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Everything posted by Shelly74

  1. how can anyone not? great cover version by an amazing group x
  2. Thanks Steve, not often I like cover versions, this is good tho by The Flirtations XX
  3. Just got my sister to message the son and thank you for the correction, as in the author doesn't think there is a connection after all x
  4. book by Bill Dahl & Weldon A. McDougal, III I'm sure they would know what they are talking about? plus Dave said one of the members looks the same, could have been in both groups? x
  5. We read a book on the net that says this about The Lollipops (V.I.P/Impact group) after not having much success they then moved on to record for RCA label so the 2 pics that Dave has could be same group maybe? here is link: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=8JRHnCMUVb8C&pg=PA274&lpg=PA274&dq=THE+LOLLIPOPS+VIP+LABEL&source=bl&ots=qT5_KiMuqr&sig=4J1Pvfq_IYm-nCZAZ2M6RnJ4KqY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEUQ6AEwCjgKahUKEwjxkNP1srDHAhWkbtsKHRBZAGE#v=onepage&q=THE LOLLIPOPS VIP LABEL&f=false

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