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Everything posted by Piloterec

  1. FOR SALE CLARENCE DANIELS/OBIE JESSIE HARD WORKING GIRL AFFILIATED 45 SEC ISSUE M- label as shown Sample on request 80 € plus shipping piloterec on Youtube
  2. SOLD OUT DAVID COLEMAN - Drown My heart BARRY DJ PROMO VG++ to EX - label as shown Sample on request. 300€ plus shipping piloterec on Youtube
  3. It was yesterday on discogs for 500 usd and it disappear today
  4. M- 200 euros plus shipping
  5. Hello, I have one for sale Black edition M- 200 euros Philippe
  6. Thanks....I went to 45cat site to check and apparently it could be 1969 or 1970
  7. Maybe the promo looks like more of the USA printed label What is the B side, on mine it is ...The impossible dream
  8. Finally found a copy of this beauty.......
  9. Hello, I know I'm quitre late, but do you still have this recird? Thanks. Philippe.
  10. Here is the record on youtube, that's the one I sell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC7OwxOxjcA Philippe.
  11. Hello, yes, but not anymore on french ep but swedish ep also in Mint minus condition same price. Label Columbia CBS Philippe.
  12. For sale in M- condition, superb OSCAR BROWN Jr Humdrums blues/Work song +2 PHILIPS French EP issue in M- condition 60 GBP ad 4% for paypal fees. Shipping registered 14 GBP Scan or sample on request. Mail address brinaert.philippe@skynet.be
  13. For sale in VG condition, LOUIS JORDAN 65 Bars/Comin Down TRC Dj in VG condition plays much better than VG 350 GBP ad 4% for paypal fees. Shipping registered 14 GBP SOUND COMES FROM THE ACTUAL RECORD Mail address brinaert.philippe@skynet.be
  14. For sale in M- condition, superb HEDDIE HOLLAND I'm on the outside lookin in/ I couldn't cry if you wanted to MOTOWN issue in M- condition 170 GBP ad 4% for paypal fees. Shipping registered 14 GBP Scan or sample on request. Mail address brinaert.philippe@skynet.be
  15. Hello, From which date is this list? Do you still have some records of this list. Thanks For answer. Philippe.
  16. Hello, I'm interested by this record. Could you confirm your email address, it seems incorrect. Thanks. Mine is brinaert.philippe@skynet.be Philippe.
  17. I know it is an old topic but... In which year was it conterfeit? I think so crazy that it could be conterfeit with so many details specially in the deadwax. Usually conterfeit doesn't have those details,second press yes. Where can we find informations about that except in the Johnmanship book? Who in the USA can confirm that is a boot. Who did those bootelg? In Belgium?... There was no reasons to make this kind of boot with so many details for the equivalent of 5 euros at that time equivalent of 3 GBP...it was nothing. Not necessary to be so precise for peanuts. Maybe is it a different press as many orders exist. Look the different press of Sam Fletcher I'd think it over. Yellow with big TOLLIE, with the square, with different kind of yellow,with different inscriptions, the white promo
  18. I know it is an old topic but... In which year was it conterfeit? I think so crazy that it could be conterfeit with so many details specially in the deadwax. Usually conterfeit doesn't have those details,second press yes. Where can we find informations about that except in the Johnmanship book? Who in the USA can confirm that is a boot. Who did those bootelg? In Belgium?... There was no reasons to make this kind of boot with so many details for the equivalent of 5 euros at that time equivalent of 3 GBP...it was nothing. Not necessary to be so precise for peanuts. Maybe is it a different press as many orders exist. Look the different press of Sam Fletcher I'd think it over. Yellow with big TOLLIE, with the square, with different kind of yellow,with different inscriptions, the white promo
  19. Ok I'll do that Philippe.
  21. BOBBY KING Thanks Mr Postman FEDERAL M- 150 gbp
  22. Hello, Few records for sale ZUMA Record - ZUMA - You're a bad habit M- 400usd VEE JAY -WADE FLEMONS - That other place Ex to M- 200usd BON-RAN - T BABY GREEN - Sound the bell Ex to M- 150usd VIRGITONE - E JACKIE HINES - I'm so glad M- First press 80USD MALA - JOHNNY NOBLE - Bring it back Ex to M- 80usd SEEBURG Record - SEEBURG SPOTLITE BAND - Oh no, Not my baby Motown style Ex 70usd GONE - JO ANN CAMPBELL - I Really really love you VG+ 100usd TCR - LOUIS JORDAN - 65 BARS VG to VG+ 500usd Soundclip and scan on request. GRADING All records are graded visually on the scale used also by Goldmine (M , M- , EX , VG++ , VG+ ,VG ,VG- ,G). Shipping cost ONLY REGISTERED MAIL. 18 USD. Records are shipped from Belgium. ONLY PAYPAL ACCEPTED

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