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Everything posted by Dennisoul

  1. Anyone have a scan of Martha Star - love is the only solution.. White demo? I've still not seen one. thanks Andy
  2. I used to digest Kent comps..... Footstompers was me first... Earl Jacksons... Soul self satisfaction was the track that hooked me. Andy
  3. There's one on Gemm for 34 dollars......JMs site has one at 40 quid. Terrific record....hope you get one Andy
  4. I'm sure it was called " Dare "
  5. Absolutely.... Used to do a kick followed by a back drop...always thought it was a top move lol....breaks me back now!! Still try a few moves in the house.... Usually followed with a hobble back to the couch.
  6. haha....a few of the guys I used to drink with at the time were into Duran Duran and Wham and used to play those 2 all the time...never admited that I liked those 2 tracks...just seem to evoke good memories when I hear them...sing me heart out in the car when they come on the radio... I know all the words too haha. Liked Human League had one of their albums.
  7. thanks Andy....I've a copy to sell, didn't know what to put on it....it's in the sales. Had put 200 on it, would accept a decent offer. atb Andy
  8. Please take this the right way... Is that a scan of the W/D? It sort of looks like an issue that's lost all it colour? Please don't take offence, not trying to be cheeky. Cheers Andy
  9. keeping well Gary.... Hope you are too mate
  10. Can't remember ever seeing a white demo of Silky Hargraves - Hurt By Love - D Town. Anyone got one/ scan? cheers Andy
  11. Heartbreakers... "I've got to face it "... Derby City.... M- beauty of a copy ....£50... SOLD no fees... pp included...refund if not happy. cheers Andy
  12. Mamselles - SOLD
  13. Barbara Carr.... My Mama Told Me....Chess w/d £200 Mamselles....Open Up Your Heart...ABC w/d £130- SOLD both in nice clean condition, money back if not happy. No fees and post included Andy
  14. I've a white demo of Barbara Carr.. My mama told me... Chess. Any idea of value on this? any help apreciated. thanks Andy
  15. Oops wrong section! Andy
  16. great tune also Nige Andy
  17. Hey Joan........for sure.......heard sound clips form the Spittles, think Kevs playin it at the mo....another beauty from the Blue Rock stables. Hope i can track down a copy. hope your well luv x
  18. Festivals - Checking it out - Blue Rock If anyone can help with a copy please pm with price and condition. Thanks Andy
  19. Like the KTF thing, just goes with northern....
  20. Always wondered what "don't drop out" was for.
  21. Wham - last christmas / club tropicana feel better for gettin that off me chest!
  22. Lil Ernie Johnson - loving you / doing alright - Ride £20 Plus 4 - happiest girl in the world - WB w/d - 12 Roscoe Shelton - strain on my heart/ question - Sims 10 prices include p+p and all in nice clean condition. Money back if not happy. Accept paypal, cash, cheque, juice bottles, cola cubes and curly wurlys. Andy
  23. Michael-j..... Yeah exactly the same cut, thanks for the info. Just looked a nice lp to have on Jayboy from 1969...worth the £1.50. Cheers Andy

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