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Everything posted by Dennisoul

  1. Yes you have taught me well sir, but like all masters they never let the pupil know everything....so yes a visit to yer hoose to bend yer ears on all things soul sounds fab o guru.
  2. Very true
  3. I bet it would ma love.....now yer talkin it would fit very neatly in the box.
  4. A very confusing subject....av seen out and out ballads advertised for sale in this genre also.
  5. Great stuff... Small world... Love the voicemasters stuff. Would someone please put up.. " you've hurt me baby" ... Top tune!!
  6. Sometimes I wish I'd never started collecting records.... I've been very lucky in picking up some nice tunes over the years, even adding my alltime fav tune to the collection. Like most collectors on here I've sold a few and regreted it, but I always dive straight back into the collecting game right after I've promised myself I won't buy another. I love northern, rare soul or soul or whatever you want to call it..... Probably more than a passion, more a disease. I just can't fathom it out, one day it's a complete joy. Other days I'll give the record boxes a nasty look other days a look of complete and utter love. I'm chuffed with what sounds I've kept and added to the collection. Is it just ego or just so deep rooted in my blood that I keep collecting... Wish I new!!! But sometimes I do wish I'd never started! Andy
  7. Cissy Stone is a fab tune and worth the price being asked for.
  8. Fab choice Baz, av played NGLYG out a few times north of the border with not much success yet. It will have it's day....2 perfect sides.
  9. Mac Staten.... There she goes... Prelude pm with price and condition if you've got a copy for sale cheers Andy
  10. Proper northern tune it is indeed.
  11. Vivian Copeland... Crossover perfection......as delicious as they come!
  12. Northern wise - " love starved heart...... " For pure listening pleasure - " what's going on " LP ..... Desert island disc stuff!!!
  13. Couple from Jesse James that shouldn't cost more than a tenner. "I know I'll never find another one" on ZAY " The same thing Happens " on FOX Both uptempo gems. Andy
  14. Nice one Pat...yeah that Eleanor lass can sing.
  15. Norman Connors...This is your life...Arista Lp I remember picking this LP up about 1985 and absolutely hating it, didn't have any stompers on it!! sure I payed about 15 quid for it too. Pulled it out of a very dusty corner this week for probably the first time since. Well what a lovely surprise, gorgeous tunes indeed. Anybody else listened to it?
  16. Gogs... the orange label design of the stereo side of your demo has the same label design as the US lp. Nice lookin demo you have there.
  17. Also came out on their US lp on Calla. Couple of really nice tracks on the lp also. Always liked " I'm so glad"
  18. Funny as f..... great story Pete
  19. Sent you an email Tony Andy
  20. Absolutely love this tune.....Like your comment " I`m just off to cuddle my record" ....absa-effin-lutely!!!!, I have and still do cuddle my tunes..... you`ve bought something that you love adore and in my book thats what its about! Price doesnt come into it!...Its a rare tune and in my book worth everthing you`ve payed for it. Sounds like its went to a very loving home, and will be cared for till the next custodian takes up ownership!...well done on getting one of your all time tunes... Other peoples comments dont come into it where personal favs are concerned, in one ear and oot the other mate.
  22. Bad luck with your 45, hope your well mate. cheers Andy
  23. I`m lookin for a copy of......Rubaiyats - Omar Khayyam - Sansu. pm with price and condition if you can help. cheers............SORTED NOW...THANKS! Andy

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