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Everything posted by Mssoulie

  1. Hiya kev. Just had a few hours picking through the track lists you've put up. Thank you mate. Things I didn't know and things I'd forgotten . Brilliant. Hugh
  2. Sensible words there mate. I lost my Mojo a bit lately with the way things are at the moment. Then the other day just put a played out play list on YouTube whilst doing some paperwork and the first track .( Like Adam and Eve)came on and the old feelings and emotions came back . Paperwork didn't get done . Yes I love to hear things that are new to me but a bit of a break reminded me why I also love the stuff we all know every beat and word of.
  3. Edwin all day long..
  4. I'll stay out of this one then as my opinions facts and truths etc will obviously offend and certainly don't fit the narrative.
  5. And there is one of the reasons Im not out playing. The first events to give the finger to any restrictions will be full to the rafters. And before I get the standard ( what about infections ) . Remember a few years ago that bird flue was the next Anthrax. Well bird flue is rife at the moment. Not on mainstream though is it. .
  6. There's still a lot of good dancers around . It depends where you go. But my way of thinking is how many good footballers do you see that are 55+yrs old. Age is the thing unfortunately. Drugs or no drugs knees still ware out.
  7. Trick Bag. I'd completely forgotten about that one.Brilliant. Probably Sheridans when I last heard it...
  8. Steve You don t even look like Andy .
  9. Julian, They were just warming up so they could dance to Carl and Maries full set.. Sorry mate.
  10. Word perfect to my ears John. Also not really a way of life but definitely a big part of all of ours. That's why we are on here.
  11. Thought it was Saltburn......Sorry
  12. I think she's packing them in because if she's not behind the decks she's dancing. There's not to many do that.
  13. I was lucky enough to be ships company on board HMS FIFE in 1987 when we did the Great lakes tour. ST JOHNS, QUEBEC, MONTREAL, TORONTO. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, CLEVELAND and then back home. This took six months. The clubs in Chicago were brilliant but were mostly House music. Had some interesting conversations about the black fist tattoo on a (white guy). The best was in Milwaukee though. Can't remember the names but a group of us in the gunners mess volunteerd to go out to a fire fighters association club to represent the Ship. We got talking to some of the younger members and we found out there was a club that played mostly 60s music a couple of blocks away. Excuses made and of three of us went. Amazing night was had, alsorts of Northern and Motown. Caused a real stir the way we danced. Still makes me smile now. Hugh
  14. She's a very lucky woman....
  15. Tee shirt weather that is Steve. I live in North Yorkshire.
  16. Hiya Steve . All good here mate. Hope it's the same at yours. X to Lou. Makes sense that it would be.
  17. It's not so much grabbing the bull. It's that where I would probably go will be quiet because people that would have been there in the past have set up various events of a similar flavour on the same night and not far enough away to be busy. I think I'll give it a miss and do some fingering like Mal C.
  18. Thought I might venture out this Saturday. More than 40 events listed. How much more watered down can it get. Hugh.
  19. Thats common sense you're talking Steve. Unfortunately it's getting less common.
  20. If the Huge Dix is a FUNNY AS FXXK PLAY on my name then let's hope we met up when you return here. The avatar is because my wife also uses this site. If that sounds threatening , o we'll never mind I'm sure John Fart understands.
  21. It's been said that there aren't any younger DJs about. Pete Jones and Alex Simms are two exceptions. Both fill the floor they can both dance as well and will always surprise people with what they play. Hugh
  22. So it was you.......

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