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Everything posted by Mssoulie

  1. Gladys Knight for me every time.
  2. O yes TOP DJs. You can always tell the ones that can't or don't dance. Even if they've got the original acetate of everything. Just saying. Hugh
  3. As Ste gal has said it's not a practice run so each to there own. And as the tattoo on my arm says. ONLY CAME TO DANCE. Hugh.
  4. Sounds like my Mrs when we are out shopping and she drops one and walks away leaving me standing with the shop assistant. Sorry a bit crude but I couldn't resist. Hugh
  5. Tuuuuuune. Us lot dancing to this would confuse some people these days. As would the tattoos some of us have. Just saying.
  6. A up Jeff. Yer that's where I remember it from. God what a great place that was. I couldn't wait until I was 13 because then you could stay until 10 o'clock. The nutter Andy Farndale gave me Tim Tam when I was 12grs old. Still got it in my box. Mad as a box of frogs he was but bloody hell could he dance. And you could hear Hattie's clap all over the club when he was on the floor. Great days mate.....
  7. You missed out Showaddywaddy and Darts. They were my meat and potatoes until I was 11yrs old and could go to the Youth club in 1978. Then my eyes got opened..... .
  8. Thank you Dean . Rest in piece sir. Such sad news. That nighter up there is getting to be a real packer and the headline acts are amazing. Let's hope that's true and we all get to do it all again forever. Hugh x Yvonne
  9. Can't fault you Mike. Hugh
  10. And Sheridan's. Went to The Metrodome in Barnsley just the once. Sports halls with concrete floors aren't for me. Hugh
  11. Thanks for your input Mike. I thought I was unburdening myself. Now I'm just getting bullied all the way from the top.
  12. Got to agree Steve. Stop Girl is epic. Given the chance I play it back to back with Posse Evil. Hugh
  13. Thanks for your understanding Rob. But Skiing in the snow REALLY.... Hugh
  14. This might have been asked before.But here goes anyway. What record really does it for you even though you know it's a bit naff. Mines Tim Tam and the Turn Ons. Wait a Minute. There I said it. I feel a burden has been lifted. Anybody else need to unburden..... Hugh.
  15. I've followed these 2 on YouTube for ages. Brilliant they are, all power to them. Hugh.
  16. Motown wouldn't exist without him. Just saying
  17. Somebody had this at my old youth club. That's when I last heard it. RIP. Hugh
  18. I can still dance to this FULL PELT for at least 27 seconds. What a tune.......
  19. A wedding present in 2004 from Ronnie Pedley was 4 tapes that he'd made for Yvonne and me of all our favourite Northern Motown and RnB tracks, most rare and obscure. Obviously we've still got them and have a Listen now and then. The best thing is he recorded them straight from the original vinyl that he owns. Some collection he has. Hugh
  20. Now then me old mate, hope you are keeping well buddy. Top tune . We all need to be out and about again soon . Stay safe Jeff. Hopefully see you soon. XX that's for Bev. Honest.
  21. Masqueraders. First six notes and I was hooked. Wow what a tune.......
  22. Can't argue with that tune mate. But the Superlatives, nah can't agree with you there. Although is alot of (northern) not really Motown anyway. Seeing as Northern Soul is a Scene that encompasses various music genres. !!!!
  23. Top tune. It was a toss up between that and The Superlatives..

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