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Everything posted by Dennisoul

  1. I`ve found that 30 minuite spots work well if it works on a rotation throughout the night with all the guys that are dj`n,though I`d play all night if given the chance...............I`d be a bit miffed Lenny if I`d been booked to play and was only given 45 mins,I think the promoters have over booked dj`s if 45 mins is all they`re getting to play.
  2. Offers invited for Shirley Lawson " One More Chance " / " The Star " - Soul City UK original. 1968. Has one very small tear on the edge of the lable about 3mm by 3mm,other than that lable and vinyl M- PM if interested, Andy Dennison.
  3. Some for Sale,PM if interested. Jimmy Reed Jr " I Aint Goin No Where " Mercury £180 M- Vernon Greene " Look At Me,Look at Me " Minit Audition copy £90 M- Mick Vickers " On The Brink " Columbia UK £ 70 M- Charles Thomas " The Man With The Golden Touch " Loma w/d ex+ £50 plays great Sam Dees" Fragile Handle With Care " / " Save The Love at Any Cost "Atlantic issue- this has the good `b` side unlike the w/d which has the same on both sides. £ 100 M- cheers, Andy Dennison
  4. Iv`e got a copy of a thing by Gloria Lynne " Sometimes it be`s that way " on Fontana,I can`t remember what the b side is but " Sometimes........" is an uptempo beefy sort of cut.I don`t think she did much else on fontana,so it could be the other side of the one I`ve mentioned.
  5. I remeber keb playin JD Bryant at Allanton and announcing it as rarest soul record quickly followed by Betty Turner as a new discovery.I` m sure I made a mess in ma kegs straight after was a bit too much in one go.
  6. Nice tune Mark,would be good if you could put a few more of your hidden gems up for us to hear,you must be about ready to come out of retirement mate.Blow the dust of some of they rare gems of yours.
  7. Great tune,always remember Rob Marriot playin this at Blackburn.See it going for £300 to £400 depending on condition.Propper hardcore northern!!!!!
  8. For me the start to the 4 Perfections " I`m not strong enough " is an instant hit!!!!
  9. Dan I`ve seen a few with the small 45 from £10 - £30 depending on condition,the larger 45 in good nick £100+.It`s a real tuffy to track down.
  10. I`m gonna print this off ,frame it,and hang it above the record deck in my house,as a reminder of what it`s really all about,beautifully put Mikey.
  11. Hi there lass,great minds think alike just exactly what I thought at the time.He played that many good tunes that it got a bit confusing,but those two really stuck in my head.Did you have a listen to that Major Lance track that a kind soul sourcer put up on the site for me.Would have thought it was your type of thing,I love it to bits. I`m doin just great at the mo Jo,how you keepin yourself?
  12. Don`t know if this answers your question as they`re both cover/ups.Both played by Butch,his Masqueraders c/u and his Jean Carter c/u.I heard them for the first time about a month ago and there were plenty of people on the dancefloor so they must be up there.
  13. Thanks for the info Tom do you have any idea if it`s been played at all on the northern curcuit.
  14. Thanks Dan,I managed to get one of the first issue white demos,the one with the larger 45 on the lable.I``ve seen a few of the later issues with the small 45 on it for not that much cash so it was a real find to get a proper one.
  15. I`m on a bit of a Major Lance spree at the moment and have just picked up a copy of "Too Hot To Hold " on Okey.I`d appreciate it if somebody could put up a sound clip of this as I`m sure there will be a few new fans to this track I think it`s awsome.I`m not sure what airtime it`s had but I`m gonna give this some spins very shortly.Would appreciate a sound clip. thanks Andy
  16. LINDA JONES, HYPNOTIZED, LOMA, mint X2 I got a copy of this in M- condition from ebay a few months back for 25 Dollars which I thought was a bargain.Nobody else bid on it so that was very cheap in my opinion,think I seen one the other week on ebay and the starting price was £50 I dont know if it sold for that though.
  17. Good point Joan,I`d have put a safety net and a matress underneath the table,just to be on the safe side.
  18. Frank Foster " Harlem Rumble " or that one that Guy used to play " Michigan Move " they both do it for me.
  19. Got one Div,managed to get a M- condition one aswell which is fab as nearly all copys are in bad shape.Thanks all the same mate and yea I`ll be at the Web on Sat.Big Lennys on the decks so I`m looking forward to some top tunes. Andy.
  20. PM or ph me on 07766918966 if interested in any of the following.Postage £1.50 recorded £4.50 registered in the U.K...Ph if you want a blast down the phone. Marlina Mars " Just Another Dance " Okey w/d..M-...£110.....Superb mid tempo...her rarest. Brad Lundy " I Want To Share " Lundy £70 small sticker on lable EX++.... great crossover The Earls " Papa " Mr.G....M-...£60.....really bad title but a great mid to up track on a tough lable. The Persianettes " Call On Me "/" It Happens Every Day" Strata ..EX++ £60....2 thumpin sides on the rarest of the 2 releases....magic!!!. Offers considered. cheers Andy.
  21. Pete absolutely spot on,I`ve got a British issue and untill you mentioned it I would never have noticed it jump.I`ve just had a real close listen and as you said unless you are looking for it you wont hear it,but I`ll notice every time now,must have been a pressing plant fault.So both the issue and the demo have this.
  22. Brilliant track!!!!!!!,Jock O`Connor used to play this at the Allanton allnighters about 90/91,it absolutely blows the cobwebs off.I`m gonna start giving this a load o spins up here north of the Border. I think Jock got it right when he called it " the daddy of all instrumentals."
  23. I`m looking for ; Fantastic Four " Can`t Stop Looking For My Baby " Ric Tic. If any of you guys have a copy for sale please let me know. thanks, Andy.

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