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    APOEL EVERYTHING CYPRUS-cyprusisgreek Anything soulful-not just northern
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    lady in green-magnetics

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  1. Remember hearing 5000 volts 'I'm on Fire', at the Casino. I walked off the dance floor in a Huff. Another record to consider is John Miles 'One Minute Every Hour'. I met John in the 90s and mentioned the record, he was bloody amazed anyone knew it.
  2. R I P. A damn good singer whose wonderful voice enthralled the northern scene. Today is a day of Paris blues.
  3. Looking forward to hearing this. Will pick up from P.O. tomorrow. Another Ace/Kent gem.
  4. I said to my wife,"I'm going up north". She said "OKeh, love, be up soon, just watching the end of this film".
  5. My fave Major Lance. He definatly had Soul in his shoes.
  6. Again sad news,love reading shrine stories (interviews).another soulful legend passes us by. Kudos to you Andy for your painstaking hard work in your love for Washington soul. I still have the Eddie Singleton interview you did on tape.
  7. This will indeed make a great birthday present,to me of course. If the mags are anything to go by this book will be superb.
  8. Dusty genuinely seemed to be having the time of her life. A kid in a sweet shop in her favourite pick n' mix. A great early showcase of Motown music that become the staple diet for mods and hipsters of the day and eventually the soul fans of the UK.
  9. I'll defy anybody that didn't shed a tear when Mary Wilson talks about the death of Florence Ballard. Enjoyed the documentary
  10. Yes looking forward to this but why oh why has the lp got less tracks,why don't numero put out track for track likeness.
  11. A friend of mine who is into Philly soul,rare groove,disco and funk etc is Djing in the city of brotherly love and the two days (approx) he's there for,would like to visit somewhere of musical significance.i suggested maybe a recording studio (SIGMA) of some sort as I believe the Philadelphia International shop etc are no longer in operation. Any suggestions anyone?.
  12. Knowing Maryam all these years I can guarantee she's all female and so nice with it,(please don't take that the wrong way),as for the strange bit,that's my bag along with all crate digging socially inept males.and proud of it I am.
  13. R I P to Lucky,a brave courageous and intelligent man. he,ll be sorely missed.
  14. I for one never came across racism and speaking to my mate Sammy Dee neither did he,when I hear these comments I do wonder of the origin. its always been a puzzle to me why(for example) people go to black music gigs,buy exclusively black music yet hate black people,it just doesn't make sense.i think a lot of these comments from people that they encountered racism at soul venues was not from regular soul attendees but people from outside seeing what the fuss was all about at all nighters.
  15. If you listen to "Mr Soul Satisfaction" by the legend that is Mr Timmy Willis, is what we ever wanted to be to the girls,in fact he's so bad he should've been born twins, Good god y'all.

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