For sale, phone me on 07766918966 or pm/ email if interested.
Expotations " I Want You " VIR-RO ----£130 M- ultra popular Detroit 70`s, a dancefloor winner in perfect condition !!!
Shirley Lawson " One More chance " Soul City M-, £150 real hard British issue in M- condition reduced for quick sale.Has one very small tear on lable 5mm by 5mm.other than that M-
Sam Dees " Fragile Handle With Care " Atlantic M- £100, total dancefloor winner in perfect condition.
Buddy Lamp " Save your love " Wheelsville one sided DJ copy M-. real hard!!!!! Offers for this please!!! - For a listen go to Manships " Rarest of the Rare " STORMER!!!
Andy Dennison