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Ian Williams

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Everything posted by Ian Williams

  1. Please, if you have one for sale. I missed out on an e bay copy at £50 recently - it's "You Baby" / "Send Her Away" on PYE Prefer a copy in Ex+ condition sound wise please. Thanks! Ian
  2. How much did it sell for please?
  3. Hi Tony, thanks mate, I bagged it at £15 - cheers for that, Ian
  4. CODS - It Must Be Love Have discovered that this is the other side to "Shes Fire" which will probably be quite a bit over my budget so can anyone offer it on Kellmac 1012 - Coming Back Girl / It Must Be Love — 1966?? Supremes - Nothing But Heartaches ( not on yesteryear series ) NOW GOT A COPY Barbara Mason - Aint Got Nobody ALSO NOW GOT A COPY OF THIS Casanova Two - We Got To Keep On SORTED THANKS Spontanes - Where Did I Go Wrong
  5. What a set, love the Go On and Laugh tune - amazing. I've got a few sets from the 100 Club from 1990 and some from 1995 I think - have posted on here before about them, must transfer them onto the digital thingy formatt so they can be shared, some crackin tunes, along with Mick Smith, Clarkie and the like.
  6. On Chess please and at least Ex condition. I'd like to pay around £40 max incl postage if anyone wants to sell me a copy If you've a spare copy of John and The Weirdest to throw in for free too that'll get you to the top of the list :-) Yours hopefully, Ian NOW SORTED
  7. Ditto Bearsey - mine arent up cos they are all nicked from Matty's spins......
  8. What a tune - and the CD is less than a fiver so I can play it in the car - thanks. Still want the 45 though - anyone?
  9. At our night before Xmas we had three obligatory guys around 18/20 years old do the usual thing. They stagger in, do a double take at the 'oldies' dancing wierdly and start laughing Then they try out their moves on the dance floor - taking the piss, eyeing everyone up - the usual stuff. So I go alongside one guy and tell him he's very welcome to be here "You what mate" he says. I tell him it's my night and a private party but they can stay, its no problem. He looks me up and down, - as much as you can when you are pissed. I then feel quite good in that I have befirended him but made it clear they have to behave in a subtle kind of way. Then one of our friends goes up to his mate and gets up close and personal, - stands toe to toe with him and says "You should all f*** Off" - the look on this 18 year olds face as a grown woman possibly his mums age has told him to get the eck off our boat. Priceless. They didnt come back...
  10. Dean Courtney, Today Is My Day Sf Tko's Make Up Your Mind Chuck Jackson WWTL :-)
  11. By The Velvelettes - this is an unreleased Motown song thats on You Tube I seem to remember a copy on John Manships site for auction Does anyone have any info on any / how many copies, does anyone play it out - I love the song Thanks, Ian
  12. What a bloomin fantastic thread - absolutely lovin this one!
  13. "Smokey Joes La La" - by Googie Rene Combo Got from Tony Clarke who DJ'd at The Mayfair Suite in Bristol in about 1985 for £7 - I think he got it from a dealer up north somewhere. Its not really Northern but was my first 45 that got me into it and I think that chart singles were about a pound at the time so it was a lot of money for me to spend on a 45. I still have it to this day. Then I got "Cigarette Ashes by Jimmy Conwell off John Manship and was off at the start of building a collection of Soul.
  14. " I Ain't Gonna Stop" The Masqueraders " Pretty Baby" The COD's " Boys and Girls Together" Johnny and The Expressions
  15. Gabin feat Dee Dee Bridgewater - Into My Soul Strong Ex + or Mint copy only please Please pm me rather than post if you can - thank you, Regards, Ian
  16. 100 Club - Lorraine Chandler " You Only Live Twice" Drummonds - Tony Middleton "To The Ends Of The Earth"
  17. Cheers Ernie, thanks. I want an ex copy from a UK seller and dont want to pay above £30 really.
  18. 15 years ago I heard it and knew I could never justify spending the money on a piece of vinyl. Its a reasonably rare girl group northern tune. Later my job paid better but I could never really justify buying it cos it had gone up in value. I saw a few copies on auction sites that were about double what I thought it was worth and what I was willing to pay. It stayed on my list and I thought I'd one day sell up and just buy this one 45. Then it appears on a site, I bid and win it for about a ton less than I thought it would fetch. I eat beans on toast for the rest of the month and just about make it to payday without dipping into savings. Now I wish I'd done it earlier! However I now have a new 'top want' at the 'top' of the list to replace the Demures 45 that I now have. If I apply the same principle as before I should just buy it (it's fairly readily available) - but its Christmas coming up, my daughter wants a whole host of presents and, really, - can I justify spending that much on a piece of vinyl? Possibly
  19. A nice clean Ex (vinyl) copy wanted please. I want the sleeve with the flag on it - thinks its the UK version? For the track Warm Kind Of Sorrow From a UK seller please, thanks. Regards Ian
  20. I'm currently selling a copy within the sales section if you still need this one. Regards Ian
  21. .............though that obviously depends on your point of view Welcome - here is a mix of nice 45's and a 12" single too. Probably some bargains here if you look hard enough. . 75% of records are E+ please ask for specific details including label details. Electronic bank transfer or paypal as a gift / cheques preferable. Please order by email. Records held for 7 days unless agreed otherwise. Postage and packing £1.50 for 1st disc then 50p per record. Please add £0.80 for recorded delivery. £6 for Special Delivery. Europe £4.00 for 1st record ( 50p each additional record ) USA £5.00 (approx $9 US ) for 1st record ( then 1.50 per record ) Happy hunting and your queries are no problem - just mail. Thanks - I'm selling to fund a pretty big purchase - mums the word! Discount on multiple purchases. Ian Williams xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Contacts "You're Gonna Pay" Reissue Quadron £20 The Fabulous Impact "Baby Baby I Want You" Kent 11th Anniversary 45 - are these rare now? £30 Dean Courtney "I'll Always Need You" Demo 'A' RCA Orange 1975 £10 SOLD Grace Jones "Sorry" Top Tape £10 Scientists Of Soul "Be's That A Way Sometimes" Great Groovy Crossover KaShE £20 DuSHONS "You'd Better Think It Over" Down To Earth £10 SOLD Sam Moultrie "I'll Always Love You" Warren £50 The Millionares "And The Rains Came" Promo Speciality £60 - great group harmony soul The De Vons "Someone To Treat Me" King £40 (beautiful record - exceptionally clean label and vinyl) Larry Saunders "On The Real Side" London 1974 No centre £40 Bobbie Smith "Walk On In To My Heart" American Arts White Label Black Text Two x's on label £20 SOLD California Rock Choir "Whoever You Are" Cyclone £45 Teddy Randazzo "You Don't Need A Heart" Ex + / Mint - DCP £80 Great 45 from the master Roy Hamilton "The Panic Is On" MGM Yellow Demo - small cross on label £90 Marva Josie "Don't" United Artists White Promo Ex + / Mint - £170 Ex 100 Club biggie from way back Four Below Zero "My Babys Got ESP" 12" Roulette £75 Bit overpriced so now £60 This should have been Steve's copy - but I want the money! Thanks for looking
  22. I'm not sure if this has been a topic before so here goes. These days a lot of us soulies, with access to You Tube and dealers with websites with sound files, can spend hours clicking and listening to a huge variety of songs and artists that we may not have heard before. We all flick around on You Tube and when you've listened to a song there are a selection of other sings you could listen to next. So - when you're choosing what to go for next - dies the label it's on put you off. Do you think you know what that 45 on RCA is going to be like or how a Mercury 70's single is going to sound? Does the label / producer put you off or intrigue you?
  23. Pm'd you
  24. Not sure - just let them sit around gathering dust usually. I bought about 25 or so 45's in Brizzle this year in one go - mostly soul / r and b labels with a few known artisits but nothing really jumped out when I played them at home. I keep looking at them and hoping that they'll improve with age or that someone will sneak a copy of The Magnetics in there for me to 'discover' ! - Wishful thinking eh?
  25. Bloomin eck thats good...

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