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Everything posted by Dennisoul

  1. Lamp sisters - no cure for the blues
  2. Ted Taylor - somebodys always trying
  3. Matt Brown - Thank you baby
  4. Lovelites - my concience
  5. There were some fantastic tunes played at Allanton/ Shotts allnighters....it ran for about 4 and a half years from 87- 91 and created a lot of memories, the first few bars of many tunes that are still played today are enough to evoke some of the finest memories.....Ive posted up a couple that used to take the roof off !!....if you were there and can add to list please do... Colin Law`s Willie G and the magical Rhythm Band c/u Hayes Cotton - Black Wings Have my angel
  6. One of your plays at Allanton if I remember correctly Jock
  7. Jnr Walker - Edinburgh playhouse Jam- Edinburgh playhouse Chuck Jackson- Great Yarmouth weekender
  8. Out on the floor inferno LP Floorshakers Kent LP Jam- sound effects Sex pistols - great rock n roll swindle
  9. Artistics - hope we have
  10. Cd arrived yesterday....fabulous indeed. volume 2 canny wait :-)
  11. I'd never sell any tunes because of a particular present or future trend.....I do sell some 45s to fund a new want if the funds aren't available.....or if personal financial circumstances required they be sold then tunes would be sold.
  12. Magic Phil....Mr Marriott responsible for some belting tunes mate
  13. How nice is that....fabulous tune, Rob Marriott used to give this a spin
  14. I stand corrected Pete....3 top chaps and a lady collector in Cheshire
  15. Marc...only the 3 top chaps that you've mentioned are lucky enough to own a copy
  16. Chuck Jackson at Gt Yarmouth was of the best live acts I've ever seen......he sang all his wand and northern tunes amazing...I've got a load of photos I took of this performance I'll put some up when I get a mo...
  17. A guy once same up to me and said his burd didn't like the tunes I was playing and offered to do the next 30 minuites of my set lol....to add to it guy was actually one of the promotors.......I politely declined his kind offer lol
  18. Tremendous to say the least.....well done Ady
  19. Thanks Chalky.....just had a look at my copy, I have the T- 101 mix which for me is the slightly weaker mix. I'd say the T - 101RM is the better mix of the 2
  20. Derek there's 2 takes of this both look identical except the matrix in dead wax....both brilliant but one is a slightly stronger mix....not sure what the matrix of the stronger is though...defo 2 different mixes though
  21. Well said Jock....all the guys you've mentioned and more with fabulous knowledge would quite happily share what they knew without judging anyone on what they did or didn't know about records....I was like sponge for knowledge from these guys and learned so much...conversations were at the level you knew and never ever patronising...I knew very little and came away so much richer for the experience....it was normal for guys like Rob, Keb, Butch, Ady, yourself, Gaz etc to come an sit or stand next to you and happily talk for ages about northern and records....such a rich time for impressionable young soulies like myself.....fabulous times indeed
  22. Jim am almost certain you and Jock arrived with Jim Tennent and Kerso or JG....the room was packed

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