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Everything posted by Mssoulie

  1. So sad. Not seen him for ages. That nighter up there is getting packed. RIP Kit .
  2. Can you imagine RLSD being played at Lowton, Prestwich, Bury, Brighouse, Sheridans, Kingsway Hall. Eggborough. And many more, All Northern venues that are up north. NOPE me neither. North South divide maybe.
  3. Anybody got an Ear worm at the moment that they just can't stop playing, singing or listening to. Mines not really Northern etc. The Vogues. Its a 5 o'clock world. I'm off to play it again. Hugh.
  4. Good to hear you're both good. The boss is great as always. You are right about the venues. Carl piper has just packed in The Kingsway. Such a shame. We've had some belting nights over the years though. But who knows what's around the corner. I'm not hanging up my dancing shoes just yet. Most of the faces are still knocking about we just need the the places to go to.
  5. Thanks Geoff. Haven't seen you for to long mate. Hugh
  6. Buy a motorbike and keep the records.
  7. Absolutely mate. Enjoy.
  8. For the crowd that want to have a go at that Northern Soul thing that happened at Wigan Pier years ago, Then let them have it. Me... I still miss Sheridans, Bidds, Keele etc etc etc........ Hugh
  9. Bloody hell Carl mate. Loads of great memories and loads of great friends. The Soul family still exists and you are still at the very centre of that brother. You and Val stay happy and safe. I'll see you Out On the floor somewhere mate. Love to you both. Hugh x Yvonne Always know this... Ian is proud of you mate. KTF
  10. I think you got that on the nail for my way of thinking. Hugh.
  11. Great Post Chalky. They'll be some serious chin stroking going on with this one.
  12. Hiya Carl. All good here mate. Hope you're both good as well. See you soon mate. Ktf. Hugh.
  13. The place to be this Saturday. The Kingsway always delivers. Hugh x Yvonne.
  14. Anybody interested in buying an original Central Soul Club Patch please get in touch. Hugh 07984642513.
  15. Flipping heck that's nearly a motor bike..... Sorry mate.
  16. Have a great night all. The Kingsway has a heart of Soul and never disappoints. Hugh... Ktf
  17. The weekend is here. All roads lead to the Kingsway. Records ready shoes polished and excitement creeping in. It'll be great to see everyone. Hope I can do the Kingsway proud. I like it hot and sweaty so I'll see you all Out On the Floor. Hugh.
  18. A up Ste. Will be good to see you both. Hopefully we can both play out.
  19. Chuffed to bits to be asked to spin a few tunes at the Kingsway. Can't wait to see faces I haven't seen for far to long. See you all out on the floor. Hugh. Ktf
  20. I've lived up in Yorkshire since I was 4 yrs old. But was born in Penllyn, which is a small village near Cowbridge. Still got some family down there and always make a point of getting to Oggmore and Southerndown when we visit. Six Nations is always a time of mixed feelings as well. Hugh
  21. Your secrets safe on hear.
  22. Seen loads over the years. A stand out for me was Dee Dee Sharpe at Prestatyn around 2006 . Listened to her practice in the afternoon singing Deep Dark Secret. It stopped the place in its tracks. Still gives me goose bumps. Aren't we lucky to know about and hear such things.....
  23. This is so sad. Thank you Mr R. Dean Taylor. My music journey which I'm still enjoying to this day all started with TAGIMH. RIP. Hugh
  24. Little Anthony for me out of the ones quoted. So soulful.
  25. Wow I like that......

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