonder how much you didnt put it up on refosoul about 12 month back Chalky?? I seem to rembember a few soulies going into raptures then
  13. dont stop now off the 'portrait of the Originals' LP - should be pretty easy to get hold of 'i'll wait for you' is off the same LP even better IMO
  14. Ian levine - hated and adored but never ignored has anyone got any more info on that unreleased contours record cant fight the feeling?? cellarful of motown vol 4 anyone??
  15. yeah, as kev just said that was the charades but there is sure to be a playlist put up somwhere sorry but didnt like james lovejoy - wont be the first time I have said that about a mr levine record and then go on to like it 12 month later hope the next hour is as good
  16. yeah, as kev just said that was the charades but there is sure to be a playlist put up somwhere sorry but didnt like james lovejoy - wont be the first time I have said that about a mr levine record and then go on to like it 12 month later hope the next hour is as good
  17. contours - can somebody please release that piece of stunning music or whoever put it on refosoul about 12 month back please post it again cos I have lost it paul - was it the moments key to my happiness before patrinella staton
  18. cant let your passin going without a very huge thanks for all the tunes you have played, over the last 4 years some shows have been gilt edged from the first record played Mr robbins you are one true soul brother!! good luck in the future what ever you do
  19. Ian, have you any ambition to work with any of the great producers that are still with us, namely Paul Riser, Clay Macmurray, David Vandepitte, or even Weldon Macdougall? why doesnt someone get spyder turner in a studio?? and record him - his voice still sends me towards soul heaven Why do you think the collarboration of "tale of two cities" project (detroit and Chicago) Failed to achieve a Soul monster? you would have thought with all that talent assembled together, ie Bobby Eli, Phill Hurtt, and some of the funk bros.etc etc that something would have been forthcoming I was salavatating for weeks but was so disappointed at the outcome. interested to hear the replies as always
  20. what a strange reply? doesnt even know what radio station Dickie is on?? if you want unissued motown, still try it cos I think Harry Weinger is involved and you know what gems he can dig up
  21. I think it was www.losttunes.com
  22. the story I got told of the Tams HGDBM was thus Ralph of ralph records here in Manchester was actually selling say 25 copies a week on Import of said record purely by demand from the Clubs (which is how it should Be) he then phones EMI in London and tries to descibe how Import sales are not giving you a chart position and you are sitting on a Goldmine if you would re-release it on English probe the rest as they say is history
  23. Just watched Ridleys Scotts "American Gangster" and Mr Womacks "Across 110th street" sounds brilliant in this
  24. just shown my wife this and she has burst out laughin in agreement at this early eighties was not the best time to meet future soul wives - I was only taking an hiatus and didnt realise it was in my blood that much

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