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Everything posted by Dennisoul

  1. Thanks Val, beautiful tracks!!.....hope somebody puts up "Dont Go", that really hits the spot too.
  2. In my ignorance, until a couple of weeks ago I never gave this LP a second thought. Always passing it by and never listening or purchasing this readily available lp...More fool me!!! It`s a stunner,.... I`d put some of the tracks up but a canny dae it....! Luckily Baz A has put " Lets Groove" on refosoul so I`ve included that one below, hopefully somebody will put others up from the " New Born Free" lp. For me its up there with their Soul Superman LP. Andy "Lets Groove"
  3. Fantastic news ... and I hope you get the 2 that are missing as well.
  4. Used to collect a lot of Duke...am on the Revilot, Wheelsville, D Town and Groovesville trail at the moment., loving every minuite of it. And it aint costing an arm and a leg
  5. Yip plenty on Ang...all tastes catered for
  6. My heart really sinks when I hear that somebody has had their records nicked...I hope you get them back and name who it is, bastards!!! Andy
  7. Tubbs, the flip side to Precilla Page...I`m pretending on Topper is, " Throw the poor Dog a Bone" featuring PePe the Poodle as per the credits on the label. It`s a pretty nice tune except PePe the mutt pipes up with a well timed , "YAP YAP" every 20 seconds or there abouts.
  8. Think I`ve got me wires mixed up on this track. I`m a bit clearer now, for some reason I`ve been thinking JM Mattews was male.....I`ll just get me coat. Cheers for the help Andy
  9. Sean the acetate is just a studio cut, it`s not a 60s looking thing. Just a plain white label with a large centre hole. Andy
  10. Pete, who`s the male version by that I`ve heard? I`m very confused now
  11. I found a female version of Johnnie Mae Matthews..I Have No Choice, on an acetate this morning in amongst the deepest crevice of my ever growing sh**e pile.... F**ked if I know why it was put there it`s gorgeous!! There`s a clip in refosoul which I`ve included below, the clip refers to it being Audrey Matthews...is it unissued? Any help would be appreciated. thanks, Andy
  12. Real bad news....been playing a few of his tunes in memory of him, they all still sound as fresh as the first time I heard them. Really sad news, along with the other greats that we`ve lost this year. I for one am grateful to have been introduced to his work.
  13. Theres things disappeared up there and never been seen again Gash
  14. Unbelieveably spooky, within a minuite of each other.....It`s gettin near Haloween, could be that my luvly.
  15. Tom thats the very one your looking for, " Should I believe you " is the other side of " Peaceful, Lonely and Free " It`s brilliant as well, infact I think it`s even beter than " PLF " an uptempo thumper.....wonderful double sider!!! Andy
  16. ..Stompa!
  17. Always a full contingent up for Allanton/ Shotts...Bruce brought a cabbage for a pal once. Even the cabbage was encouraged to dance, on the middle of the floor it was. Great bunch, massive into 60s newies.
  18. After the Allanton/ Shotts thread, I think it`s essential that the magical mayhem all nighters at the Glenrothes YM in Fife are given a thread too. Especially since Alan Walls one of the promoters is on Soulsource now, Alans brother Steve was the other promoter. The Glenrothes YM was my first allnighter, cant remember what month..perhaps October, definitely 1984 though. Must have run for at least 3 years, Mr Walls will remember. Across the board music, as far as I remember, but edging more towards new and under played 60s/70s. The Atmosphere at Times was absolute F**kin Mahem...!!!! When Mick Vickers...On The Brink.. was played it was absolute carnage, women and children thrown out the way to get to the dance floor...and as normal, absolutely no space on the dance floor.....so....onto the tables people would climb. I also remember Robin Salter playing Larry Wedgeworth..".No More Games" as a first time out and the place erupted, so much so that when Alan was on the decks later, he either just bought Robins copy or borrowed it , played it again, and the f**kin roof came off!!! The Guys that played there, as well as Alan himself as far as I can remember...Spike, Brian Welsh, Mark Linton, Keith Whitson , Jock O Connor, Jim Tennent, Colin Law, Zander, Robin Salter, Pete Mckernan, Keb Darge, Jim Winseora and Pat Brady, Guy Hennigan. There were more I`m sure but canny think off hand. Even got a go myself when spike went on holiday one month, thanks Al and Steve!! One of the biggest surprises was seeing Jock O`Connor there, or perhaps it was a bigger surprise for Jock seeing me there, as young 16 year old. I`d known Jock all my life, since I was a toddler in fact, he just lived over the road from me. A huge but great surprise, and from then on Jock kept me right on all things soul with his superior knowledge, cheers Jock! Thanks Alan and Steve for helping make a lot of great memories. Andy Dennison
  19. Top shout lass
  20. Like it very much Gogs
  21. A few to get you going ; JJ Barnes...Say It / Deeper In Love...Ric Tic .... £5 to £10 Pat Lewis ...Can`t Shake It Loose / Lets get Togeather...Golden World £10 to £15 The Parliaments....Don`t Be Sore At Me...Revilot... £10 to £15 Ambassadors...Good Love Gone Bad....Atlantic...£20 to £25 Cheap beautys Andy
  22. Fab condition as well, love this track!
  23. Roy Hamilton ...Heartache Hurry On By....RCA Victor He absolutely f**kin nails it!!!

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