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Betty Bump

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Everything posted by Betty Bump

  1. Betty Bump


    You little monkeys, you will have em all talkin now!!! xx lol :)
  2. Betty Bump


    Great photo, thanks x
  3. Betty Bump


    Bring back some great memories Derek x
  4. Betty Bump


    The mad cow n the wooooolf, great photos again Alan x
  5. Betty Bump

    i got a new dress!

    Might sweat a bit though, its a bit tight? Need a change me thinks?
  6. I love the Brandy Sisters saying "if you dont dance to this one, you might as well go home and do your ironing". That normally gets a laugh
  7. Surely its the choice of the organiser of the event, let the dj's know what they can or can't play ie ovo, 2nd issues,cd etc. I have a mixture (no cd's) but will ask what is acceptable and stick to what they have requested. Simple. I have only been collecting for 2 years so my collection was a mixture to start with, but as time has gone by I do my best to buy ovo (cash permitting). KTF
  8. Shocked to say the least! Love to Av and all family and freinds, thinking of you all at this very sad time, bless you all xx
  9. Betty Bump

    100 6684

    who's leg is that lol
  10. Betty Bump

    100 6688

    Our Nel never fails to make us laugh!! Just finds it hard to keep his trousers on!!
  11. Betty Bump

    100 6023

    What a lovely couple, luv em to bits x
  12. I take it that she's not a real blond then lol [list] [*]So funny, when AJ was talking about doing it, I was'nt sure that they would go through with it, BUT THEY DID!! Good on ya x [/list]
  13. Betty Bump

    100 4008 001

    Great picture of 4 lovely people, KTF, Karen x
  14. This might sound funny but my Mum sang at her's. She had a good voice and liked to go on the karaoke and she made a cd with a guy who had some recording equipment. She recorded a few songs but my sister n me picked her singing Patsie Cline song "Crazy" It was supposed to be re track that we all walked out to but everyone stayed to the end of the song and clapped "everyone in tears". God bless you Mam x By the way, I wont be making my own, carnt sing for toffee lol Not made my mind up yet, too many that mean so much, so many beautiful recordings.
  15. Betty Bump

    100 4341

    Brill photo, The team is getting bigger! x You will have to get a camera with a super wide angle lense soon lol
  16. Betty Bump

    100 2880

    I think Angies gunna kill him, hes just been art n bought a triumph motorbike !!!
  17. Betty Bump

    100 2878

    Shirley dunt look reight pleased, I think shes gone off me you know lol

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